The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 525 The dust has settled (6)

Building ancestral halls, setting up ancestral tombs, opening Mo clan studies... all of them are major events that benefit the clan members. As the clan leader, Mo Fang can be said to hope that the Mo clan can prosper more than anyone else. Not to mention anything else, just starting the Mo clan and learning a little bit made him unable to refuse!

With family studies, children will have Shunian. Even if not every child is good at studying, there is always hope, right? Even if none of the children can become talented in the end, it is better to carry forward the family than to turn a blind eye. In the future, even if you go to the city to find work, you can still make people look at you with a higher attitude, which is better than being a dirtbag.

At the same time, he also values ​​Mo Qingze's talent and learning, and feels that his name will definitely be on the list for this year's Qiu Wei, and maybe he can even go one step further. Thinking about it this way, "sacrificing" an old Mo family is nothing at all. Besides, they are too ruthless in what they do and cannot blame others!

With Mo Fang's favoritism and the help of clan members who supported the new clan rules, Mo Hong and others were unable to cause any trouble. Tietou successfully took his brothers and sisters out of Lao Mo's house and temporarily moved into Mo Yan's house. As soon as the new household registration is obtained and a new house is built, the family moves out and starts a new life.

However, Mo Hong demanded a hundred taels of "maintenance" on the grounds that he had raised the three Tietou brothers and sisters for many years. This request was quite reasonable, and Wu and Tietou agreed in order to live a peaceful life in the future.

It's just that the children didn't have a good day at Lao Mo's house. They usually helped with the work and didn't use a hundred taels at all. Finally, with the intervention of Mo Fang, he used thirty taels of silver to completely buy out the family relationship without family affection.

The Wu family was finally reunited. After receiving their new household registration, they happily bought a piece of land and started buying bricks and tiles. They only waited for the weather to get cooler after the autumn harvest before hiring someone to build a house.

At that time, Mo Hong was heartbroken about repaying Liu Qingqing's one hundred taels of silver. When he heard that Wu was going to build a brick house, he went crazy and smashed everything in the house. When Mo Yongfu came back from the fields, he vented all his anger and unwillingness on Mo Yongfu, who became increasingly silent.

After Wu learned about it from the troublemaker, she looked calm, neither pretending to be sympathetic nor gloating, as if she was just listening to a story.

The resentment she had towards that family had completely dissipated after the children returned to her. Whether those people were good or bad, they had nothing to do with her from now on.

After Mo Yan observed for a few days and determined that the old Mo family did not dare to have any more evil thoughts, he fully devoted himself to the great cause of building the winery.

However, when she got the first amount of money from Yan Junyu and bought a large amount of bricks and tiles, she kept her promise, bought a piece of land in the village, and invited Liu Tinglan's uncle, Master Lu, to help build the Mo family ancestral hall.

Regarding the construction of the ancestral hall, Mo Yan not only used this to "tempt" Mo Fang to help the Wu family. Mo Qingze had this idea as early as last year after she decided to participate in this year's Qiuwei.

If Mo Qingze wants to successfully take the imperial examination and enter the officialdom, he must first not have any stain on his reputation.

Everyone in the village knows that the Mo family is rich. The Mo family has a patriarch but no ancestral hall, which everyone can see. Although the construction of the ancestral temple cannot be imposed on the Mo family just because they are rich, if Mo Qingze offends people in the officialdom in the future, this will be enough reason for others to criticize her, and she has to guard against it.

This time, because of the incident involving the Wu family, she approached Mo Fang and offered to build an ancestral hall. Although it costs a lot of money to build an ancestral hall, in the long run, this will definitely do more good than harm to the Mo family!

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