Although he had a great ambition to seduce beautiful girls all over the world, Xuetuanzi never dared to say it in front of Mo Yan. You must know that the owner of the space has a great influence on the transformation of the weapon spirit. If the owner requests the weapon spirit to transform into a female spirit, it will become what the owner wants during the transformation.

When Xue Tuanzi told Mo Yan that there was great uncertainty about the gender of his transformed form, in fact, he was playing a trick and did not dare to tell the truth to Mo Yan, who only wanted it to transform into a female. Otherwise, when it transformed, It is completely insulated from the male, which is absolutely not possible.

Mo Yan never thought that Xue Tuanzi, who had never deceived her, would play tricks on her. Although the two "people" had the same mind, it would be difficult for her to detect it if Xue Tuanzi deliberately prevented her, the master, from noticing her thoughts. thought.

Seeing that Xue Tuanzi didn't speak, Mo Yan just thought it was unwilling and didn't say anything. Seeing that it was almost dawn in two hours, she put away her needlework and prepared to go into the space to wash up before going to bed.

But at this moment, the golden beast sleeping outside suddenly let out a low roar, and without waiting for Mo Yan to come out, he quickly rushed into the courtyard, leaped up and climbed over the courtyard wall that was more than ten feet high, and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, a shrill scream came from outside the courtyard wall. The sound cut through the quiet night sky and sounded particularly scary. Mo Yan felt anxious and quickly followed the five beasts rushing out to the yard. She saw that the golden beast had jumped in, with an unknown person in its mouth - a man!

Seeing Mo Yan, the golden beast opened its mouth and spat the person on the ground. Seeing that the person was facing downwards, he roared and turned the person over again.

Mo Yan knew that the golden beast was sensible and would not really do anything to that man. She walked over and saw the man's face clearly under the light of the corridor. The man was very young, no more than twenty-five years old. He didn't have any wounds on his body. It looked like he had been stunned.

He looked very ordinary, wearing tattered and not very clean clothes. The weather is not too cold right now. When walking outside at night, you have to wear a coat. However, this person is very thin and feels cold even when he looks at it.

In the past few days at Zhuangzi, Mo Yan only walked around the fields, but didn't meet many people, let alone the men on the ground. Moreover, the house was so big that the man could reach into the inner house. He obviously had a purpose. She was not sure whether the man was a thief who stole things, or whether he came for others. No matter which way, he appeared in her yard in the middle of the night. Not good after all.

Mo Yan did not hesitate and said decisively to the golden beast: "You throw it in the front yard and go to Manager Zhao to let him deal with it."

The golden beast nodded, picked up the man on the ground and ran towards the outer courtyard.

Just as Mo Yan and the Five Beasts were about to go back to the house to sleep, Xin'er and Sheng'er walked over quickly. Seeing their sister standing there well, their two frightened little faces immediately relaxed.

"Sister, did you hear a strange cry just now? It scared me to death." Xin'er patted her chest in shock. Anyone who had slept well and was woken up by a terrifying scream would be scared.

Sheng'er also remembered the scream just now, and she was so frightened that she buried her little head in Mo Yan's arms: "Sister Yan, it's scary."

Hearing this, Mo Yan quickly put her arms around Sheng'er's shoulders and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. The sisters are all here, as well as Xiaohua and the others. No bad guy dares to break in and hurt us Sheng'er."

"That's right, no bad guys will dare to hurt Sheng'er. Sheng'er will sleep with her sister later. Even if there are bad guys coming, my sister can beat them away." Xin'er also came over and touched Sheng'er's head to comfort her. I was afraid of scaring this timid and weak sister.

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