Looking at the red real estate certificate, especially the name of Liu Xinghai written on it after opening it, Zhong Xiao felt dizzy.

She knew what this place was.

The famous top luxury residential community on the Bund in the river, Splendid Mansion!

The houses here all start at 30,000 square meters! Most of them are above 40,000!

And when Zhong Xiao saw that the property right area written on it was actually more than 300 square meters, the whole person was even worse.

"Star... Sea of Stars... How much did you spend on this house? "

"What's this?"

Liu Xinghai wanted to say that he didn't spend a penny, but that was obviously impossible.

He did the math in his mind.

According to the price of 40,000 yuan, it is more than 15 million, if you count other messy expenses such as decoration...

"About sixteen million."


Even though he already had a rough estimate in his heart, when he really learned the news from Liu Xinghai's mouth, Zhong Xiao also felt a huge shock.

More than 16 million....

The salary of a newly hired university teacher is more than 10,000 yuan, and according to his own salary, he has to go without eating or drinking for a hundred years to have about 16 million!?

A hundred years without eating or drinking?

Zhong Xiao leaned back on the back of the chair and covered his forehead with his hands.

No, the dizziness is getting stronger.

"The sea of stars... In your home... What exactly does it do? "

"My family?" Liu Xinghai laughed, "Wife, you think too much, my father is an ordinary bank employee, my mother is a full-time wife, and I bought this house with my own money." "

Bought it at your own expense?

Zhong Xiao looked at Liu Xinghai as if he was looking at a fairy.

But soon, her brow furrowed.

More than 16 million, how much does the mortgage get every month?

The pressure on Xinghai must be quite high, right?

"That's... Xinghai, it's really not good, let's return the house, in this kind of place, the mortgage will be very scary every month..."

"What mortgage?"

Liu Xinghai took out a hand and gently knocked on Zhong Xiao's head.


Zhong Xiao let out a low snort.

"I bought this house in full, and there is no mortgage."

Are you kidding me!?

More than 16 million houses were bought in full?

Zhong Xiao still felt a little unconvinced, but the real estate certificate was in front of him, with Liu Xinghai's name written on it, so he couldn't believe it.

"The sea of stars... Don't do stupid things, it's okay for me and the baby to be bitter, we don't have to..."

After parking the car in the underground garage, Liu Xinghai turned off the engine, leaned out and held Zhong Xiao's hand.

"Don't worry, I haven't done anything bad, this money is what I have been earning in the stock market in the past few years after I first saved about 100,000 yuan in the way of writing novels."

Speaking of this, Liu Xinghai spread his hands.

"I finally saved more than 10 million, well, I bought this car and bought a house, and your husband only has 120,000 left now, so poor~".

"Wife, you have to support me!"

Looking at Liu Xinghai's funny appearance, Zhong Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, you can live in peace, and when we get the marriage certificate, I'll go and add your name as well."

Zhong Xiao's hand shook and looked at Liu Xinghai in surprise.

She didn't care if Liu Xinghai added his name to the real estate certificate, but Liu Xinghai took the initiative to mention it, which explained his attitude towards him.

Moved beyond measure, Zhong Xiao put away the document bag with great care, and then couldn't help but hug Liu Xinghai.

"Thank you... Thank you, Xinghai..."

"No thanks... Huh? Don't cry! Cry like a little flower cat, let the baby laugh at you. "

As soon as the words fell, the baby in the safety chair in the back seat really made a babbling sound, as if he was laughing at his mother.

"Hate... Hate to death! "

Zhong Xiao left Liu Xinghai's embrace and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Let's go, let's go look at the house."

“...... Well! "

The two got out of the car, took out the stroller in the trunk and unfolded it, and took out the three babies and put them in the car.

Subsequently, Liu Xinghai took Zhong Xiao to the designated elevator.

The underground garage parking spaces of the Splendid Mansion are all allocated, and the elevator closest to the parking space is the elevator that goes directly to the owner's house.

The house is a ladder and a household, which perfectly avoids the disturbance of the neighbors on the same floor.

Entering the elevator, Liu Xinghai took out two door cards and handed one to Zhong Xiao.

Looking at the key card in his hand, Zhong Xiao felt that it was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

The door was stuck on the elevator and swiped, and then the elevator door closed automatically and slowly ascended.

After a short time, they came to the twelfth floor.

When the elevator doors opened, there was a small hallway that was completely sealed except for the vents.

On the opposite side is a door, behind which is their home.

Next to the door is a large shoe cabinet.

There is also a door next to it, and through this door is the fire staircase.

The door to the fire staircase opens from the outside, requiring a key card and fingerprint, and finally a password to enter, and if the householder is not at ease, there is also a mechanical key insurance.

But opening it from the inside is much simpler, you only need fingerprints and key cards to choose either.

"Come on, I'll put your fingerprints in for you."

Liu Xinghai's fingerprints are naturally there, but Zhong Xiao does not.

Zhong Xiao nodded with a smile and let Liu Xinghai enter his fingerprints into the door lock.

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