Seeing Xiao Xiong suddenly turn pale, Xiao Ruiyuan curled up the corners of his lips, with endless coldness in his eyes.

The man in front of him, his so-called father, had an affair with that woman when his mother was pregnant with him, and even got that woman pregnant. The mother who was lying in the delivery room "accidentally" heard about this incident, so she was so stimulated that she suffered from difficult labor and broke her body, and finally died of depression!

Before his mother's body was cold, this man rushed back while his grandfather was guarding the border and couldn't wait to marry the vicious woman who killed his mother, and took back Xiao Ruiqing, who was only a few months younger than him.

He would not blame his mother's death on a child. If Xiao Rui hadn't thought about his identity and status, he would kill him in an attempt to seize the throne. For the sake of his grandfather and the fact that he is of the same blood of the Xiao family, He won't touch him or even hinder his future.

Xiao Ruiqing not only ruined his reputation in the clan, but also secretly defected to King Heng, who was the greatest threat to his cousin. He could not let him go, both in public and private matters.

Without violating his grandfather's last wish, sending Xiao Ruiqing back to his ancestral home to guard the clan mausoleum was the biggest concession he could make. As for whether this man is willing or not, he doesn't care at all!

"Evil obstacle! Evil obstacle! You ungrateful evildoer!" Xiao Xiong pointed at Xiao Ruiyuan and cursed loudly. His face, which was red with anger, twisted. He stared at Xiao Ruiyuan with eyes full of anger and unwillingness, but he couldn't do anything with him. nor!

It is unclear to outsiders who the real head of the Hou Mansion is, but he cannot deceive himself and others. The secret guards of the Hou Mansion are all carefully cultivated. If it weren't for this evildoer's unwillingness to get married, his title would have been gone long ago!

This evildoer has no filial piety towards his father or his younger brother Qing'er. This time Qing'er did something wrong. Even if this evildoer cares about his father's last wish and won't do anything to Qing'er, he will It won't make Qing'er feel better either.

Not to mention anything else, if a noble son of a noble family was exiled to his ancestral home and guarded the family mausoleum for the rest of his life, how could he be like this if he hadn't made a big mistake? Just rumors can ruin his Qing'er!

Facing the furious Xiao Xiong, Xiao Ruiyuan glanced coldly and looked away. He no longer wanted to talk nonsense to the biased and confused man in front of him.


Xiao Xiong was furious and pointed at Xiao Ruiyuan with a trembling index finger, almost suffocating with anger!

That cold look clearly told him that there was no room for change in punishing his youngest son!

With his eyes fixed on Xiao Ruiyuan, Xiao Xiong's chest heaved violently. No matter how much unwillingness and resentment he had in his heart, he could only swallow it back temporarily!

Huh, as long as he is still sitting in the position of the Marquis, as long as he is still the "head" of the Marquis Mansion, those tribesmen will not dare to neglect Qing'er. He would like to see how, one year later, without the Crown Prince as his backer, this How dare you, the traitor, be so arrogant!

At this moment, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the door. Without waiting for the announcement from the attendant guarding the door, the door of the study room was pushed open with a bang, and a beautiful and graceful lady in gorgeous clothes with an eager look on her face was seen. broke in.

"Master Marquis, Qing'er is still young. He did wrong things because he was deceived by others. I am only a child of Qing'er. Please don't send him back to his ancestral home. No!" As soon as the lady in gorgeous clothes came in, she said He fell straight in front of Xiao Xiong, as if he couldn't bear the blow, hugged Xiao Xiong's waist and legs, and cried so hard, it was so pitiful.

The noble lady in gorgeous clothes is none other than the Wei family who committed adultery with Xiao Xiong, got pregnant out of wedlock, killed her first wife, and finally became the mistress of Weiyuan Hou Mansion.

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