The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 964 Revealing the Trouble (1)

For some unknown reason, Yan Junyu came out alone this time, without even his personal attendant Guan Yu. After a few days, this young man, who had clothes to put on, food to eat, and mouth to open, was able to take care of himself and no longer had to be cared for.

Young Master Yan was very interested in the Mo family's orchards, medicine fields, rice fields, and even Liuyang Village and Yuhua Mountain. Apart from eating and sleeping every day, he spent the rest of his time wandering around these places, or sneaking into the school whenever he could. , telling children some ghost stories to scare them does not feel boring.

On this day, Yan Junyu had breakfast and asked Xiaohua to take him to explore the mountains as usual. During this season, many good things can be found in the mountains. Regardless of the prey, some rare wild fruits or rare green plants can also make him happy for a long time.

"Young Master, are you going into the mountains again?" Da Nier was carrying a bamboo dustpan and happened to meet Yan Junyu who was about to go out. There was a hint of shyness on her face and her eyes were a little brighter than usual.

Since Tietou and Liu Qingqing got engaged, Wu's marriage was also put on the agenda for Da Nier, who was already quite old. Wu asked three matchmakers to propose marriage to Da Nier, so that Da Nier would no longer be in public. After discussing with Mo Yan, she bought another woman to help her.

The Wu family did not buy land, so Da Nier usually took care of her younger siblings at home, did housework, and picked up Nvhong again. From time to time, she went to Mo's house to ask Li Xiu for advice. She came especially frequently recently, and she often met Yan Junyu.

"Well, good morning, Miss Wu." Yan Junyu didn't notice the girl's strangeness, and said hello politely because of Mo Yan.

This simple greeting caused a faint blush to appear on Da Nier's face, and the slightly ordinary color added a bit of beauty: "There are many snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the mountains, and some of them are poisonous. Young Master Be careful not to let them bite you.”

Hearing this, Yan Junyu subconsciously touched something hanging on his waist, and his expression became extremely gentle: "Thank you, Miss Wu, for reminding me. With this sachet, those things don't dare to get close."

Da Nier didn't miss the man's little move, and suddenly an unbearable sourness surged in her heart, and she said mockingly: "It's the little girl who is getting into trouble."

Yan Junyu glanced at Da Nier in confusion, wondering why Hao Duanduan showed such emotion.

However, he and Da Nier only met each other a few times, and they would not have too many interactions in the future. He did not have the leisure to speculate on the thoughts of an unimportant woman. So he nodded to Da Nier, pinched the ears of Xiao Hua who was looking around and urged: "It's getting late, hurry up and go into the mountains with me."

Xiaohua shook her head impatiently, broke away from Yan Junyu's hand, then let out a long howl and ran quickly towards the back mountain.

"Xiaohua, please slow down, I can't keep up!" Yan Junyu, carrying a heavy bow and arrows on his back, shouted angrily while chasing, and the man and the beast soon disappeared into the dense jungle.

Da Nier quietly watched the man's majestic back disappear until no sound could be heard anymore, and the starlight in her eyes gradually dimmed.

At this time, Mo Yan opened the door and walked out. Seeing Da Nier standing at the door with her back to her, she asked doubtfully: "Sister Da Nier, why don't you come in the house?"

Da Nier woke up from a dream, turned around quickly, handed the bamboo dustpan in her hand to Mo Yan and said: "My mother fried the coke leaves last night, I will bring some for you to try, what do you think?" That’s right, I don’t have to go in.”

The smile on Da Nier's face was too far-fetched, and Mo Yan could see it right away. She took the bamboo dustpan and asked worriedly: "Sister Da Nier, are you worried about something?"

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