The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 147 Planting Fruit Seedlings (2)

The self-healing ability of animals is better than that of humans. The doctor told Mo Yan to apply it twice a day. As long as the little flower does not move around and opens the wound, it will be healed in ten and a half months.

After hearing this, Mo Yan finally felt relieved. After thanking the doctor and paying the money, she took Xiaohua out of the hospital and entered the space together in a deserted place.

In order to maximize the effect of the medicine, Mo Yan took a pair of scissors and cut off its hair with a 'click click' under Xiao Hua's accusing eyes, revealing the pink flesh, which was just used as a green ointment to be applied all over. When it was all over the body, someone laughed unscrupulously!'s really ugly!

Perhaps stimulated by Mo Yan's disgusted look, Xiaohua gave her a resentful look and buried her head in her only big furry tail. She was really shameless in front of others.

The other one couldn't escape the scissors in Mo Yan's hand. This guy wasn't as pretty as Xiao Hua. Although he felt that being cut off was detrimental to his majesty, compared to making the wound heal faster, having it shaved off was nothing.

Back home, Mo Yan ate dinner quickly. When Xin'er fell asleep, she stayed in the space and worked while changing the two guys' dressings. Only two hours have passed outside, and half a month has passed in the space. The two guys are recovering well. Under the influence of the spiritual spring water, the hair on their bodies has almost grown.

After breakfast that day, Li Zhong was about to go out to Liuyang Village. When he saw the fruit seedlings in the yard, he slapped his head and said to Mo Yan: "Girl Yan, I forgot to tell you yesterday that the tree pit on the barren mountain has been dug. The mud has also been poured in, when do you think we will plant the fruit seedlings?"

"It's done so quickly." Mo Yan was very happy after hearing this: "Then plant it today, I'll call the truck to transport the fruit seedlings."

After saying that, she ran out happily, haha, her orchard is finally going to be built!

When the bullock cart was called, everyone moved the fruit seedlings to the cart together. These fruit seedlings are nourished by the spiritual spring water, and they have grown many young leaves instead of the previous dryness. Even if this season is not suitable for planting fruit trees, these fruit seedlings can still survive.

Based on the texture of the leaves and trunks, Mo Yan almost figured out how many types of fruit trees there were. In addition to grape, mangosteen, and orange saplings, there are also more than ten kinds of apples, grapefruits, kiwis, etc. Some of the fruit saplings are not suitable for growing in the north, but who allows her to have a spiritual spring?

Mo Yan picked two of each kind of fruit seedlings and planted them in the space a few days ago. They are growing very well, one every day, but it will take some time before they bloom and bear fruit.

The space cannot be shown to others, and even if the fruit does come out, she will be the only one eating it secretly. Where can a family sit together and enjoy all kinds of fruits?

However, it will take two years for these fruit seedlings to bear fruit. Although Lingquan water can be brought in advance, it is not good to be too eye-catching. You must know that the Agricultural Affairs Department has been planting it for so many years, but it has not grown a single fruit.

When the fruit seedlings arrived at Liuyang Village, Li Zhong got off the car and went to the village to ask the people who had helped open up wasteland to plant trees.

It didn't take long for more than fifty people to bring shovels, hoes, and buckets from home. The tree pit has been dug a long time ago, and the bottom of the pit has been filled with mud. Now we only need to put the saplings in and fill it with soil.

Although the process was not difficult, Li Zhong repeatedly urged them to plant the fruit seedlings and fill them with soil, then lift the seedlings up slightly, otherwise the roots of the seedlings would become silted up, which would affect the growth of the seedlings.

With Li Zhong watching, Mo Yan felt relieved. After watching for a while, she followed the path into the mountain and released the two who were almost going crazy in the space.

As soon as it came out of the space, Xiaohua ran back and forth like a wild horse that had escaped the reins. When it finally ran enough, it started to rub Mo Yan's thigh and act coquettishly. The extremely flattering dog-leg look made Mo Yan unbearable. Look directly.

The other one ran away without a trace when it left the space. Just when Mo Yan thought it had gone back, it ran over with several hares in its mouth and threw them in front of Mo Yan.

"Does it have to be calculated so clearly?" Mo Yan was helpless when she met its clear gaze.

In her heart, although this guy is not as good as Xiaohua, it is not much worse, but it always acts like "I don't want to owe you". It's really hard to get close to him!

However, Mo Yanhui got it wrong this time. After she said these words, this guy suddenly stepped forward and slapped away the little flower that was holding on to her thigh. He rubbed her hand and made a very soft 'woo woo' sound.

Mo Yan's heart softened for a moment, and after a moment of surprise, she raised her rubbed right hand and touched its wolf ear. This time, it didn't run away like last time, but shook its ears and used the tips of its ears to touch it. A few rough hairs rubbed her palm playfully.

"Haha..." Mo Yan couldn't help laughing. She touched its wolf head and squatted down slightly to be at eye level with it: "Since you recognize me, I will treat you as a partner, and now I will help you. Come up with a name!”

I didn’t care whether it understood or accepted it. Based on its gray hair, I directly decided on the name: Dabai!

After sending Dabai away, Mo Yan took Xiao Hua to Barren Mountain, but before they even walked in, they heard a fierce quarrel...

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