The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 254: Making a small profit and deciding to take action (6)

Greenhouse vegetables are so profitable, so Mo Yan actually wants to grow them. But this winter, many people in the village want to build greenhouses. If they can successfully grow vegetables, the price of vegetables will definitely drop by then, and they will not be able to make a lot of money by growing them at home.

If you can't plant anything and see the green fields in your own land, isn't that looking for hatred? Maybe out of jealousy, they would cause trouble or spread rumors to exclude their family.

Besides, there are no stupid people in Liuyang Village. It's obviously the same land and the same greenhouse, but if the difference is too big, there's no guarantee these people won't see anything from it. If you catch any clues, your family will be in danger. She wouldn't take such a risk just for such a small benefit.

People's hearts are always unpredictable. Even if most people in the village are very polite to their family, that is only if there is no conflict of interest. Once there is a conflict of interest, these people may turn their guns against their own family, and their relationship will be worse than that of strangers.

Later, there was a family who wanted to grow vegetables in a greenhouse. Seeing that there was no movement from the Mo family, they started to murmur in their hearts and went to the Mo family to ask.

Mo Yan gave the reason half-truthfully, hinting that they should not bet all their family wealth on greenhouse vegetables.

Some people listened and reduced the planting area by half, while others scorned it and still followed the original plan.

Unfortunately, this winter has been extremely cold. There have been several heavy snowfalls. The snow has damaged many greenhouses. Even if we keep heating the greenhouses, it is difficult to keep the temperature stable. Leafy vegetables such as green vegetables and garlic seedlings are okay. Some plants have been planted, but fruits and vegetables such as loofah and cucumbers have not produced any fruit at all.

When the accounts are settled after spring, the villagers who blindly expanded their greenhouse vegetables have lost all the little wealth they finally saved and incurred a large amount of external debts. Thinking about Mo Yan's previous advice again, each one's intestines turned green.

Although the villagers who listened to Mo Yan's advice didn't even save their capital, they were much better off than those who lost all their wealth. They were extremely grateful to Mo Yan and said that she was a lucky star.

Because of this incident, the Mo family's status in the village became even more lofty. So much so that they would follow whatever they planted in the Mo family's land, and they would never dare to mess around again.

For the sake of his fellow villagers, Mo Yan never did anything to disgrace his family, so he tried his best to lead them to make a fortune.

Only when everyone's life is better can we prevent those people from hating the rich and make our own homes safer. Because of this, a few years later, Liuyang Village became the wealthiest village around the capital.

Of course, these are all things for later, let’s not mention them for now.

Since entering September, the temperature has dropped a lot, and Mo Yan has taken great pains to ensure that the fruit seedlings can survive the winter safely.

Lingquan water can promote the rapid growth of fruit seedlings, improve their resistance, and thus improve their cold resistance. However, this alone is not enough. Putting "warm clothes" on the fruit seedlings is the top priority.

In previous generations, people kept trees warm by wrapping the trunks with straw rope. Mo Yan also learned from experience and planned to wrap straw rope around the fruit seedlings. Only a dozen or so aboriginal households in Liuyang Village had straw, so she spent money to buy a lot of it, and asked the villagers to roll the straw into straw ropes as thin as their little fingers. When the temperature dropped a little, she would wrap the fruit seedlings in them.

Mo Yan stood up and left the rest to Li Zhong, so she didn't care too much. After just two days of leisurely days, she started to have nightmares again, and instead of having them every few days like before, she now had them almost every day.

These dreams no longer just appear ordinary people, but even soldiers at the border of Dachu. I don’t know why, but the moldy rice flowed into the military camp. The soldiers ate the moldy rice and fell ill one after another. It started with constant diarrhea, then dehydration and high fever.

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