The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 167 Planning and punishing the weird new house (1)

Mo Yan walked out and saw a group of people pushing and shoving towards each other. There were men, women, old people and children. The loudest one was a middle-aged man in his thirties. Behind them, there were a group of people. The villagers watching the fun.

When the group of people saw Mo Yan, they looked a little dodgey and did not dare to look at her.

The middle-aged man suddenly threw away the person who was pulling him, rushed towards Mo Yan Bianqian with his fists clenched, and shouted with a ferocious face: "Your father, tell your father to get out of here."

Mo Yan's face suddenly turned cold, and she ignored him and looked at the group of people behind him, her face softened, "Fellow folks, my father is not here now. If you have anything, just tell me!"

I respect others as much as they respect me. She didn't even have the thought to deal with a middle-aged man who made filthy remarks as soon as he came.

The group of people looked at me and I looked at you, and they all shrank back, and no one was willing to stand up and speak.

Mo Yan frowned. These people came here clearly for something, and now they look like this. What on earth is going on?

When the middle-aged man saw that Mo dared to ignore him, he suddenly became angry and said, "Smelly girl, what can you do if you lose money? Get your father back quickly."

"You're a loser?" Mo Yan looked at him coldly, "You're not a loser. Did you crawl out of a cesspool? Otherwise, why would your mouth smell so bad!"

"Pfft, haha——"

The onlookers roared, pointing at the middle-aged man and laughing.

The middle-aged man was so angry that his face turned the color of pig liver. He waved his fist and cursed at those who laughed at him: "Whoever dares to laugh again, I will punch him to death."

Then he threatened Mo Yan: "Don't think that because you are a girl, I won't beat you. You little bitch, go and call your father."

Mo Yan was furious and wanted to slap this annoying guy away, "If you have the guts, go find it yourself. If you don't have the guts, go back to where you came from. Bullies who bully the weak are not welcome in my Mo family's territory."

"You! You stinky girl, I'm looking for a fight!" The middle-aged man was so angry that he clenched his fists and hit Mo Yan head-on without thinking.

Mo Yan snorted coldly and relied on his body's flexibility to quickly retreat and avoid the heavy blow.

The middle-aged man was stunned, obviously he didn't expect Mo Yan to be able to dodge his fist. He suddenly felt that he was losing face. He quickly caught up and landed a heavier punch than before.

"Wang Dali, you can even beat a little girl, you are so capable!"

Just when Mo Yan was thinking about whether to dodge the fist and teach this man a lesson, a familiar voice came to her ears. A big hand with distinct joints appeared in front of her, and she dropped it lightly. The fist pushed back.

The middle-aged man, Wang Dali, was pushed lightly by Lin Yong, and he fell to the ground like a bulky turtle, looking extremely funny.

There was another round of laughter, and Wang Dali quickly got up from the ground, his face turning the color of pig liver. He glared angrily at those who laughed at him, but did not dare to vent his anger on the 'culprit' Lin Yong.

Lin Yong glanced at him coldly, turned to Mo Yan and asked, "Are you okay?"

Mo Yan smiled and said: "It's okay. Fortunately, Brother Lin came in time."

Lin Yong twitched the corners of his lips and asked Wang Dali with a cold face: "Why are you causing trouble for the Mo family?"

"I, I just want to seek an explanation from the Mo family on behalf of the folks who were framed by the Mo family."

Wang Dali shrank his neck and spoke hesitantly under Lin Yong's cold gaze, obviously very afraid of Lin Yong.

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