The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1053 Asking for the whereabouts of Mo Ernier (2)

However, this move is simply seeking death (omitting the 10,000 words of the indescribable scene here).

That night, the two slept together on the same bed. One slept soundly, and the other stared with burning eyes until dawn. At dawn, Xiao Ruiyuan left the Mo house with bloodshot eyes, but Mo Yan couldn't wait to get into the space.

From then on, Mo Yan never dared to commit suicide like this again.

The only thing worth saying is that this passionate kiss not only wiped out the previous unpleasantness between the two, but also made them more compatible with each other, and they were able to think about each other from each other's perspective. Both of them were very satisfied with the result.

Chu Heng asked Xiao Ruiyuan to send a box of banknotes, and Mo Yan accepted it without ceremony. Although the total cost of building those resettlement houses and making that batch of furniture was less than 1,500 taels, there were still many things to be done in the future, and throwing these 1,000 taels of silver into it would only make a small noise.

Chu Heng has the heart and the financial resources, so Mo Yan will not refuse stupidly. Anyway, her share of the merit will not be lost because of more personal participation, so don't give it up in vain.

Xiao Ruiyuan also kept his word. Except for the antiques and jades that were not easy to bring over with much fanfare, he put all the banknotes, land deeds, house prices, etc. in a large one-foot-square box, and handed them over to Mo Yan with his own hands on the Double Ninth Festival. .

Mo Yan accepted it with peace of mind and hid in the space at night counting the banknotes. Those banknotes were all one hundred taels each, neatly placed in stacks in the box. She counted them all in one breath until her hands became weak. In the end, she counted up to more than five hundred thousand taels.

There are dozens of various deeds such as land deeds and house deeds. If converted into cash, the amount would be hundreds of thousands of taels. He is simply the richest among the rich. He can raise even a hundred children, not to mention ten or eight children. .

Mo Yan was so excited that she accidentally said what was in her heart, which made Xue Tuanzi laugh at her.

The weather in September is already very cold. You need to wear thick jackets every morning and evening to avoid the cold. Soon it will be time to wear thin cotton clothes.

Thinking that in a few days, three hundred soldiers from the border would be coming, and they would have to prepare thick clothes and shoes for them, Mo Yan went to the cloth store and ordered a large amount of fabrics, preparing to hire a good female worker from the village. Help do it.

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