The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 569 Yan Yan lied (3)

Han Zhiyun no longer objected to Mo Yan staying. Although Master Lu and others were surprised, they didn't ask any more questions. They just gave Mo Yan a few more words and then carried Mo Qingze and several other injured people down the mountain. .

When their backs were no longer visible, Mo Yan quickly approached the four beasts fighting.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the powerful fighting power of the golden beast. At this time, most of its golden fur is stained with blood, and there are several long holes in its abdomen. The skin and flesh are turned out and look very embarrassed.

The three beasts were not much better. The most seriously injured was the youngest one with the least fighting experience. There were also several deep gashes on his back. The blood kept pouring out and spreading down the fur. His entire abdomen was wet, and he looked much weaker, even his movements slowed down.

Seeing this, Mo Yan stood five feet away and shouted to the three beasts: "Xiao Hua, Da Bai, and Mao Tuan, come here!"

Although the three beasts wanted to defeat the golden beast, they knew that if they continued to fight, they would be defeated or even killed. Therefore, the moment they heard Mo Yan's shouting, they stopped fighting without hesitation and used their fastest speed. He rushed over at a very fast speed, and the moment he was chased by the golden beast, he was brought into the space by Mo Yan.

The three beasts suddenly disappeared, and even the tempting aura disappeared. A flash of doubt flashed in the golden beast's big golden eyes, but more of it was restless. It ignored the bleeding wound and kept sniffing around the place. However, no matter how sensitive its sense of smell was, it could not find the hiding place of one person and three animals.

In the space, Mo Yan took the three beasts directly to the Lingquan Pool. While they were lying on the edge of the pool drinking water, he neatly treated the large and small wounds on their bodies.

The three beasts went into the mountains every once in a while, and they often fought with other beasts. Injuries were common, but this was the most serious one now, especially the hairballs. On the originally soft and shiny fur, there were streaks of blood that were visible to the bones. Even the head was scratched open. The blood flowed from the corner of the eye to the bottom of the nose and fell into the soil, quickly staining a small area.

The white cotton cloth used to clean the wound was soon stained with blood red. Mo Yan softly comforted the painful body that was twitching, but did not say a word. The movements of her hands became more and more agile, and she quickly sprinkled blood on those large and small wounds. He drank Panax notoginseng powder and stopped the blood spurting out.

After Xiaohua and Dabai's wounds were treated, it was already half an hour later, but only a dozen breaths had passed outside the space.

Worried that her family would be anxious, Mo Yan did not dare to stay in the space for a long time. She just looked through the space and saw that the golden beast was still lingering there. She couldn't help but have a headache. She didn't know what to do with this big guy.

This guy just gets disturbed and goes crazy and hurts people. Maybe he is a vindictive guy. With its terrifying force value, if it really broke into the village to seek revenge, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if it was injured, so many people had consumed its energy before, but the three beasts were still no match for it. If this big hidden danger was solved, she would probably have trouble sleeping all night, but what should she do?

The three beasts saw Mo Yan's dilemma and walked up to her in unison, rubbing her legs in a depressed mood, as if blaming themselves for not living up to expectations and failing to defeat the golden beast.

Mo Yan felt extremely distressed when she saw it. She knelt down and gently tapped their noses and said, "Don't blame yourself. That guy is an old monster that has lived for who knows how many years. When you are as big as it, you will definitely be better than it." Even more powerful, you can knock it down directly without joining forces."

She was almost certain that the golden beast was as powerful as the big black cat guarding the ginseng fields. Maybe there were other more ferocious beasts hidden in the mountains. Otherwise, how could the golden beast be so powerful? injured?

At this time, Mo Yan did not expect that it was the black clouded leopard that injured the golden beast. As for why the fight happened, it had something to do with her.

As the overlord of the same group in the mountains, the Golden Beast is more powerful than the original Black Clouded Leopard. The two beasts are neighbors. In order to survive, they inevitably compete for territory and resources. Many years ago, the two beasts had a fight. The black clouded leopard was defeated and a lot of good things were robbed by the golden beast.

The Black Clouded Leopard has always wanted to regain his position, but his strength was not enough, until he met Mo Yan, ate black Ganoderma lucidum, and had his body transformed by the spiritual spring water every day. He had grown bigger than before in hundreds of years, and his physique was stronger than before. He is much stronger, and his reaction ability has also been greatly improved. Feeling that the time has come, he went to the Golden Beast's territory to provoke him, planning to avenge his shame.

How could the Golden Beast tolerate the former defeated generals coming to challenge him? The two beasts roared at each other for a long time, neither of them would give in. In the end, they fought together for two days and two nights before the winner was decided. The Golden Beast was defeated miserably and was hacked. The clouded leopard forced out the mountains that had been entrenched for hundreds of years.

The injured golden beast had to flee to the outskirts of Yuhua Mountain. He planned to settle the score with the black clouded leopard and regain the territory after recovering from his injuries. However, he was disturbed by Mo Qingze and others who went hunting in the mountain, thinking that the humans were here to deal with him. , so he struck first and hurt Mo Qingze.

Mo Yan didn't know that her father's injury would be inextricably related to her. While appeasing the three beasts, she thought of a way to try, and refused the three beasts to follow her, carrying a bucket of spiritual spring water and A pack of special effect Panax notoginseng powder flashed out of the space...

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