The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1037 Transformation into a different kind of father-in-law (2)

When Xiao Ruiyuan arrived at the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion, the food was already on the table. This was not the first time for him to go to the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion, but it was the first time to leave food in the No. 1 Scholar's Mansion.

There were only five simple dishes on the table, but they were all cooked according to Xiao Ruiyuan's taste. Xiao Ruiyuan saw this, and the hand holding the chopsticks tightened slightly, and his heart was sour and soft, and he couldn't explain what he felt.

"What are you doing standing still? Eat quickly, otherwise it will be bad for your stomach if it gets cold." Seeing that his son-in-law didn't move his chopsticks, Mo Qingze urged impatiently.

Xiao Ruiyuan came back to his senses and looked at his father-in-law who kept picking up food for him. His eyes suddenly softened. Compared with his biological father Xiao Xiong, he looked like a completely different person.

"Thank you, father-in-law!"

Mo Qingze nodded slightly and placed one of the roast duck dishes in front of Xiao Ruiyuan: "Yan'er made this by himself. Try it quickly. It tastes very good."

Xiao Ruiyuan's eyes lit up, he picked up a piece of roast duck with rich sauce aroma and put it into his mouth. He tasted it carefully and tasted a familiar taste, which made him couldn't help but eat a few more pieces.

Seeing that he liked it, Mo Qingze showed a smile on his face. He held the wine bottle and avoided Xiao Ruiyuan's outstretched hand, and filled him with wine himself: "Since we are a family, we don't need too many gifts."

When Xiao Ruiyuan heard this, he withdrew his hand, but was surprised by the change in his father-in-law's attitude.

As if he could tell what he was thinking, Mo Qingze showed a smile on his face and said in a sad tone: "Although I betrothed Yan'er to you before, I am not optimistic about you in my heart, and I am always worried that this is a mistake. decision! Fortunately, you did not disappoint me, and I will be completely relieved in the future."

Marriage is a matter of two surnames and is never a matter of two people. The two families were already at odds with each other, and when the Xiao family was in such trouble, as a father, he naturally did not want his biological daughter to get caught in endless disputes in the back house. No matter how deep the relationship is, it can't withstand endless friction. How many loving couples end up becoming resentful couples. Is this just the fault of two people?

After hearing this, Xiao Ruiyuan was moved by his father-in-law's love for his daughter. He was also suddenly glad that he had cut through the knot quickly and completely eliminated those so-called relatives who had always plotted against him. Otherwise, he didn't know when it would be possible to change the situation. Come on, my father-in-law recognized him.

He had an intuition that if he didn't deal with those people, his father-in-law would not be able to marry his daughter. Thinking of this, a cold sweat broke out on his vest. He looked at Mo Qingze and said solemnly: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law's attitude towards Yan'er has never changed, and he will definitely not let her suffer any injustice in the future."

Mo Qingze smiled slightly and his expression softened a lot: "I believe you." Otherwise, I wouldn't have given you the chance to get engaged.

Xiao Ruiyuan understood the implication of his father-in-law's words, needless to mention the gratitude in his heart. Weng and son-in-law chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very good.

After the meal, Xiao Ruiyuan did not leave in a hurry. After walking in the yard with his father-in-law to eat, he was worried that his father-in-law would be lonely, so he stayed to play chess with him. In fact, with two little guys accompanying him in this house, Mo Qingze is not lonely at all.

No, the green parrot and the black myna who had been playing outside all day rushed in aggressively, landed on the chessboard and screamed at Mo Qingze. The good chess game was instantly destroyed by the little paws of these two little guys. 's clean.

Mo Qingze had a headache from the noise, but he couldn't bear to lose his temper with the two little guys. He tapped his fingers on the two little guys' heads and said helplessly: "What are you arguing about this time?"

"Master, please give me some feedback!" Xiao Lu, the green-feathered parrot, spoke eloquently and took the initiative: "Obviously Xiao Lu found something interesting on the street and got it first, but Xiao Mo said It was the one that took its fancy first and insisted on fighting with Xiao Lu. When Xiao Lu was arguing with it, it accidentally let go of its paw and the thing fell into the water. It also kept blaming Xiao Lu, saying that it was Xiao Lu. It’s my fault, don’t you think I’m such an angry person?”

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