Xiangzilan seems to really realize that she has a name.

After Zhong Xiao clapped the board and chose the latter from the two names given by Liu Xinghai, Xiang Zilan squatted on the ground, raised her head and meowed softly at Zhong Xiao.

The next moment, it jumped directly onto the couch.

Zhong Xiao was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to take Xiangzilan away.

Because three babies are lying on the couch!

"Don't worry."

Liu Xinghai gently grabbed Zhong Xiao.

"Take a good look."

on the couch.

Xiang Zilan took elegant steps and came to Dabao's side, it lowered its head to look at Dabao, and Dabao also turned his head to look at Xiang Zilan.

A man and a cat looked at each other like this.

Liu Xinghai didn't know when he had already taken out his mobile phone and started recording - this was the first encounter between the babies and Xiang Zilan, and it had to be recorded.

After looking at it for a while, Dabao waved his hand and tried to turn over.

But he was lying right on the edge of the couch, and it was easy to fall off the couch once he turned over.

Next, Xiang Zilan made a move that surprised Liu Xinghai and Zhong Xiao - it actually gently raised one of its front legs and placed its claws on Dabao's body to prevent him from turning over.

Dabao thought that Xiang Zilan was playing with him, and happily wanted to catch Xiang Zilan, but Xiang Zilan deftly avoided it.

"Husband..."Zhong Xiao grabbed Liu Xinghai's hand in disbelief, "Was Xiang Zilan trying to stop Dabao from turning over just now?" "

"It should be, right? I asked. "

"You ask?"

Zhong Xiao had a question mark in his head.

"Xiang Zilan, were you protecting Dabao just now?"


Xiangzilan flicked her tail and meowed.

Liu Xinghai spread his hands, looked at Zhong Xiao and smiled: "Look, it said yes." "

Zhong Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly covered his mouth and laughed: "Husband, you are too funny, how can the cat really answer you." "

Obviously, Zhong Xiao took everything just now as a coincidence.

But even so, it is difficult to stop Zhong Xiao's love for Xiangzilan.

She reached out to pick up Xiang Zilan, but the little guy didn't resist and let Zhong Xiao hold herself in her arms.

After a while, Zhong Xiao let go of Xiang Zilan, and it ran away by itself, jumped on the armrest of the sofa on the side, lay down with two small hands, looked sideways at the three babies, and yawned.

"It's so beautiful! It's like a princess among cats. "

Zhong Xiao was fascinated by Xiang Zilan's pair of blue eyes.

At this time, Liu Xinghai also edited and uploaded the video just now.

Hearing this, he also looked sideways at Xiang Zilan, and then laughed: "From today onwards, there will be a new member in our family." Oh yes, I'm going to make the nest of vanilla. "

Liu Xinghai stepped aside, took out various parts, and then began to splice according to the instructions.

In a few moments, a gorgeous cat villa was ready.

In addition to the cat villa, there is also a cat rack for Xiangzilan to play with next to it.

Seeing the cat villa and the cat frame, Xiang Zilan jumped down from the sofa again and jumped back and forth on her nest and the cat frame.

At night.

Liu Xinghai and Zhong Xiao were lying side by side on the bed, and the three babies had already fallen asleep in the crib next to the bed.

When the husband and wife were chatting about something-


Softly, a cat meow sounded.

Zhong Xiao looked under the bed and found that Xiang Zilan was looking up at her by the bed.

"Xiangzilan, are you going to come up too? No, you cannot. "

Zhong Xiao shook his head.

Let the pet run over to the bed or something.

Liu Xinghai also agreed with Zhong Xiao's decision, he pointed outside: "Xiang Zilan, you should go back to your nest to sleep at night." "


Xiang Zilan screamed softly again, and then left the bedroom with small steps.

Zhong Xiao looked weird, she quietly got out of bed, walked to the living room, and saw that Xiang Zilan actually returned to the cat villa honestly and lay down, so she walked back.

"Husband, I feel more and more that Xiang Zilan seems to be able to understand what we say."

"Wouldn't that be nice? The smarter it is, the more worry-free we are. "

"It's too~" Zhong Xiao thought for a while, nodded, and got into the quilt, "Husband, do you think Xiang Zilan will suddenly become like that one day... Cat lady? "


"Don't you men like it? I wonder if I'll come back one day and see you pointing at Xiang Zilan and yelling, 'Change it for me.'" "

"Good! How dare you laugh at me! "

Liu Xinghai immediately began to tickle Zhong Xiao.

Zhong Xiao was giggled at the fuss.

"Don't... Husband...... I was wrong...... Ha ha...... Stop it...... It's time to wake up the baby..."

Soon, another half a month passed.

It's the end of December.

"Whew...! It's a holiday, it's a holiday! "

Today, as soon as Zhong Xiao returned to the office after class, he saw Zhou Lanyi cheering with his arms raised.

"So happy?"

"New Year's holiday! I'm ready to go out and have my tickets booked! "

Today is the last day of December, and tomorrow is New Year's Day.

The school is closed for three days.

Hearing Zhou Lanyi say this, Zhong Xiao's heart also moved.

During the three-day holiday, should you go out with your husband to play with the baby?

The baby is almost 4 months old.

It's just that the four-month-old baby still can't take a plane, and he can only let Liu Xinghai drive an RV when he travels.

Therefore, long-distance travel is naturally not in the scope of consideration, otherwise the time on the road will be exhausted.

Back home in the evening.

"Hanging out?"

Hearing Zhong Xiao's proposal, Liu Xinghai suddenly became interested.

"Not bad, where do you want to go?"

"I think it's okay to just play around some places, and if it's too far, you'll waste time on the road."

As soon as the words fell, Zhong Xiao's phone suddenly rang.

She took out her phone and looked at it, and then her face showed a smile of joy.

"Hello? Susu! What the? Have you returned home? Aren't you ready to develop abroad? ...... Huh? Coming to me for New Year's holiday? Uh..."

Zhong Xiao looked at Liu Xinghai hesitantly, and Liu Xinghai gave her an indifferent look.

Zhong Xiao then said into the phone: "I'm in Jianghai, will you arrive tomorrow?" Okay, I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow. "

After putting down the phone, Zhong Xiao smiled and approached Liu Xinghai's side.

"Husband, when I was studying abroad, my good sister, who was an international student in the same dormitory as me, came to play with me."

"Okay then."

Liu Xinghai spread his hands.

"Just entertain your friends this New Year's Day."

"I'm sorry, husband, I wanted to accompany you on a trip."

"You were the one who first proposed to go out, right?"

"Seems like that? Hey, hey, hey (*^▽^*)..."

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