The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 930: A chance encounter on the street with sinister intentions (3)

Facts have proved that Cui Qingrou's worries were correct. As soon as she walked out of Mrs. Cui's yard, the maid she had sent to follow Cui Pingan hurried over.

The maid knelt on the ground and apologized: "Miss, Master Qi ran out alone and injured the concierge who stopped him. My servant failed to stop him. Please punish me!"

"What, Xiao Qi ran out?" Cui Qingrou's expression changed, and she didn't care about pursuing him: "Go and ask people to come out of the house to look for him. We must find Master Qi."

"Yes, miss!" The maid quickly got up and hurried to the front yard to call for someone.

Cui Qingrou became very anxious when she thought that her nephew did not know the way and ran out alone again. She rubbed her forehead and said to another maid: "Go and call all the people in my yard and follow me." Let’s go out and look for him together.”

The maid went down immediately and soon found more than ten maids and women who were waiting for Cui Qingrou.

Cui Qingrou ordered everyone to search separately, while she took two personal maids and searched in another direction, hoping to find him as soon as possible.

When Mo Yan came out of Du's Medical Center, the sun was already setting in the west. This time, she brought the prepared medicinal materials, and at the request of Dr. Du, she took the pulse of the patients who came into the hospital for treatment. Concerned about her reputation, Dr. Du only arranged for women and children.

There were so many people seeing a doctor today, and I was overworked without realizing it. Fortunately, I got a good harvest. Not only did I improve my ability to take pulses, but I was also able to prescribe medicines for common diseases such as headaches and brain fever. The medication was also very precise, which made Dr. Du happy. After looking outside, I became more and more certain that the disciples I accepted were talented and intelligent and would be good materials for studying medicine.

As everyone knows, in order to cope with the great plague more than ten years later, Mo Yan took advantage of the time difference between space and the outside, and often locked herself in space to study medical skills. Most of the hot summer passed, and this was almost how she came here.

In addition, Xue Tuanzi assists from the side and uses spiritual power to condense "patients" who are no different from real people. If there is still no progress, then he is really stupid.

Sitting in the driving seat of the carriage, Mo Yan walked leisurely towards the city gate, but encountered a traffic jam halfway. To be precise, a group of onlookers blocked the street and the carriage could not pass.

Mo Yan didn't want to join in the fun, so she didn't get off the carriage. The further she walked, the more the traffic jam in front became worse. In the end, Dahongzao could no longer move forward, and it was no longer possible to retreat and take a detour.

Mo Yan had no choice but to get off the carriage, holding Da Hongzao while giving way to the people blocking the road, while slowly moving out.

"Oh, this kid is so stupid. He gives out so many good things for free, but refuses to enjoy such a beautiful blessing. If I had that kind of worth, I would have brought home this little beauty who sold her body to bury her father. .”

"Tch, that tigress in your family, if you dare to take this little beauty home, that tigress in your family won't eat you alive! Haha!"

"Hey, I've already said that I'm addicted to talking. Please don't tell that tigress of mine, otherwise you'll have one less brother to drink with you in the future."

"Haha, don't worry, brother, I'm not that kind of person..."

Hearing the conversation between the two men, Mo Yan subconsciously glanced at the crowd, but she was not tall enough. When she stood on tiptoes, she saw only human heads, so she gave up and continued to push forward.

"Girl, I-I really don't have anything valuable on me. These things are enough for you to bury your father. You-don't bother me. I have no shortage of maids in my family."

Cui Ping'an, who was surrounded by the crowd, looked at the girl who was kneeling in front of him, tugging on the hem of his clothes and crying into tears. He secretly regretted that he should not have thought that she looked like the girl he liked, so he impulsively interfered with this matter. Now, I can't get rid of it. Cui Ping'an, who was surrounded by the crowd, looked at the girl who was kneeling in front of him, tugging on the hem of his clothes and crying into tears. He secretly regretted that he should not have thought that she looked like the girl he liked, so he impulsively interfered with this matter. Now, I can't get rid of it.

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