The air pressure at high altitude is very low.

As the cockpit door was opened by Liu Xinghai, the howling wind poured into the first-class cabin, and then quickly filled the entire cabin.

Even the economy class in the back became a mess.

The flight attendants were shouting hoarsely, trying to calm down the frightened passengers who were screaming and crying.

Liu Xinghai gritted his teeth, pushed his arm to the limit, controlled himself into the cockpit, and then slammed the door shut.

It was only by this time that the cabin finally calmed down.


Zhong Xiao burst into tears, hugged the child tightly, and began to pray in his heart.

In the cockpit.

Liu Xinghai was stunned when he looked at the scene in front of him.

It's one thing to see it on a TV screen, it's another thing to see it in person.

The bird that collided with the passenger plane at high altitude smashed directly through the co-pilot's windshield.

Liu Xinghai took a look at it, and the two pilots were lying in front of the bridge, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and they didn't know if they were still breathing.

Resisting the wind pressure with all his might, Liu Xinghai slowly unfastened the seat belt on the captain's body.

In an instant, without the restraints of the seat belt, the captain's body tumbled and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry..."

Liu Xinghai glanced back at the captain, he knew that even if the captain didn't die like this, he would be seriously injured due to the collision, but Liu Xinghai had already ignored the rest.

quickly sat in the driver's seat, and after reluctantly fastening his seat belt, Liu Xinghai took out an oxygen mask and put it on himself.

It was only by this time that he was able to breathe a little easier.

Then, Liu Xinghai put his hands on the steering stick of the plane.

The system rewards him with proficient piloting of all vehicles, not to mention a civil airliner, even if he gives Liu Xinghai a space shuttle, he can have a good time.

At this time, the plane was falling rapidly.

Below, it looks like it's about to hit a ridge.

Liu Xinghai pulled the joystick with both hands.

"Give me ——!!!!!!"

Under Liu Xinghai's control, the plane finally began to raise its head.

Thankfully, the plane was just a broken windshield for the co-pilot, and all the engines were fine.

On the other side, in the cabin, it was obvious that after the plane began to climb, the purser cried with joy.

What the man said was true, he would really fly a plane!!

Everyone is saved!


Jingzhou Ground Aviation Administration.

Zhou Changjian, the controller who happened to be in charge of dispatching and liaising with the passenger plane where Liu Xinghai was, suddenly frowned.

On the coordinate map, the altitude and course of the aircraft are changing abnormally.

He quickly got in touch:

"AVIC A483, AVIC A483, this is Jingzhou Ground Aviation Administration, please answer when you hear it. "

No response.

But the altitude of the aircraft on the radar is still decreasing.

The circumference realized that something was wrong.

"Director, Director, big things are not good!"

"What's the situation?"

Wang Yun, the director who was in charge at the scene, heard Zhou Changjian's voice and immediately looked sideways.

"Director! AVIC A483 is deviating from course, and the flight altitude is also rapidly decreasing! We can't contact the crew!"

Wang Yun's brows immediately furrowed.

"Keep in touch. "


Quickly walked behind Zhou Changjian, Wang Yun stared at the screen in front of him.

Sure enough, after seeing the plane's abnormally rapid drop in altitude, Wang Yun couldn't help but gasp.

Something happened!

"AVIC A483!AVIC A483! Hear it, please answer !!!"

"AVIC A483!AVIC A483! Hear it, please answer !!!"

"AVIC A483!AVIC A483! Hear it, please answer !!!"

However, no matter how Zhou Changjian called, there was no response from the plane.

on the plane.

Liu Xinghai was resisting the cold wind coming in from the broken windshield while controlling the plane with all his might.

The temperature at an altitude of 10,000 meters is too low!

If it weren't for Liu Xinghai's physical fitness, which was far beyond ordinary people, he would probably have lost consciousness due to low temperature and strong wind at this time!

The whistling wind kept echoing in his ears, but in this gust of wind, Liu Xinghai faintly heard the call for ground control from the earphones.

With the current state of the plane, it is impossible to fly to Sichuan Province, so it can only make a forced landing in the nearby capital of Jingzhou.

But here's the problem, the plane was originally going to fly to Sichuan Province with full fuel, and if it landed in Jingzhou, it would inevitably carry excess fuel.

That is, it will land overweight!

Thinking of this, Liu Xinghai did not hesitate to hang up the emergency code 7700.

This is the declaration that all aircraft on the ground and in the air are in an emergency.

And if it is a hijacking or something like that, it will hang up 7500.

Almost at the same time, the ground control center immediately noticed the situation.

After discovering that the plane was hung with an emergency code, Wang Yun's heart that had been mentioning it was slightly relaxed.

It can also hang an emergency code to indicate that the unit is not disabled.

"Keep calling! Let the other aircraft in the air call along!"


In the sky, after hanging the emergency code, Liu Xinghai will still face a huge problem.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, without the assistance of aircraft instruments to display the route, Liu Xinghai didn't know where he flew at all!

The original route was set to be in Hikawa Province, so it obviously couldn't be used.

If you want to fly to Jingzhou, you have to change your route.


"Report! Director, AVIC A483 requests to change its route to land at Jingzhou Capital Airport!"

"Approve, and keep calling!"


In the sky, after seeing that the route change was approved, Liu Xinghai breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the rest of the aircraft's equipment is normal, whether it is radar positioning or inertial navigation, etc., everything is working normally.

This also left Liu Xinghai with a lot of strength.

It was only then that he had the strength to respond to calls on the radio.

Because the wind was too strong and the noise seriously interfered with communication, Liu Xinghai could only shout loudly as much as he could:

"Jingzhou!Jingzhou!AVIC A483!"

Finally, the ground control station that responded was faintly heard in the communicator, and Zhou Changjian looked excited:

"Jingzhou!AVIC A483, please !!"

"Here... Whirring (the sound of the wind)... It's AVIC A483!The co-pilot's windshield hits the bird!The windshield is shattered!Both pilots are disabled!!'

The ground control station and others who could barely judge Liu Xinghai's voice from the noise, as well as everyone else who was also listening because Liu Xinghai hung 7700 was shocked.

Both pilots were incapacitated?

So who's flying the plane now!?

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