
Looking at the income from last month's manuscript fee displayed on the computer screen, Liu Xinghai let out a breath, and the corners of his mouth slowly hooked.

He is 21 years old and has just entered his junior year.

The economic conditions of the family are not very rich, it can only be said that Liu Xinghai, who is from a well-off family, used his ID card to open a writer account for himself on the largest online literature platform in China after he turned 18 a few years ago, and began to earn money by writing books.

Naturally, there were no patrons at first, but fortunately, Liu Xinghai had a good talent and strong learning ability, so his grades soon improved.

In the past few years, he has really accumulated a lot of book fans, and because he is still in school, his own expenses are not large, but he has really saved more than 100,000 yuan.

Now the monthly manuscript fee is more or less seven or eight thousand, which is not high in Jianghai City, where I go to school, but it is more or less enough for a student.


At the same time that Liu Xinghai closed the web page of the writer's backstage, the bedroom door was opened from the outside.

Three roommates, covered in sweat, walked in.

"The heat is dead, the heat is dead..."

"Take a bath!".

"Wait for me!".

"Get out! I don't want to mess with the base!".

Seeing that the three roommates began to undress as soon as they returned to the dormitory, Liu Xinghai said with a smile: "Running to play basketball on a hot day, you are not afraid of heat stroke?"

"Third child, you don't understand~" Qiu Junzhi, the boss in the dormitory, raised an index finger and shook it lightly, "If you don't go to the court to show your heroic appearance, how can you attract girls?" "

The second Ji Jun, who had already taken off his clothes so that he only had shorts, also laughed: "It's a pity that you didn't go, the third child, there is a school girl who is really beautiful!".

"It's a pity, people have boyfriends~".

Xia Cheng, who was the fourth in line, shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait a minute! Let's wash it together."

", the bathroom is so big!".

"Squeeze it, squeeze it, hey, hey, hey..."

After watching the three guys push and shove into the bathroom in the bedroom, Liu Xinghai whistled, and then sat on the chair in a daze.



At the mention of his girlfriend, he couldn't help but think of what happened a year ago.

At that time, he went to a birthday party held by his high school classmates.

That night, everyone drank more or less at KTV.

Liu Xinghai's alcohol consumption is not good, and after a few glasses, the whole person is dizzy, I don't know what year it is.

Because everyone drank alcohol, few people were sober-minded, so in the end, Liu Xinghai was left behind and no one found out.

What happened later, Liu Xinghai can't remember clearly.

I only remember that I seemed to bump into an equally drunk woman at the door of the KTV.

By the time I came to my senses, it was already the next day.

I was actually lying in the hotel room, and there was a sleeping woman lying next to me!

Looking at the age, it seems to be in his twenties.

The woman soon woke up, glanced at Liu Xinghai with complicated eyes, and left a sentence of "I hope everyone forgets about last night and never sees each other again", and then completely disappeared into Liu Xinghai's world.

The two never saw each other again.

After the woman left, Liu Xinghai stared blankly at the red on the sheets for a long time.

The woman was the first time, and so was he.

I don't know if it was because of my sudden spring breeze with a woman, Liu Xinghai was greatly impacted at that time, but fortunately, it didn't have much impact on his studies.

This matter was buried deep in his heart, and no one knew about it.

It's just that Liu Xinghai can't forget that woman, and he doesn't even think much about falling in love.

Even though he knew that the two might not have any intersection in the future, he always had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

What if, it happens again?

The next day.

The new semester has finally begun.

As a student at the School of Electronic and Information Engineering of Aurora University in Jianghai City, Liu Xinghai came to the classroom early in the morning with his three roommates according to the class schedule.

It's my third year, and I don't have many classes, and there is even a day every week where there are no classes all day.

In the blink of an eye, the day's classes were over, and several brothers in the dormitory were yelling to go back to the Black Expedition Summoner's Canyon.

Liu Xinghai is not without interest in games, but it is not as strong as it once was.

In the past, I was under a lot of academic pressure and I thought about playing every day when I didn't have time to play, but now I have more free time, but I am not as obsessed as I used to be.

Because today is the day of the press fee, Liu Xinghai is in a good mood and decides to leave the school and go out for a good meal.

mentioned to the three roommates, they were obviously more interested in opening the dormitory, so Liu Xinghai could only leave the school alone.

Jianghai is a special economic zone and a municipality directly under the central government of Xia Kingdom, and Aurora University is a top university in China, so there are many commercial streets outside the school, which is extremely prosperous.

Liu Xinghai soon had a meal at a restaurant he often went to.

After eating and drinking, he left the restaurant, and when he passed by a supermarket, he suddenly walked in, wanting to buy himself a bottle of fat house water.

However, as soon as he walked out of the supermarket with fat house water in his hand, he suddenly saw a woman coming out of a mother and baby store next door.

"It's you ——!?


Looking at the woman, Liu Xinghai was stunned.

At the same time——

"The Perfect Daddy System is officially activated!!".

"Start Mission Release: Please go home with Zhong Xiao and meet your own children!"

"Reward: 200,000 in cash. 』

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