The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1000: Love is hard to give up (1)

Looking at the two people who were still bickering, Mo Yan felt strangely that they had similar auras and were an unexpected match.

However, when this noisy scene fell into the eyes of Da Nier, who was hiding in the corner, it was like a sharp sword, piercing straight into her heart. The expectation that filled her heart suddenly became bloody and painful.

In terms of family background, appearance, and status, there is nothing she can compare with that princess. The only thing that can beat the princess is probably a temper that is better than the princess!

However, there are so many girls with good tempers, good family backgrounds and good looks in the world. If he looks down on the superior princess, how can he look down on himself who has nothing?

She weaved a beautiful dream, in which the man she liked happened to like her too, and they got married, had children, and grew old together... But a dream is just a dream, so how could it become reality? That beautiful dream was like a net, trapping only herself.

Although they had met many times, he had never looked at her directly. Never, at that time, she should have woken up from her daydream. Why did she think that he might like her?

Tears were pouring down like a dam. Da Nier covered her mouth with one hand to prevent herself from making any sound. With the other hand, she clenched the newly made moon-white purse that she had no time to send out. Reason told her that she should leave immediately and completely give up on this dazzling man from now on, and never think about it again, but her feet seemed to be nailed to the spot, unable to move even an inch.

Although Mo Yan's eyes were on Yan Junyu and Princess Chang'an, he was always paying attention to Da Nier's movements. Seeing her painful expression, she felt very uncomfortable.

She endured it again and again, and finally resisted the urge to rush over to comfort her. Seeing the two people arguing endlessly, he added fuel to the fire: "You two, it's better to stop arguing. Those who don't know better would think you are flirting!"

Hearing Mo Yan's words, Princess Chang'an, who was aggressive about getting married, felt unusually shy. Her pink face was quickly covered with a blush, and she looked completely different from before: "Isn't it true?"

Yan Junyu, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, jumped up and retorted: "I didn't flirt with this tigress. I still want to live for two more years and marry a virtuous and virtuous wife. You girl can't do it anymore." You want to talk nonsense and ruin your reputation."

"Pure reputation?" Before Mo Yan could say anything, Princess Chang'an's expression changed, and she said with a very vicious blow: "Go all over the capital and ask if Yan Junyu still has a reputation to speak of. If it weren't for you and me, For the sake of your childhood sweethearts growing up, this princess took pity on you because no one wanted you at your age, so I begged the Imperial Grandmother and Imperial Uncle for a marriage. You consider yourself a hot potato, and there are people lining up to marry you!"

This kind of ridicule is very powerful. It is impossible for any man to endure it, let alone Yan Junyu, who has always been praised by others!

So Young Master Yan abandoned the fine tradition of good men not fighting with women, and opened his mouth, which was more poisonous than eating arsenic: "No matter how unbearable I am, I am better than you, a stinky girl who no one cares about after you have your hairpins! You go out on the street Just ask any man to see if anyone is willing to marry you. Only a three-year-old child who is ignorant will be willing to say a few words to you! Whoever marries a woman like you has been unlucky for eight lifetimes. His ancestors were eighteen. I won’t even crawl out of the grave.”

However, unexpectedly, the princess of Chang'an did not become angry. Instead, she looked at Yan Junyu, who was blushing with anger, with a meaningful look: "You are right, whoever marries this princess will be ruined." Eight lifetimes of bloody bad luck, so this princess is happy to bring harm to you, are you satisfied with this?"

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