The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 978 Instigating evil (3)

However, he didn't know that his grandmother was also willing to obey his wishes and no longer forced him to do anything. Therefore, there is no way to resolve the conflict between grandfather and grandson, even after running away from home.

Mrs. Cui ordered someone to move a chair in front of her, and asked Cui Ping'an to sit in front of her. She lovingly asked her grandson how he had spent the past month at Mo's house. She held her slightly skinny hand and never let go of her grandson.

Afraid that his grandmother would be distressed, Cui Ping'an wisely omitted the chore of chopping firewood and carrying water every day. He only said that the people in the Mo family were very nice. He ate, slept, and took medicine to take care of his body at the Mo family every day. In short, he lived a good life. Well, I didn’t suffer or feel wronged.

Mrs. Cui saw that her grandson's body was indeed much stronger than before, and his skin color had also changed, not the worrying paleness before. But the thick calluses on her grandson's hands told her that he had suffered a lot in this month.

But Cui Pingan didn't want to say it, and Mrs. Cui Pingan didn't ask. The grandfather and grandson chatted happily for a while, and the topic gradually shifted to someone Cui Pingan didn't want to hear.

"...You ran away from home. Your uncle was so anxious that he ordered all the servants in the house to go out to find you. If you hadn't sent a letter of safety later, your uncle would have wanted your cousin to go south to find you in person. , your cousin is also very worried about you, and often comes over to ask for news about you. Every time she hears that you are safe, she goes back with peace of mind."

As Mrs. Cui spoke, she observed her grandson's face. When she saw that his grandson was frowning and not speaking, she knew that he was still conflicted and didn't know how to continue.

The eldest brother was indeed worried about Xiao Qi's safety and sent people to search everywhere, but this worry was out of concern for his grandnephew and grandson, not for his future grandson-in-law. As for the grand-niece, they just sent someone to inquire. I'm afraid they weren't so willing to get married. It was just because of their parents' order and the matchmaker's words that they reluctantly accepted Xiao Qi as their cousin.

The grandson is in poor health, he is a concubine, and he has a legitimate mother like Princess Fuyun. Even though the eldest brother feels sorry for his grandson, he is worried about it, but she has no other choice but to shamelessly ask her grandniece to be her granddaughter-in-law. She didn't dare tell her parents the real reason why Xiao Qi ran away from home, otherwise the marriage would be completely impossible.

Cui Ping'an was silent for a long time, then suddenly stood up and knelt upright in front of Mrs. Cui: "Grandma, grandpa and cousin are good to my grandson. My grandson knows that my grandson is not willing to marry his cousin. One thing is that my grandson has someone he likes." Girl, I am unwilling and unable to abandon her. Secondly, my grandson cannot bear to deceive grandpa and his cousin. My cousin is a good girl. She married her grandson, but his grandson is destined to let her down. At that time, grandpa and cousin will not be together. He will hate his grandson, and I'm afraid he will also resent his grandmother, and the relationship between the two families can no longer be maintained. Such a result is not what the grandson wants to see, and grandma, you don't want to see it either, right?"

When Mrs. Cui heard this, she was so angry that she hit her grandson several times again: "Since you know there will be such consequences, why can't you take your heart back and treat your cousin well? If you really can't let it go, grandma allows you to take that grass I will come to the capital, but you must marry your cousin."

Cui Ping'an smiled bitterly, with a trace of vicissitudes on his face that did not suit his age, but his tone revealed an unprecedented determination: "Grandma, my grandson only has one heart. If you give Fangcao, you can't give it to others! Grandma doesn't If you like Fangcao, your grandson doesn’t need to marry her, but he won’t marry your cousin, grandma, your grandson is not threatening you, but he just doesn’t want to make the same mistake again and again.”

In his previous life, he was too stupid. He listened to his grandmother, took Fangcao to his side, and married his cousin, thinking that he would have the best of both worlds. However, Fangcao ran away from the house on the day he married his cousin.

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