Almost all of Disney's entertainment is a queue.

But obviously, with Liu Xinghai's new identity and the guide specially arranged by the park, Zhong Xiao and Su Xuanyue didn't need to wait for as little as half an hour or more than an hour like other ordinary guests during the whole process to play a project.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go play that TRON LIGHT WHEEL! I heard that the Disney of the world is only available in Jiang Hai, and it is the first one! "

Zhong Xiao didn't know about these, so Su Xuanyue chose it.

The so-called TRON LIGHTWHEEL, also known as Tomorrowland, is essentially a roller coaster project.

However, it is carried out indoors, and the vehicle is not a traditional roller coaster, but is designed to look like a motorcycle, and visitors are required to lie on it.

And because it's indoors, the roller coaster relies on a variety of equipment throughout the process, creating a sense of a futuristic sci-fi world.

The team that was originally in the big pomp dragon saw that Zhong Xiao and Su Xuanyue were directly led by the staff to cross everyone to the front, and they didn't need to queue up to play ahead of them, and they suddenly felt unbalanced.

"Mom... Why don't those two sisters have to line up? "

In the crowd, a look of embarrassment flashed across the face of the mother who was asked by a little girl.

On the other side, Liu Xinghai was watching the child in the rest area.

Three strollers lined up in front of them one after another, and the little angels lay in the strollers, looking at their father in front of them.

After a while, Zhong Xiao and Su Xuanyue came back from playing.

"Husband, you've worked hard, let me take the baby and you can play too."

Seeing Liu Xinghai sitting alone on a chair with a child, Zhong Xiao felt extremely guilty.

At this time, because of the excitement brought by the play just now, she instantly receded like a tide, she walked to Liu Xinghai and sat down, and said softly.

"What are you talking about, girl? Today is here to let you play, I have a lot of fun with the baby, isn't it, Dabao, Erbao, Sanbao~? "

"Ahh Yikes..."


"Ahh Puff..."

The three children immediately responded to their father.

Su Xuanyue, who was on the side, looked at the sweet scene of the husband and wife and shook her head.

Is it really time for me to find a boyfriend?

Speaking of which, she is almost thirty years old.

Although they have been in love, those relationships have also ended without a hitch.

Patting her cheek, Su Xuanyue snorted in her heart.

(Wake up, Su Xuanyue!) You just see that Xiaoxiao's husband is so good and envious! You can't find a man like him in the whole world! )

Under Liu Xinghai's persuasion, Zhong Xiao went to play with Su Xuanyue again.

During the whole process, Liu Xinghai took the baby to follow behind, or find a nearby place to sit down and rest.

With the Disney princess in front of the way, the two women had a particularly good time.

After about two hours, because there was no need to queue up, they had basically played all the projects in the park.

The two satisfied women were finally ready to retreat.

After leaving Disneyland and returning to the parking lot outside, Liu Xinghai, who was pushing the cart, suddenly heard a roar not far away.

He turned his head in amazement.

Then, he felt his vision begin to dim rapidly.

A sedan speeding past at unimaginable speeds crashed into a barrier in the middle of the road.

The car spun and flew out because of the huge kinetic energy, and after several consecutive turns in the air, it smashed to the ground, and drew a long distance.

At the same time, several sections of the isolation fence that were smashed into the sky by the car actually fell towards Liu Xinghai and a few people by chance!

Su Xuanyue was stupefied.

She stood there and didn't know what to do.

Zhong Xiao was stunned for a short time, and suddenly burst out with great courage.

Seeing that it was too late, Zhong Xiao directly turned around and protected the three babies, and shouted at the same time: "Husband, run——!!!! "

And yet—

Liu Xinghai narrowed his eyes and raised his head to look at the fence falling from the sky.

He gritted his teeth and stepped in front of Zhong Xiao and the baby, then bent his legs slightly, and then slammed hard.

The body soared into the air, and after jumping into the air, Liu Xinghai twisted his body with the strength of his waist and abdomen, and threw out a whip leg.


The fence and Liu Xinghai's legs collided violently!

The huge force that came from his legs made Liu Xinghai snort, and his body flew out upside down and fell to the ground, but the fence was slightly changed because of Liu Xinghai's kick, and it fell to the open ground with the crowd.


Liu Xinghai, who fell to the ground, snorted again and slowly got up.

He looked down at his legs.

The right leg that had just kicked the fence was in a sharp pain, and although the body was still able to stand, it was clear that the bones were injured.

It was only at this time that the surrounding crowd reacted.

The scene just now, which was like a superhero movie, shocked everyone in the audience.

"Well... It's amazing!!! "

"Kung Fu !!"


Zhong Xiao, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes suspiciously at this time.

She looked up and looked left and right, looking confused.


"Ahhh It's so handsome, Xiaoxiao!!! Your husband was so handsome just now!!!! "

Su Xuanyue grabbed Zhong Xiao's arm violently and shook it vigorously.

"He... He actually kicked the fence away!!!! "

Hearing Su Xuanyue say this, Zhong Xiao understood what was going on.

Looking at Liu Xinghai opposite, Zhong Xiao ran over in a panic.

"Husband! Husband, are you alright!!!! "

threw himself into Liu Xinghai's arms, but Zhong Xiao immediately heard Liu Xinghai's "Hmm——! "Yes.

Zhong Xiao was so frightened that he hurriedly took a step back, and then stepped forward and looked at Liu Xinghai nervously.

"What's wrong with you, husband? Are you hurt? Don't scare me... I...... I'll call 120..."

"I'm fine..."

Liu Xinghai smiled and rubbed Zhong Xiao's head.

"It's just that the leg hurts a little, maybe a little fractured, just go to the hospital later."

"Broken bones!?"

Liu Xinghai's words made Zhong Xiao almost cry.

Are they all broken and say they're okay?

Liu Xinghai was just about to comfort Zhong Xiao again, when suddenly a huge murderous aura erupted in his eyes.

Someone actually took advantage of the chaos to secretly take away his child!?

"Bastard ——!!!"

"Cub Seed!! Stop for Lao Tzu——!!!! "

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