The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 933 Big Trouble (2)

Cui Pingan rushed directly in front of the carriage. If Da Hongzao hadn't walked slowly and reacted quickly, he would have crashed into Cui Pingan with his thin body.

When Mo Yan saw this, he immediately became angry: "My carriage is not for soliciting customers. If you want to go to Source City, you can go to the horse shop and buy one. Even hiring a carriage will make it easier. Why do you have to block my way?"

Cui Ping'an blinked when he heard this: "Because you are a good person."

Hearing this reason, Mo Yan's eyes twitched hard. Could it be that the words "I am a good person" were written on her face?

Cui Ping'an seemed to have read her thoughts, pointed to the little beggar in the corner, and said proudly: "I saw you giving him candy."

Looking along his finger, Mo Yan saw the little beggar eating candy with a satisfied face. His face suddenly darkened and he deliberately threatened: "You are overthinking. I am not a good person. I gave him candy to gain him." We will capture him and his companions and sell them to the black mines to work as coolies."

Anyone else would never believe this, but Cui Ping'an was a little frightened. He stared at Mo Yan with a straight face, thinking about the authenticity of it.

But he couldn't tell that Mo Yan was a hateful human trafficker when he looked around. He suddenly felt that he had been cheated, and became more determined to follow closely: "I won't fall for your trick. You don't want to give me away." It’s okay for me to go to Yuancheng, but you have to take me to your house to stay for a few days. Don’t worry, I will pay you.”

"Haha!" This was the only sneer in response to the second boy.

This man was not only a middle-class student, he was also extremely stupid. Why did he think that with just a few words, he would have to take this strange man home? Think that you are loved by everyone, and the blind man sees the money that opens his eyes!

Mo Yan complained in her heart, not bothering to talk nonsense with a fool, so she patted Da Hong Zao's butt and ordered: "Go around him and leave quickly."

Dahongzao understood the master's intention very accurately. He raised his horse's hooves and walked around Cui Ping'an to the right at 60 degrees. After making sure that the carriage behind him would not hit him, he suddenly accelerated his speed, spread his horse's hooves and started to trot. Cui Ping'an was behind him.

Seeing Cui Ping'an stunned and unable to recover, Mo Yan turned his head and praised Dahongzao: "Well done!"

Dahongzao swung his tail happily, carefully avoiding the pedestrians coming and going, walking through the street at a neither fast nor slow speed, but he didn't know that Cui Ping'an, who had been thrown away, was spreading his feet behind.

After leaving the city, Dahongzao's pace slowed down and the carriage was not as bumpy as before. The breeze brought by it gently blew over Mo Yan's face, but it was not very hot. She hummed a tuneless tune, quite leisurely.

Halfway through, Dahongzao suddenly stopped moving, his big ears pricked up and he seemed to be listening attentively to something.

Seeing this, Mo Yan stopped humming and asked in confusion: "Big Hongzao, why don't you leave?"

Dahongzao turned his head and neighed at Mo Yan, but his eyes fell on the back of the carriage and still did not move.

Mo Yan couldn't help but wonder, she leaned out and looked behind her, only to see a person not far away, staggering behind. That thin figure was not the middle school boy!

Cui Qingrou took her maid out of the mansion and had been looking for him for three full hours, but she didn't even see her nephew, and there was no news from the servants in the mansion.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Cui Qingrou was so anxious that she did not dare to tell Mrs. Cui about the matter, so she had to send someone back to her house to tell the matter to the head of the Cui family, her eldest brother Cui, who is a compatriot from the same mother.

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