On weekdays, it would be difficult for Aunt Tong's family of three to take care of the orchard. Now that there are more than a thousand chickens in the orchard, it is impossible for just three hands to take care of them.

Most of the chickens released were hens that laid eggs. Mo Yan didn't want these hens to be spoiled and unable to lay eggs because they didn't receive good care, so he hired four ladies with good reputations in the village to feed them.

The four aunts are all around forty-five years old and are now grandmothers. The family's labor force is sufficient and they do not need to work in the fields. They usually do housework and take care of the children at home, so they have more free time. Now they can earn four hundred wages per month by feeding the chickens, picking up eggs, and cleaning the chicken coop for the Mo family. Such a good thing made them so happy that they hurriedly agreed, fearing that they would be late. Mo Yan went to find someone else.

When other elderly ladies in the village heard about it, they were extremely envious. In a roundabout way, they found Sister-in-law Cai, Mr. Zhou, Mr. Xiong and others who were friends with the Mo family. They expressed their willingness to come to the chicken farm to help and asked them to help. Go to Mo's house and ask if you want anyone else.

They were all from the countryside. Sister-in-law Cai and others couldn't refuse such a matter, so they went to the Mo family to help ask, but they would not use the friendship between the two families to ask Mo Yan to agree.

Mo Yan also understood the thoughts of these ladies. Although the chicken farm did not need so many people, she declined politely. She only said that if the chicken farm ran well and expanded the breeding in the future, she would ask for more help. .

The ladies didn't feel it was a loss of face after they were politely rejected. Instead, they hoped that the Mo family's chicken farm could be successfully run and expanded, so that they would still have a chance, right?

Two days later, Zhou's puppy was one month old. Mo Yan went to her house carrying a big rooster as a thank you gift and brought back five puppies in a bamboo basket.

The five puppies have three colors, two are white with black circles, two are black with white circles, and the remaining one is khaki. Maybe it’s because the mother of the dog doesn’t eat nutritious food and doesn’t have enough milk. The puppy looks very thin. It’s already one month old but only the size of a palm. The little voice of humming sounds like it’s fragile, as if it’s been used a little. A little force can kill them.

There were so many pitiable little guys coming to the house. The little girls were so happy that they each held one in their arms and were reluctant to let go. When they heard their calls, they hurriedly fed them with food.

The five little ones are just one month old and cannot eat anything too hard, even meaty foods. It is good to feed them some porridge or rice soup. It will be easier to feed them when they are older.

Since they are used to guard against weasels, the five little milk dogs cannot be too weak. If they are fed according to the ordinary dog ​​raising methods, they are certainly no match for weasels. In order to maximize their potential, Mo Yan would put a few drops of spiritual spring water in their bowls when feeding them. The little puppy is still too young. If he drinks too much at once, he may explode and die. For now, he can only take his time.

The three beasts are not so friendly. Fortunately, Dabai has always been aloof. In his eyes, the puppies are like ants, and they just pretend to be invisible; Xiaohua bared her teeth when she saw them, wishing to eat them all Get rid of it. Don't blame it for being so "cruel", maybe the little guys missed their mother dog too much. When they saw the little flower for the first time, they mistakenly thought it was their mother who had come to find it, so they jumped up and stuck to it, and their little mouths arched and arched. They were looking for milk to drink from under Xiaohua’s belly.

Dabai and Maodan were both there at the time. When they saw this scene, they screamed rudely, as if they were laughing at Xiaohua. One is the "wolf" in her heart, and the other is the "little brother". When they saw such a shameful thing on the spot, Xiaohua was absolutely furious. If Mo Yan hadn't stopped her in time, these little guys would have been unable to escape from the wolf's mouth.

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