The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 907 Hidden Time Travel and Rebirth (1)

In this compartment, the matchmaker rode a donkey straight to a large house in the east of the city that occupies a very large area. Outside the courtyard, surrounded by white walls and caressed by green willows, there is a black sandalwood door plaque hanging on the tall house door. The two gilded characters "Cui Mansion" shine brightly in the sun. Deep, upright and restrained, without a trace of sharpness.

The matchmaker knew her identity and did not dare to stop at the main entrance of Cui Mansion. She drove the donkey to the small side door on the other wall. He tied the little donkey to a willow tree not far away, straightened his clothes, and rolled his messy hair to his ears. Then he knocked on the door after feeling that he was fine.

The small door opened quickly. The matchmaker didn't know what she said. The woman who was guarding the door let her in. Under the leadership of another woman, she followed for nearly a moment before stopping in front of a quiet and simple courtyard. Stopped.

No one noticed that an inconspicuous bird followed the matchmaker all the way to the Cui Mansion. When the maids passing by were not paying attention, it flew into the house through the open window and quietly hid in a corner to avoid suspicion.

The little girl standing at the door of the courtyard asked about the matchmaker's identity and purpose of coming, and went in to inform her calmly. After a while, she came out and said to the matchmaker: "The old lady has just rested, you can go to the corridor and wait."

"Hey, thanks for reminding me, girl." The matchmaker thanked her with a smile on her face.

Don't look at her as just a janitor girl. If she goes outside and says she works in Cui Mansion, others will look down on her. She can get a lot of benefits. If she gains face in front of the master, it will be even more serious. Some people are begging for her. work. Fortunately, the Cui family is strict and will never allow servants in the mansion to hook up with others outside, so as not to cause trouble and bring trouble to the mansion.

Walking to the yard and waiting, looking at the maids who were holding their breath for fear of making any noise and waking up the master, the matchmaker suddenly felt a little scared, worried that Mrs. Cui would think she was doing something bad. Although she would not punish her, if word got out, , it will greatly affect her reputation. It will be difficult to maintain matchmaking among dignitaries in the future.

Thinking of this possibility, sweat broke out in the matchmaker's vest, and she felt a little relieved when she touched the bulging purse in her sleeve.

After waiting for half an hour, there was still no summons. The matchmaker stood with her back sore and her legs weak. Just when she couldn't hold on anymore and wanted to find a place to sit down and rest, she saw several big maids in bright clothes walking in quickly carrying basins and trays. Entering the house, there was a noise soon. It turned out to be Mrs. Cui getting up.

After another moment, Mrs. Cui had tidied up, and then the maid in front of her came over to call the matchmaker in.

The matchmaker quickly thanked her and followed her in cautiously with her head lowered. She didn't dare to look up, let alone face Mrs. Cui who was sitting in the first place above.

Except for the matchmaker, there were only Mrs. Cui and a maid in the house, and everyone else was sent out.

Mrs. Cui is nearly seventy years old, but she has a childlike appearance. Although her head is full of silver hair, her cheeks are rosy, her eyes are deep and bright, and she looks more energetic than many middle-aged women. At this time, she was sitting in a high position, looking solemnly at the matchmaker who was about to kneel down in the hall, and said lightly: "No ceremony, I will give you a seat."

The matchmaker hurriedly gave the gift and said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you, old lady, for your consideration. Old lady, you are so bold."

After saying that, she retreated to a chair to the side and sat down. She didn't dare to sit down with her buttocks firmly, but it finally made her sore waist and legs more comfortable.

Mrs. Cui was behind the scenes, and she couldn't talk and act in a roundabout way, so she directly asked the matchmaker about the result of going to Mo's house to intercede. When he learned that the Mo family refused to get married because they were not from the right family, something flashed in his eyes, but he did not get as furious as the matchmaker imagined.

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