The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1034: Unable to stand up for justice (3)

"Damn it, we finally got in! Come on, let's go in and look for someone and see what Mr. Xiao Hou has to say!"

The big leader walked in first, looked at the empty yard, pointed to the second door in front, waved his hand and took the lead.

The two people who came in behind followed the big guy and walked together towards the Hou Mansion...

"Master, something is wrong!"

In the general's mansion, Xiao Shiyi, who had just received the news, rushed into the study room sweating profusely and said to Xiao Ruiyuan who was reading the battle report.

Xiao Ruiyuan put away the battle report and asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Xiao Shiyi explained the matter in general, and said nervously while stroking the sweat on his forehead: "There are as many as a thousand people who broke into the Hou Mansion. Once a conflict breaks out, the people in the Hou Mansion alone will never be able to prevent it. If that happens, If two people are injured, things will be difficult to handle.”

No one expected that things would develop to this point.

They originally just wanted to retaliate in the same way, to block the vicious tricks used by Xiao Xiong and the Wei family, and then expose the true faces of their family of three, so that Xiao Xiong would no longer be able to rely on his father's identity to intervene. Anything from the master.

But everything goes too far. If Xiao Xiong and Wei were injured or even lost their lives by the angry people, political opponents who could not see Xiao Ruiyuan would definitely take the opportunity to cause trouble and cause other troubles. This is not what they want to see. Political opponents are worse than Xiao Ruiyuan. Xiong and Wei are much more difficult to deal with.

"You didn't arrange this?" Xiao Ruiyuan frowned, obviously not wanting to see things get to this point.

In the past, he would not have taken those political opponents seriously, but since he knew that Emperor Hui'an was on guard against him, he had to act carefully. This time, the people stood up for him. Although he had good intentions, he was not without feelings in his heart. However, he was afraid that he would become even more jealous of Emperor Hui'an. If someone else disrupts the situation, Emperor Hui'an will inevitably take advantage of the situation and take the opportunity to do something.

Xiao Shiyi shook his head quickly: "I don't dare to make my own decisions." Of course he wanted to see Xiao Xiong suffer misfortune, and wished that the people would really do something to him, but he would not be so smart as to cause trouble for his master.

Xiao Ruiyuan's face darkened a bit, and he stood up without hesitation, striding out, and said to Xiao Shiyi: "Let Xiao Jiu take the next step, and you will immediately take people with me back to the Hou Mansion."

Xiao Shiyi knew that he wanted to return to the Hou Mansion to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, so he quickly agreed. In fact, he suspected that his master's political enemies were responsible for the incident.

Soon, Xiao Shiyi summoned more than thirty guards and followed Xiao Ruiyuan back to Weiyuan Hou Mansion. At this time, Xiao Xiong and Wei Shi were already blocked in a small room by angry people. Their clothes were messy and their expressions were panicked. They scolded the crowd who were approaching them step by step, trying to scare them away with their status as Weiyuan Marquis.

People were not afraid, nor did they take action rashly. They just tried their best to ridicule Xiao Xiong and Wei family to the point of vomiting blood. If Xiao Ruiyuan had not arrived in time, I am afraid that the blood of these two people would have been spilled on the spot in the next moment.

"Look, General Xiao is here, General Xiao is here!" Someone in the crowd recognized Xiao Ruiyuan first and shouted excitedly.

The indignant people turned their heads and saw the tall and majestic man walking in with his back to the sun.

Xiao Ruiyuan was only wearing regular clothes, and his majestic appearance was quite different from that of wearing armor, but he still shocked everyone the moment he appeared. Wherever they went, people unanimously moved out of the way, looking at their God of War with excitement, and instantly forgot about Xiao Xiong and Wei.

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