The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 969 A visitor from the Cui family, the monarch of Chang'an (2)

Mo Yan didn't want to talk to him at all, and she didn't intend to reveal Da Nier's worries to him. She just reminded him before leaving: "In the future, if you see the big girls and young wives in the village coming to your door, you should stay away."

This guy is so evil that not only Sister Da Nier is attracted to him, but even the eldest girls and young wives in the village often come to visit him. Most of these people are curious about this monster's appearance, which may not necessarily mean they have feelings of admiration. But as time goes by, who can guarantee that there will not be a second big Nier, so it is necessary to take precautions before it happens.

Yan Junyu's thoughts changed and he understood the reason. A wicked smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It turns out that you girl also thinks that my appearance is unparalleled. It's not bad, not bad, and I have good vision. If you kick that boy Hanzhang , throw yourself into my arms, I don’t mind you getting engaged.”

I'll rub it. If you don't dislike it, I still dislike it!

Mo Yan almost cursed, being completely shocked by this shameless poaching monster, and just wanted to throw two pigs at him. Unfortunately, there were a lot of pigs in the space, but she didn't have the courage to throw them out.

Too lazy to convulse with this monster, Mo Yan rolled his eyes at him and went back to the room to write a letter, deciding to tell Xiao Ruiyuan about Yan Junyu staying at home and asking him to find a way to get this guy away. If she stayed any longer, she was really afraid that Da Nier would change her mind and leave with him even if she became a concubine.

After the Lin family was eradicated, Xiao Ruiyuan withdrew most of the secret guards protecting the Mo family. The original two were originally left behind, but Mo Yan discovered them and insisted on moving the two secret guards away.

Although Xiao Ruiyuan was unwilling, he didn't want to make Mo Yan unhappy because of this, and at that time she was already protected by powerful five beasts, so he withdrew the last two secret guards.

In addition, there have been new changes in the war in Qiuci Kingdom recently, and I have been too busy to leave. I haven't been to Mo's house for more than ten days. Therefore, I never knew that Yan Junyu lived in Liuyang Village.

Xiao Ruiyuan received the letter quickly. After reading the content of the letter, he tore Yan Junyu apart in his heart. He finally finished handling his official duties before sunset, and then rode a fast horse to Mo's house.

"If you don't come back to Beijing, I guarantee that you will see Princess Chang'an tomorrow."

Yan Junyu was lying leisurely on the deck chair in the yard enjoying the cool air. He suddenly heard the words "Princess Chang'an" and jumped up in surprise and looked at the speaker behind him.

Seeing Xiao Ruiyuan looking at him with a cold face, Yan Junyu breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to caress his chest and complained: "You can come as you please, why do you mention that crazy girl? I am too fragile to withstand this. A threat."

Xiao Ruiyuan snorted coldly and said nothing.

Xiao Ruiyuan had already noticed Yan Junyu's feelings for Mo Yan, but they were friends and he was engaged to Mo Yan, so he just pretended not to know about it and did not prevent Yan Junyu from normal interactions with Mo Yan.

However, this time Yan Junyu moved into his fiancée's house openly and refused to leave. Xiao Ruiyuan couldn't bear it at all.

When Yan Junyu saw this, he knew that the day had come for him to leave the Mo family. He couldn't help scolding Xiao Ruiyuan in his heart, but he made a pitiful look on his face: "Hanzhang, we are brothers, just Don't tell that crazy girl about my whereabouts. If she knew that I had lived in the Mo family for so many days, wouldn't she tear the Mo family apart?"

This little daughter-in-law's behavior completely disgusted Xiao Ruiyuan, but he had to admit that what Yan Junyu said made sense. Princess Chang'an's temper was really not very good!

"As long as you leave here with me tonight, I will not tell Princess Chang'an about your whereabouts."

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