The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 116 Building a House (1)

No matter what these people think, Mo Yan has decided to end the vegetable business in mid-March and focus on the new house. At the same time, the three barren hills he bought with Yang Bao's help last month must be opened up as soon as possible. In the hot weather, Plant fruit trees before summer arrives.

Everyone still didn't know about the Mo family's purchase of a barren hill to plant fruit trees. Seeing that Mo Yan had made up his mind not to continue the vegetable business, they stepped forward and said to Mo Yan: "Little boss, my family also has several acres of barren land. But you also know that wasteland must be cultivated before crops can be grown. My father-in-law and his friends plan to grow vegetables in greenhouses, do you think this will work?"

The speaker was a middle-aged woman, known as Sister-in-law Cai, who helped the Mo family sell vegetables in Nanshi. She had a very cheerful personality and worked neatly.

Mo Yan had a good impression of her, so she kindly advised: "It's not impossible, it's just that the vegetables you plant now will be harvested in the summer. At that time, the streets are full of vegetable sellers, and the price may not be high. If you really want to cultivate the land, , it’s better to grow soybeans and mung beans, which are much safer than vegetables.”

Sister-in-law Cai thought about it and thought it made sense. It was just that when her family saw how much money the Mo family made growing vegetables, they also wanted to grow one. However, the little boss’s concerns were also her concerns. It seemed that she would have to wait until she returned home later. Let your father-in-law and others warn you so that no one wants the vegetables you grow and they end up rotting in the ground.

"Aunt Cai, is there anyone else in the village who wants to grow vegetables?"

Mo Yan took this matter seriously. Since Sister-in-law Cai's family wants to grow vegetables, there is no guarantee that there will be another family. If the villagers of Liuyang Village follow the trend and go to grow vegetables at this time, it will be miserable if the vegetables are unsalable and cannot be sold. They are small-minded. Yes, maybe her family will be blamed.

Sister-in-law Cai said: "There are many. Growing vegetables is faster than growing food. Many people see that your family is making money and want to give it a try."

Mo Yan frowned, feeling that she should speak clearly, lest someone come to her home and cause trouble.

"Aunt Cai, I won't lie to you, fellow villagers. Greenhouse vegetables are difficult to grow. Even though the vegetables grown in greenhouses grow well in winter, no one has planted them in summer. I don't know how they will grow by then. This Aunt Hua also tells the folks who want to grow vegetables and let them think about it again."

Sister-in-law Cai said cheerfully: "My little boss is very kind, so I will definitely bring this to you."

Mo Yan smiled and said to the others: "Which of you wants to plant it? I say the same thing. If you don't believe me, you'd better get some and try it first. If it doesn't work, there won't be much loss."

"Yeah, yeah, listen to my little boss."

Everyone agreed. Among the dozen or so people, a few people did have such an idea. Now after listening to Mo Yan's analysis, they actually listened.

Mo Yan looked at them, only hoping that they would really listen to her words. Anyway, she said what needed to be said. If she didn't listen, she wouldn't be able to use spiritual spring water to water their vegetables at the risk of the space being exposed.

After these people returned home, they shared Mo Yan's concerns with the villagers who wanted to grow vegetables. Mo Yan's kindness was well-known in Liuyang Village. Most people heard about it and stopped talking about growing vegetables.

But there are a few people who are jealous of the money the Mo family has made, and think that Mo Yan is small-minded. They don’t want them to grow vegetables in the greenhouse, and they don’t even think about whether they can grow vegetables. Can't be sold.

On the sixth day of March, everything is suitable.

After burning incense and offering sacrifices to the God's land, Mo Qingze, the head of the family, took a shovel and dug the first shovel of soil on the foundation amidst a burst of lively firecrackers, indicating that the groundbreaking for the new house would go smoothly.

The people who came to help also came early. They were found by Moyantuo Lin Yong. Lin Yong has lived in Liuyang Village for several months. He knows better than Mo Yan's family who is willing to work hard. In less than three days, fifty-six people were found, all of them young and strong laborers.

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