Gaining mastery in Jeet Kune Do is naturally a great joy.

In the future, if the baby and Zhong Xiao are in danger, Liu Xinghai will also have the strength to protect them.

In the morning, Liu Xinghai made breakfast for the family, and sent lunch to Zhong Xiao into the thermos box, so he said goodbye to the three babies and Zhang's mother, and drove Zhong Xiao and Zhong's mother out of the house.

After sending Zhong Xiao to school first, Liu Xinghai took Zhong's mother to the airport instead.

Tickets were booked last night.


"Xiaoyanagi, Auntie will go back first, you should go back quickly. "

"Okay auntie, be careful on the road, and report to me and Xiaoxiao when we get home. "

"Okay, okay, I'll go in. "

Seeing Zhong Mu walk into the ticket gate, Liu Xinghai turned around and left the airport.

Today is Monday, and although there is a class in the morning, Liu Xinghai does not plan to go.

He decided to skip all the unimportant courses and just listen to one or two important professional classes in the future.

The rest of the time, you can take care of your baby at home.

This decision had been discussed with Zhong Xiao last night, although Zhong Xiao was still worried that it would affect Liu Xinghai's studies, but seeing that he was so insistent, and his whole body was really sore, he agreed.

Liu Xinghai, who was in a good mood, drove back to the splendid mansion, and first took out his mobile phone to look at his stock in the parking lot.

Last Friday, five million were rewarded, and Liu Xinghai left one million, although a lot was used, there was still a leftover.

He put all the four million he had prepared in one fell swoop into a stock that he was optimistic about with his eye of insight.

If there is no accident, the four million will increase to seven million in a few days!

Net profit of three million.

Thinking of this, Liu Xinghai happily put away his mobile phone.

Sure enough, after the principal began to increase, it became easier to make money.

As for JPMorgan's stake....

It's still early to pay dividends this year, Liu Xinghai simply pretends that he doesn't have that thing.

When he got home, Liu Xinghai saw Zhang's mother who was alone with three babies.

"Mom Zhang, I'm back, thank you for your hard work. "

"Mr. Liu?".

Seeing Liu Xinghai who went and returned, Zhang's mother was a little surprised.

"Don't you have to go to class?".

"I want to go home and take care of my baby, and I don't go to some unimportant classes. "

Liu Xinghai stepped forward quickly, kissed and hugged the three little angels in turn, causing the three babies to laugh.

At this time-

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement of 'Baby Fans Break 1,000'!".

"Get a reward: Get a kotasita RV worth 4 million!".

"PS The RV has been parked in the second parking space attached to the host's residence, the relevant formalities are complete, the driving license is complete, all kinds of car insurance have been paid for one year, and the key is in the host's jacket pocket. 』

Liu Xinghai: "... Hmmm???


He quickly took his laptop and logged in to his bilibili account, and sure enough, he found that the number of followers on his account had reached more than 1,800.

There are also more barrages and comments, most of which are positive comments about the baby, and some are about Zhong Xiao, shouting that Bao Ma is so beautiful and a goddess.

Liu Xinghai pondered.

More than 1,800 followers, as a result, the reward of more than 1,000 baby fans has only been released now.

This shows that the more than 800 followers are not fans of the baby, but of their own wives

"It's kind of interesting..."

Liu Xinghai thought before that after getting the reward for releasing the video, it would be difficult for the baby to have a reward if there were more fans in the future, but he didn't expect it to be true.

At that moment, Liu Xing Customs turned off the computer, and after telling Zhang's mother that he would go down, he hurried to the parking lot.

Sure enough, I saw a huge RV in the second parking space.

took out the key, opened the car door and walked in, even Liu Xinghai couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

The interior of this RV is too luxurious, right?

The driver's seat aside, the living space is really all kinds of functions.

A small living room with a sofa and TV, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and even equipment like a washing machine!

Especially when Liu Xinghai found that the rear of the RV could be expanded into an open-air balcony, he was even more surprised.

"I really fell asleep and sent pillows, and I was still worried that I didn't have much money to buy a house and take the children and Xiaoxiao back during this time... System, thumbs up to you!".

After happily visiting the RV, Liu Xinghai returned home, looked at the three babies, and couldn't help but pick them up and kiss them one by one.

"Mr. Liu really likes children. "

Zhang's mother watched it straight.

"The baby is so cute, how could I not like it. "

Liu Xinghai, who was rubbing his face with Dabao affectionately, suddenly heard Dabao giggle.

He's in a better mood.

PS evaluation votes plus more ended.,There are flowers plus more....

But I haven't started to add flowers yet, and you have given me flowers to almost 30,000, and there is a 1,000 reward.

I'll do the math... In this way, I have to add 3 more chapters, 12+3, 15 chapters...

Add more for half a day, but there are more things that need to be added!


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