The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1055 Asking for the whereabouts of Mo Ernier (4)

At noon, Xin'er ran over and called Mo Yan to eat. Mo Yan put down the book and asked casually: "Is Mo Yonglu gone?"

"No, he saw that we were about to eat, so he went to the yard to wait." Xin'er said in a calm tone, obviously she was able to treat her cousin with a normal attitude.

Mo Yan nodded and walked out while guessing what happened if Mo Yonglu insisted on looking for her.

When she arrived outside the study, Mo Yan saw Mo Yonglu standing in the yard at a glance. Similarly, Mo Yonglu also saw her, but did not come close to her. He just looked at her with deep pleading in his eyes. Mo Yan looked at her with deep pleading. Yan felt a little confused.

No matter how hard it is, Mo Yan still doesn't want to pay attention to those who have hurt her loved ones. I didn't just take the broom and drive the person out, just because he was sensible and didn't make a big fuss. It's just that from the look on his face, it's obvious that he won't give up easily. If he doesn't drive him away, he will always be waiting here.

As Mo Yan expected, Mo Yonglu was really perseverant. When she got up from her nap, she hadn't left yet. It’s just that I haven’t eaten or drank water all morning, and I am so hungry and thirsty that I can barely stand against the corner.

There was such a person in the yard, and he couldn't ignore it even if he wanted to. Mo Yan became angry for a moment and said to the hair ball standing beside him: "Go scare him and get him out."

Hairball loved scaring people the most. He squealed excitedly and rushed towards Mo Yonglu.

Mo Yonglu looked at the hairball rushing towards him with a face full of horror. He wanted to run away, but his feet seemed to be fixed on the ground. The next moment, he was thrown to the ground by a strong force, one bigger than his palm. The tiger's palm hit him, causing a gust of wind to strike, and it clawed at his chest.

Just when Mo Yonglu thought he would die under the tiger's claws, his body suddenly felt light, and the suffocating weight disappeared. He suddenly sat up, only to find that his chest was cold. It turned out that the clothes on his chest were scratched.

Hairball's attack was quite measured. The claw seemed powerful, but it would not hurt anyone. However, the feeling of the sharp claw scratching on the skin still made Mo Yonglu break out in a cold sweat.

He thought that after being so frightened, he should retreat and leave, but when the hair ball started to move away, he stood up shakily while holding on to the wall, but still refused to leave.

"Mao Tuan, throw him out." Mo Yan said directly to Mao Tuan without giving Mo Yonglu time to speak.

Hairball originally wanted to tease this rare human toy again, but the owner's order was obviously more important. It threw Mo Yonglu to the ground again, picked up the clothes around Mo Yonglu's waist in its mouth, and dragged him out.

However, the hair ball failed to throw Mo Yonglu out in the end. Mo Yonglu hugged a tree in the courtyard tightly, and the hair ball tore a big hole in the clothes around his waist, but he couldn't let go.

Mo Yan couldn't bear it anymore, so she had no choice but to let Mao Tuan go and call Mo Yonglu into the room.

Looking at Mo Yonglu, who was hunched over and standing humbly by the side, refusing to sit down and talk, Mo Yan said coldly: "What on earth is wrong with you?"

Mo Yonglu raised his head and looked at the distant woman with a look of alienation between his brows. He suddenly felt a little strange. He couldn't remember what she looked like when he was in Mojiacun. But what he was sure of was that she was not the same person at all compared to now. , just the aura of not being angry and self-defeating makes a big difference.

As he watched, Mo Yonglu's expression became dazed. They are obviously similar in age and have the same surname as Mo, but they have gone to two extremes. One is more and more dazzling, and the other is like dirt underfoot, anyone can step on it...

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Mo Yonglu didn't bother to wipe the wet corners of his eyes. A touch of determination flashed across his vicissitudes of life. Before Mo Yan had time to react, he knelt straight on the ground and made a dull sound: " Yan Yatou, I am not qualified to ask you for anything, but for the sake of the same surname and the same ancestor, please help me. I really have no choice. Even if you want my life in the future, I will never say anything. .”

Mo Yanteng suddenly stood up and stepped aside, avoiding the kneeling, with a rather ugly expression on his face: "What are you doing? Do you think I will help you if you kneel down?"

No matter how much she didn't want to see anyone from the Old Mo family, the person in front of her was also an elder. She couldn't bear the knees of her elders, and she didn't want to lose her life because of it.

But Mo Yonglu knelt and did not move. The decades-old man's eyes were red: "Yan Yatou, I found Er Nier. She was sold to an unclean place. I want to redeem her, but I don't have the money." , I went to borrow usury money but no one was willing to lend it, I have no choice, I have no choice!"

At the end of the sentence, he burst into tears, and his face that was already full of vicissitudes of life was stained with deep sadness.

Er Nier? Mo Ernier?

Mo Yan was surprised, she didn't expect to hear news about Mo Ernier again.

After their chance encounter at Buzhuang last year, she only knew that Mo Ernier was serving the eldest daughter of the Lin family. Later, when the Lin family was ransacked, she paid no attention to the Lin family, and she didn't even care about what happened to Mo Ernier. She didn't expect that she was sold to a brothel.

That's right, the Lin family has been confiscated, so the Lin family's servants will naturally not have a good life. Those who are not registered as slaves are fine, as long as they are not involved with the Lin family, they can go home; those who are registered as slaves will become ownerless. The slaves, like Zhao Dafu and others, became the property of the imperial court, and were distributed and sold by the imperial court.

I think Mo Ernier was unlucky and was bought by someone from a brothel. After all, she is a teenage girl, not ugly, and the price offered by the court is more cost-effective than buying it elsewhere, so it is normal for her to be favored by people in brothels.

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