The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 952: A perfect match was kidnapped (1)

The atmosphere in the room was silent for a moment. Just when Mo Yan thought that the man in front of her was interested, a pair of gentle big hands suddenly hugged her shoulders. The next moment, she was lying in a generous embrace, and the man above her head was full of joy. Sighed: "I'm glad you can protect yourself."

Mo Yan raised her head in disbelief, staring at Xiao Ruiyuan's smiling face speechless.

Xiao Ruiyuan only felt that the woman's dull look had accurately touched the soft spot in his heart. He couldn't help but reached out and gently stroked the back of her head, and said softly: "You used to be too kind, so kind that you would even hurt people who hurt you." I don’t want to go back for revenge. I was always worried that you would be hurt. Now that you are like this, I feel relieved.”

Mo Yan looked at the man and couldn't say a word.

After two lifetimes, this was the first time she had plotted against a woman like this. Even if that woman had plotted against her first, it was the first time she did such a thing, and she would always have messy thoughts in her heart, feeling that she had become bad and vicious. She became no different from those who plotted against her, and even worried that one day she would become the person she once hated.

However, the man's words finally made her wake up. She had not become bad or vicious, she was just protecting herself. Only those who protect themselves and truly care about her will feel at ease.

Looking at the woman who was gradually relieved, Xiao Ruiyuan continued: "I went into battle to kill the enemy when I was thirteen years old. I have no eyesight on the battlefield. Either you die or I live. Over the years, countless enemies have died under my sword. If This can be considered vicious, but I have been poisoned to the core for a long time. A poisonous husband and a poisonous woman, aren't we a perfect match?"

Speaking of a perfect match, Xiao Ruiyuan's face was filled with determination. Seeing that the woman in his arms finally smiled, he couldn't help but lower his head and press a light kiss on her forehead.

At this time, everyone in the Zhao Mansion was immersed in sleep. Under the breeze, the lanterns in the corridor were swaying in the wind, and the shadows of the trees on the ground were vague and somewhat desolate for no reason.

Fan Meijiao anxiously walked around the room. Seeing that there was no movement outside, she stared at the shrinking maid fiercely and cursed: "Why is there no news yet? If things go wrong this time, I am the only one to ask you. !”

"M-Miss, no, no, no, we will definitely succeed this time!" the maid said tremblingly, shaking her body. Half of them are worried that the plan will fail and they will be blamed by their master. The other half are that if the plan succeeds, they are worried that things will be exposed, someone will be caught behind the scenes, and they will die as a scapegoat.

Whether it was the maid's comfort or her determination that the plan would succeed, Fan Meijiao finally calmed down. She sat on the bed, her eyes rolling around, not knowing what she was planning.

The maid huddled in the corner and did not dare to say a word. She just prayed in her heart that the young lady would not do anything again. Doing such evil things once was enough to frighten her.

Another half an hour passed, and seeing that the child's hour had passed, Fan Meijiao finally couldn't wait any longer, and told the maid: "I will go to the temple with my grandmother early tomorrow morning to fulfill my vows, and I will come back in three days. Don't follow me this time. If things happen tonight, then we will see what happens to that little bitch. If the situation changes, come to me in the temple immediately, do you understand?"

The maid's face changed slightly, and she suppressed the panic in her heart and said with a forced smile: "Miss, I have a slave to serve you, and you are used to it. I have been here for three days without a slave by your side. I'm afraid you are not used to it. Otherwise, I will go with you, slave, and find someone else to keep an eye on the goings-on in the Mo family?"

"Why, you bitch dare not listen to what I say?" Fan Meijiao glared at the maid who had served her for more than ten years, and cursed angrily: "If I ask you to stay, you will stay. Where does this nonsense come from? If you dare to If you say anything more, I will sell your whole family to the mine tomorrow."

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