The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 919 Granted Marriage (4)

Chu Heng had never said this to Emperor Hui'an before. Looking at his father who turned pale, the resentment that had just arisen in his heart gradually dissipated. He knew in his heart that being born into an emperor's family, there were too many alternatives. From ancient times to the present, the only emperor who abolished the harem and favored only the queen was the Taizu Emperor of the previous dynasty.

Looking at his son who looked like his wife, Emperor Hui'an covered up the pain in his eyes and said with a heavy gaze: "I promise you! But you must also promise me that if one day he has a different intention, you must not be merciful."

Chu Heng's face flashed with joy, and he said solemnly: "I promise you!"

There is a lotus pond in the Prince's Mansion. The pond is full of green lotus leaves and pink lotus flowers are in bloom. Xiao Ruiyuan and Yan Junyu are standing by the lotus pond, but they have no intention of admiring the swaying lotus leaves and lotus flowers.

Yan Junyu looked at Xiao Ruiyuan, frowned and said, "What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The Sacred Heart is unpredictable, and I don't know much about it. My cousin seems to know it, but he doesn't want to talk to me."

When Yan Junyu heard this, his brows furrowed even more tightly. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Besides this matter, is there anything else unusual about the Holy Emperor?"

Something else?

Xiao Ruiyuan thought for a while and suddenly remembered something that happened not long ago: "Not long ago, the Holy One wanted to marry Princess Ruining and Xiao Ruiqing, but my cousin stopped it."

Yan Junyu was very clear about the old events in the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion, and knew that Xiao Ruiqing coveted the title of the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion. When he heard that Emperor Hui'an actually planned to give Princess Ruining to Xiao Ruiqing, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

Xiao Ruiyuan saw his strangeness and his face darkened: "What did you think of?"

Yan Junyu took a deep breath, looked around to make sure that no one around could hear their conversation, walked to Xiao Ruiyuan, and whispered: "If my guess is correct, the Holy One should be wary of you. .”

Xiao Ruiyuan's expression suddenly changed, his eyes were clear and he didn't know what he was thinking, but the chill lingering around him became heavier and heavier.

The air was filled with the fragrance of lotus leaves. At this time, the fragrance seemed to be stagnant, and the lotus flowers that had been fluttering in the wind also became quiet.

Yan Junyu sighed, patted his friend's shoulder and comforted him: "This is just my guess. No one knows what the facts are. Don't think wildly."

Xiao Ruiyuan's expression suddenly changed, his eyes were clear and he didn't know what he was thinking, but the chill lingering around him became heavier and heavier.

The air was filled with the fragrance of lotus leaves. At this time, the fragrance seemed to be stagnant, and the lotus flowers that had been fluttering in the wind also became quiet.

Yan Junyu sighed, patted his friend's shoulder and comforted him: "This is just my guess. No one knows what the facts are. Don't think wildly."

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head, and his deep voice was hoarse with fatigue: "Except for the reason you said, I can't think of anything else."

He joined the army at the age of thirteen and spent nearly ten years on the battlefield. If it was for experience at the beginning to make himself stronger, then from the first time he went to the battlefield, the first time he broke into the city and tried to attack the children When the enemy army was killed, he had a new understanding of joining the army, and the four words of protecting his family and country were deeply engraved in his heart.

He couldn't remember how many battles he had fought, how many times he had been injured, and how many times he had almost died on the battlefield. What he had now was all he had fought for with his life, sword by sword. He had never given birth to a traitor. I just want to protect everything I want to protect.

How great was the credit in the past, how ironic it is now!

Yan Junyu looked at his friend with a tired face, and secretly felt worthless for him. After knowing each other for so many years, he knew very well that the person in front of him was not the kind of person who was greedy for power, and he had no intention of causing trouble. However, after so many years, his contribution was enough to make him a marquis. It was only because he was the heir apparent of the Weiyuan Marquis Mansion that he was not granted the title. And his influence in the army was even greater than that of those who had already become famous in the court. Long time veteran.

Even if the soldier talisman in his hand has been handed over, as long as this person raises his arms and shouts, there will be many people in the army following him. And since he has gained the trust of the prince's cousin, his future will only be better than it is now. The Holy Lord may also be worried that the prince's cousin relies too much on him and makes him have thoughts that he shouldn't have, so he becomes defensive!

Although he knew the reason, Xiao Ruiyuan still had many unanswered doubts in his heart, and asked Yan Junyu: "The Holy One intends to use Xiao Ruiqing to check and balance me. I can understand it, but why doesn't he want me to marry Yan'er? Isn't it more suitable for the Mo family to have no foundation? What’s his intention?”

This is what he doesn't understand the most!

Yan Junyu also didn't understand this point, and guessed: "Maybe the Holy Lord already has a suitable candidate in his heart, maybe he is the daughter of a close minister."

With the daughter of a trusted minister watching from the sidelines, even if he has evil intentions, it will be easily detected.

Xiao Ruiyuan thought about it and felt that this reason made sense, and he became more and more chilled by what Emperor Hui'an had done. Even if he didn't have any evil intentions, he didn't want the person next to him to have any. Fortunately, fortunately, he met the woman he liked, and the woman he liked happened to like him.

Yan Junyu didn't know what Xiao Ruiyuan was thinking. Seeing that his expression softened, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just pretend you don't know about this. With your cousin on your side, the Holy One will not grant you a marriage randomly. It depends on what you have just done." With my cousin's attitude, I'm afraid I'm going to have a fight with the Holy One, and maybe I can really get you a marriage proposal."

Xiao Ruiyuan nodded slightly and said nothing.

If there had been a decree granting marriage before, he would have been very happy. Now that he knows Emperor Hui'an's thoughts, he no longer has any expectations in his heart...

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