The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1068 Snow Disaster

Most of the people in the village are kind and kind. Although the reputation of the Old Mo family is terrible and Old Mo is not popular with others, the deceased is a big one. Seeing that Mo Yongfu can't even spend the money to buy a coffin and a shroud for Old Mo, he I planned to use a broken straw mat to roll the person up and bury him in the back hill, but I couldn't bear it.

After receiving the news, Mo Yonglu hurried back to pay his respects to Old Mo Tou. His life was even worse than before. He even borrowed the money to buy the shroud from an acquaintance. The villagers couldn't stand it, so they pooled together some money, ten cents each, and twenty cents. Although the money was not much, they managed to buy an ordinary coffin for Old Motou, so that his bones would not be destroyed after death.

As the village chief, Yang Bao is very happy that the villagers can perform such kind deeds. If there are more kind-hearted people than evil-doers, the neighborhood will be peaceful and harmonious. And since we built a greenhouse this year and earned money, there have been a lot less trivial disputes in the village. Even if there are some minor conflicts, they are just bickering and competing for the newly purchased items.

The funeral of Old Motou was extremely shabby. Old Mo's family had no relatives and they were not close to the neighbors. Old Motou stayed at home for seven days, but there were not even many people to pay condolences and worship. It was really desolate.

After Mo Yan found out, he didn't have any special thoughts. He didn't pretend to be generous and went to Lao Mo's house to worship. He just pretended that he didn't know about it. She didn't tell Mo Qingze about this at the first time. It wasn't until Mo Qingze returned home that she found out that Lao Mo had gone, but she didn't go to worship either. She was just in a bad mood and didn't eat much dinner. Obviously he was thinking of old things from the past.

In this regard, the villagers did not think that the Mo family was unkind and even cared about dead people. If the old Mo family did all kinds of evil things to them, it would be good if they did not add insult to injury. How could they come to worship at their door and seek bad luck?

No one was around Lao Motou when he died. On the day of his burial, except for Mo Yongfu, Mo Yonglu, Mo Niu and her two sons, no one burned incense or paper for him on the road. For a person to live to this extent is considered an extreme failure.

However, after Old Motou's funeral was completed, Mo Yonglu's family stayed in Liuyang Village. Firstly, I have to keep my filial piety to Old Motou, and secondly, life in the city is really difficult. At least I can farm when I return to the village. As long as I don't be lazy, I won't go hungry. If I were more diligent, I could earn some money by going to the mountains to collect some firewood and sell it every day. Unlike the city where money is everywhere and the daily expenses are too high.

As for Mo Hong, who was not very clear-headed anymore, perhaps he understood that Old Mo was gone and unexpectedly became quiet. He no longer yelled day and night with his mouth crooked as usual, disturbing the surroundings. . It’s just that his body still hasn’t improved, and there are large bedsores on his back. After Mo Yonglu came back, he took care of her every day despite being dirty and smelly, so it became a little bit cleaner...

These things about Lao Mo's family came to Mo Yan's ears intermittently. Mo Yan threw them aside after hearing them. In her eyes, their family had no relationship with Lao Mo's family for a long time, and the death of Lao Mo's head made it even worse. The grievances and grievances between the two families for many years have been wiped out. As for the Mo Hong family, Mo Yonglu and others, they are just strangers who have crossed paths.

Time flies so fast, and the New Year is here in a blink of an eye.

"Dad, the weather doesn't seem right. Is there another snowstorm like the year before last?" Looking at the snowflakes falling outside the house that haven't stopped all day long, Mo Yan gathered up the fox fur coat on her body and asked worriedly. Father.

As early as ten days ago, it started to snow continuously, but it was not heavy at first and the temperature was very low. The thin layer of snow did not melt for a few days.

Later, the snow became heavier and heavier, and gradually accumulated to the depth of the ankle. Now, it is already a foot thick, and there is no sign of stopping. Many people's houses have been crushed by the snow. Households that were not crushed were busy clearing snow from their roofs every day, for fear that the house would collapse and the whole family would crowd into other people's houses.

Who wants to celebrate the Chinese New Year at someone else’s house?

"It shouldn't be possible... If it were like the year before last, Qin Tian Jian should have warned him earlier." Mo Qingze looked at the dark sky and said with some uncertainty.

"I hope the snow will stop soon, otherwise many people will be homeless again." Mo Yan was worried when he thought of those who froze and starved to death in the snowstorm the year before.

At this time, Xue Tuanzi in the space interjected: "If a snow disaster really happens, wouldn't you be able to implement the plan you made before to accumulate merit?"

Mo Yan rolled his eyes: "I hope the plan will be implemented as soon as possible, but once a snow disaster occurs, the scope of the impact will definitely be very wide. The number of people we can help now is too limited, and I am not ready yet, so snow disasters and other things ,J."

"Humph, this is not up to you. I advise you to hand over the plan to the boy named Xiao as soon as possible and let him discuss it with the boy named Chu. Anyway, the merits are indispensable to you, and you will be at ease." Xue Tuanzi reminded , in words, he was sure that the snow disaster would definitely happen.

Mo Yan heard the implication of Xue Tuanzi's words and became increasingly worried: "Then we can only tell Brother Xiao the news and let them make preparations! Alas, I'm afraid this year will be difficult."

Xue Tuanzi also sighed: "There is nothing we can do about this. Man-made disasters can be avoided, but forget about natural disasters. Even if we know in advance, there is only a limit to what we can do."

As a weapon spirit restricted by heaven, Xue Tuanzi cannot predict disasters in advance. He can only sense when a disaster is about to happen. The reason why we are sure that there will be a snow disaster this time is based on calculations from Mo Yan's first life.

At this time in the first life, Mo Yan had already studied medicine with Dr. Du. Due to the snowstorm, many people froze to death and got sick from the cold. The court arranged for doctors to treat those people, and Mo Yan also made great efforts and got A lot of merit.

Of course, in that life, Mo Yan had no space, and the merit he obtained was of little use, but in his subsequent reincarnations, he became better and better, eventually changing his fate of being a widower. When her soul was split into two this time, there was no possibility of fusion, and she would die early in both worlds. As a result, God opened a "back door", allowing her to finally become a complete person, and successfully changed this world. A miserable fate.

Without further ado, Mo Yan went to the study and wrote a letter to Xiao Ruiyuan regardless of the cold. He summoned the little sparrow from the space and asked him to deliver the letter.

"Sister Yan Yan, four or five greenhouses were damaged by the snow last night, and all the vegetables inside were suppressed. If the snow continues, all the greenhouses will be damaged, and all the vegetables inside will freeze to death. Tang Xin said worriedly, wanting to get some advice from Mo Yan.

Mo Yan has no feasible solution here. The snow is so heavy that it can even crush a thatched house, let alone a greenhouse. If it weren't for the diligent villagers who braved the heavy snow and cold every day to clean the snow on the greenhouses, those greenhouses would have collapsed long ago.

But just waiting for the greenhouse to be completely collapsed is not enough. Mo Yan thought for a while and said: "Is there enough spare firewood in the greenhouse? If it is enough, burn more every day. As long as the temperature in the greenhouse rises, the temperature in the greenhouse will fall." The snowflakes above should melt, but someone will have to keep the fire burning at night."

The temperature has been so low recently that even pouring water on it at night can turn into ice. The greenhouse made of oilcloth is much worse in thermal insulation than plastic. If the temperature is not increased, the diluted spiritual spring water cannot save the vegetables from freezing to death.

Tang Xin said quickly: "I will tell the village chief and ask him to arrange for the night watchman as soon as possible."

Mo Yan nodded and asked Tang Xin to put on her rabbit skin coat before letting her go out.

Tang Xin went to Yang Bao's house and told Mo Yan what he meant. It didn't take long for Yang Bao to gather the villagers involved in the greenhouse planting and talked about burning fires at night to increase the temperature. He was also seeking the opinions of those who needed to stay on night duty.

Whether they can live in brick houses next year or not, even if they have made a lot of money in the past two months, the villagers do not want their greenhouses to be destroyed by snow and the vegetables inside to freeze to death. Therefore, none of the people who were called objected, and all of them scrambled to stay on night watch.

Because everyone knows that working all night in the freezing cold, not being able to sleep a wink all night, and having to keep lighting the fire, the work points must be quite high. Work points are money. Everyone hopes to earn more, and it doesn't matter if it's a bit hard or tiring.

Tang Xin told Mo Yan about this when she came back, and Mo Yan understood it very well.

It’s not that the villagers love money so much. They have been dealing with the land all their lives. It can be said that they serve the land as their own father and love the things produced in the land as their children. With such a special feeling in them, how can they just watch those things happen? Vegetables that were growing well just died.

The originally lively and warm New Year's Eve was spent in a state of busyness and worry. Not only did Liuyang Village not have a good year, but Emperor Hui'an, Chu Heng, and the ministers of Qin Tianjian who were temporarily summoned to the palace were also not able to live in peace.

Xiao Ruiyuan read Mo Yan's letter and attached great importance to the snow disaster mentioned above. Naturally, Mo Yan did not mention in the letter that she had a snow dumpling who knew the future. She only wrote about the fact that several houses in the village were damaged and several greenhouses collapsed. She also mentioned the snow disaster the year before last. Many people froze and starved to death, and the words just right revealed the worry about the heavy snow.

Xiao Ruiyuan has endless official duties to deal with every day, and he has no time to spare even if he is on holiday. Although he feels that the heavy snow has been falling for a long time, it has been like this in previous years, so he did not think about snow disasters. Now that I saw that the houses in Liuyang Village had collapsed, I immediately became vigilant and stood under the eaves to observe the sky carefully.

People who march and fight have some knowledge of celestial phenomena. Seeing that the clouds on the horizon were low and thick, and the sky above our heads was even darker with no light in sight, we knew that the snow would not stop for a while.

If it rains for another three to five days, the snow on the ground will be above the knees. Even if the houses in the city are strong and will not collapse, there are many people living in adobe houses and thatched houses outside the city. Now there are signs of house collapse in Liuyang Village. Who knows if there are no signs of house collapse elsewhere?

Xiao Ruiyuan was not sure if anyone in the court noticed that the weather was abnormal like him. Considering that it is the New Year, I am afraid that even if someone in the court notices that the weather is wrong, they would not dare to report it at this time and disturb the peace of the Holy One. Who knows that if the Holy One knows about it, he will take a chance and not pay attention to it?

It's just a matter of great importance. Even if there is no snow disaster, it is always good to take precautions in advance. Otherwise, if it does happen, I don't know how many people will be displaced and starve to death.

Without further ado, Xiao Ruiyuan changed his clothes and hurried to the Prince's Mansion. Based on the contents of the letter sent by Mo Yan, he told Chu Heng his speculations.

Chu Heng heard several times that the servants in the mansion privately said that this heavy snowfall was abnormal and that there might be a snow disaster like the year before. He didn't have a deep understanding of the snow disaster, and he was very busy going to the palace every day to help Emperor Hui'an handle government affairs, so he didn't take it to heart. Seeing that his cousin came to visit specifically for this matter, he took it seriously and went to the palace without even changing his clothes.

The New Year is coming soon. Emperor Hui'an will naturally not be happy when he hears this kind of thing. But the stakes are high. If a snow disaster does occur, the consequences will be more troublesome than prevention in advance.

Therefore, Emperor Hui'an quickly summoned all the ministers from Qin Tianjian to the Imperial Study Room to ask if there was anything abnormal about the weather recently.

In fact, someone in Qintian Prison had already noticed something was wrong, but that person was not sure whether it would cause a snow disaster, so he only told the matter to Qintian Prison in private. With the idea that more things are worse than less things, Qintian Supervisor was busy with this matter and refused to report it to Emperor Hui'an for fear that the snow disaster would not happen and he would be penalized by Emperor Hui'an.

It is normal to have this kind of mentality, but they have never thought that watching the celestial phenomena and predicting the weather is their duty. What they have to do is to tell Emperor Hui'an the truth, and the rest has nothing to do with them. If the snow disaster hadn't happened, of course it would have been hello, hello, me, everyone. But once it happened, they, the Qintian Prison, pretended to be deaf and didn't report the truth. The consequence was something they couldn't bear.

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Qin Tian Jianzheng had no choice but to tell the truth. Emperor Hui'an was so furious that he immediately ordered his guards to be summoned. He took Qin Tian Jian Zheng down and beat him thirty times. He was also dismissed from his official position and thrown into prison. Whether he can come out in the future depends on Emperor Hui'an's mood.

As for the small official who discovered something was wrong, he was not implicated because he did not have the right to go directly to the imperial court. He unexpectedly caught the eye of Emperor Hui'an and was promoted two levels to the position of Qin Tian Supervisor.

Although the snow disaster may not happen, for the sake of caution, Emperor Hui'an issued several imperial edicts that day, ordering the Jingzhao Mansion and the 50% Army and Horse Division to be on standby at any time without any mistakes; he also sent people to rush to report the news of the possible snow disaster. , sent to surrounding cities affected by wind and snow, and ordered local governors to prepare for snow disasters to prevent snow disasters from causing large-scale deaths of humans and animals.

Da Chu has been a country for more than two hundred years, and has experienced no less than a hundred natural disasters, large and small. Except for the fact that the capital city has not suffered from floods, droughts, snowstorms, earthquakes, etc. will occur almost every three to five years.

Jingzhao Mansion, Wucheng Military and Horse Division, etc. have rich experience in dealing with disasters. According to the old practice of dealing with snow disasters in the past, they quickly stocked up a large amount of food, cloth, cotton clothing, medicinal materials, etc. through various channels. With these things, once a snow disaster occurs, the affected people will not be unable to survive.

Mo Yan originally thought that if Xiao Ruiyuan ignored her reminder, she would go to her door and talk to her. Unexpectedly, when she woke up from a nap in the afternoon, the red lines on the merit bead would be a lot more red than the last time she placed them. There were more than three times as many soldiers as there were three hundred soldiers.

"Xue Tuanzi, more than a thousand lives have been saved. You have made a great contribution again." Mo Yan happily hugged Xue Tuanzi and kneaded it several times regardless of its resistance.

"Huh, don't even look at who I am!" Xuetuanzi said proudly, twisting his snail eyes. Seeing that his master's hands were still making trouble on his body, he couldn't help but groan and want to get out of his master's control.

It's a pity that it is such a small ball, and it is impossible to break free without using spiritual power.

"Then should we do something?" After receiving so much merit at once, Mo Yan felt that he deserved it and had to do something.

"You don't have enough food? Why don't you donate tens of thousands of kilograms? If not, donate those piles of medicinal materials. It's better to use them on people than to pile them up in space to mold." Xuetuanzi said rather proudly, It seems that tens of thousands of pounds is not food in its eyes, it is just a number.

Mo Yan thought for a moment and thought it would be a good idea to donate food and medicinal materials: "Okay, just donate food and medicinal materials, and give Zhao Mu and the others something to do."

After arriving in Liuyang Village for two months, Zhao Mu and the others had nothing to do except initially weave straw ropes to tie the fruit trees to protect them from the cold. They were too embarrassed to eat more, so they took three days of food for one day. Mo Yan didn't notice it at first, but she didn't know until a villager who helped the mill accidentally mentioned it.

The donated grain needs to be shelled and the medicinal materials need to be cut into sections. This cannot be completed in three or two days. If you leave it to Zhao Mu and the others, you don't have to feel like you are eating free rice.

Mo Yan's proposal received strong support from Xue Tuanzi. Using the dreaming technique, he quickly placed the prepared food and medicinal materials in the mill and the vacant house of the Mo family.

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