The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 137 Asking for help (2)

Seeing the unscrupulous look of the proprietress, Mo Yan's heart sank. This secret prostitution house indeed had a background, otherwise this woman would not have reacted like this. It seemed that she couldn't break in today.

"Then how can the boss lady be willing to let him go?"

The landlady looked at Mo Yan with her charming eyes like looking at goods, and said with ill intentions: "If you are willing to stay, not to mention him, even Myolie, I will let her be a good person, how about that?"

"Yan Yatou, please leave us alone. These are bullies who eat people without spitting out their bones. You should leave quickly!" Li Zhong shouted in pain. This is obviously their Li family's business. You shouldn't drag Yan Yatou into it. You shouldn't. ah!

Mo Yan comforted: "Grandpa Li, don't worry, I'll be fine." Then he said to the boss's wife: "You know this is impossible, you are holding Grandpa Li just for money, tell me, How much will it take before you are willing to let him go?"

"Girl, you really don't want to?" The landlady shook her head with a look of regret: "Since you are so happy, I won't bother you. The price is two thousand taels! As long as you come up with two thousand taels, you can take these two people away now. .”

Two thousand taels?

Upon hearing this, Mo Yan's face darkened: "Don't let the boss speak loudly. Even if a wealthy family takes out two thousand taels at once, it will go bankrupt. We are just ordinary people. Even if we go bankrupt, we won't be able to get half of it out."

The landlady played with her nails and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, with Xing'er here, I can make back these two thousand taels sooner or later."

"So, there is no room for negotiation?"


The decisive answer made Mo Yan completely lose his patience.

She couldn't come up with two thousand taels of silver. This woman had a background, so she couldn't force it. For the current plan, we can only ask Yan Junyu for help. If he can destroy this secret prostitution house that forces girls into prostitution, it will be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

Thinking of this, Mo Yan said coldly: "In that case, I will go back and raise some silver. However, the boss lady must ensure that they will not be harmed in the slightest before I raise the silver."

"Giggle~ Of course, open the door to do business, and be friendly and make money!" The landlady covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, her tone suddenly changed, and she threatened: "But I will see Yinzi tomorrow at the latest, otherwise what will happen to them, Mom? I can’t guarantee it.”

"That's it!" Mo Yan agreed.

After coming out of the brothel, Mo Yan breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiled coldly while listening to the melodious sounds inside.

The reason why that woman is so arrogant is that there are people behind her who think that she, a commoner, cannot do anything to her. If this is the case, then first bring down her backer.

Although she was taking advantage of Yan Junyu's influence, the two of them had made an agreement, so Mo Yan didn't feel like she owed him a favor. The only thing she worried about was that the backer of the secret prostitute was still involved, and Yan Junyu was worried and unwilling to take action.

If this were the case, she would have no choice but to spend money to eliminate the disaster.

Having made up her mind, Mo Yan took the eight people back to Huixianju and told shopkeeper Xing about the matter. She did not mention Li Xiu, but only said that Li Zhong had been framed and held in that secret prostitute.

Although there were loopholes in Mo Yan's rhetoric, Shopkeeper Xing was not a talkative person. He only said that he would pass the news to Yan Junyu as soon as possible so that Mo Yan could go home and wait for the news.

When Mo Yan returned home, it was already very late at night and the three little guys were still awake. Seeing her return, Li Yan couldn't wait to rush forward, her eyes already red and swollen.

Mo Yan did not dare to tell her the truth. She only said that her grandfather knew the whereabouts of her aunt and was asking friends to help find her. It was too late today and he would not be back until tomorrow.

Li Yan didn't know if she believed it or not, so she just silently heated the food and took it out for Mo Yan to eat.

Mo Yan was very hungry, but had no appetite. She ate a few hastily, then put the bowl away and sent the three little ones to take a bath and go to bed.

Neither Mo Qingze nor Li Zhong were here tonight, and they were worried that Zhen'er would kick the quilt when he slept at night, so Mo Yan slept with him.

Perhaps knowing that Mo Yan was in a bad mood, Xiao Hua rarely made a fuss. She dragged the cotton pad Mo Yan made for her into the big room and put it beside the bed to lie down on her own.

After Zhen'er fell asleep, Mo Yan listened to his shallow breathing, but did not feel sleepy. He simply dragged Xiao Hua into the space and planned to plant the medicinal materials collected today.

All the herbs are planted around the Lingquan Pool. The area around the Lingquan Pool is rich in aura and is convenient for watering. It won't take long for these herbs to become top-notch medicinal herbs.

After planting the medicinal materials, Mo Yan poured a little water on the Ganoderma-like plant next to the Lingquan Pond.

What makes her strange is that when other plants are planted, even if only an hour has passed outside, the appearance of the plants will change. They will either grow a little bigger or become darker in color. But now five or six hours have passed outside, and this thing has changed. Nothing has changed at all.

Xiaohua stared at the blood ball with salivation, almost dripping onto it.

Mo Yan looked at it: "Is this thing edible?"

Xiaohua understood what Mo Yan meant, but without her permission, it didn't dare to eat. It just stuck out its big tongue, sucked, took a mouthful of blood, and closed its wolf eyes as if it was full of aftertaste.

Mo Yan has black lines all over his head. This guy is so disgusting. No wonder Yan Junyu refused to take him back after so long.

However, judging from the behavior of it and the wolf, this thing should be non-toxic, and it may even be beneficial to eat it. It looks so much like Ganoderma lucidum, maybe it is also a type of Ganoderma lucidum, but she has never seen it in her previous life, and It's so big, but I don't know how old it is. Maybe it's the legendary thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

So, let’s just think of it as Ganoderma lucidum!

Thinking of this, Mo Yanzhen warned Xiaohua seriously: "You can't eat this without my permission, otherwise you won't be able to come in again."

Xiaohua looked at Mo Yan aggrievedly, then looked at Ganoderma lucidum with covetousness, and finally agreed with a sob.

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