I really didn't know it, and I was shocked at first glance.

The banner exploded by the wolf demon is actually a homing flag. Once it is activated with energy, it can attract all ghosts within a radius of ten kilometers. Then, when the holy flag is used to drive it, the ghost can do anything for it. .

However, ghosts are also divided into levels, from low to high, they are wandering souls, grieving souls, ghosts, ghosts, ghost kings, ghosts, ghosts, and their strengths correspond to ranks one to seven. And at the eighth level, the transformation will usher in a transformation, and the way of existence will change accordingly, and ghosts can no longer be called ghosts.

In the same way, there are levels for the spirit-calling banners. The one in Zhou Xiaoning's hand is only two-star, and can only attract resentful souls and wandering souls.

Wandering souls do not have any offensive capabilities, they are souls that still linger on the world after death. But with the passage of time, the spirit of wandering souls will gradually lose, and eventually become a purposeless soul that just keeps on wandering, and one day they will perish because the soul body dissipates.

The Wraith possesses certain methods of attack, such as putting down a phantom to induce death. It's just that the resentful souls have grievances before they die, so they stay in the world. Generally, as long as their grievances disappear, then they will go where they should go. So everyone is safe except those whom the resentment hates.

However, once the resentful soul kills someone outside of his resentment, then he will turn into a ghost. The more people killed, the stronger the ghost's power will be. After reaching a certain level, the ghost can even reveal the entity in front of people.

The next few levels were all based on the Li Gui, with further breakthroughs in strength. However, when a ghost reaches the realm of ghosts and immortals, it is basically no different from a living person. However, there are very few ghosts that can reach this level. After all, if you want to become a ghost, you must go through thunder calamity. Thunder is the most restrained ghost, even the ghost king dare not easily try the power of thunder calamity.

Of course, things like Ten Temple Yama, judges, black and white impermanence are another matter. After all, people have the priesthood and they are their own people, so for them, there is no such thing as thunder. It's just that in this way, they are also restricted by the priesthood, and how much strength they can display depends on the level of the priesthood.

Well, having said so much, the main reason is that Zhou Xiaoning is now entangled by a group of resentful souls.

Most of these resentful souls are nearby residents. After they were killed by the wolf demon and his men, they all turned into resentful souls because of the special environment of Yicheng.

If these resentful souls want to be free, they must kill the wolf demon. It's just that in addition to the large number of them, the most is to cast low-level illusions, how could they be the opponent of the wolf demon.

Not only that, these resentful souls were also driven by the wolf demon, hunting and killing past survivors here, thus cultivating ghosts.

And those ghosts seemed to have been taken by the wolf demon, filial piety to the old black mountain demon. Because of this, there are thousands of resentful souls in the three nearby villages, and now there are only more than one thousand in front of Zhou Xiaoning.

"The Old Black Mountain Demon you are talking about, isn't it the one in A Chinese Ghost Story?"

"It should be correct. A while ago, I heard the wolf demon and his men say that Old Demon Black Mountain is going to marry a female ghost surnamed Nie, and let those men help find gifts."

For those resentful souls, Zhou Xiaoning is their benefactor. Although they cannot reincarnate even if their resentment dissipates because there is no underworld in this world, they at least got rid of the control of the wolf demon and regained their freedom. Therefore, they knew everything about Zhou Xiaoning's questioning.

"I'm going, it seems that it is really the old black mountain demon, and the female ghost surnamed Nie is mostly Nie Xiaoqian, so the tree demon grandma should have also come, but I don’t know if Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen are here. , Otherwise, you can play a realistic version of A Chinese Ghost Story. But what does the Black Mountain Old Demon collect so many ghosts?"

"That, that, seems to be taken to be refined into a ghost soldier."

The ghost of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy who exuded the atmosphere of an otaku clan said weakly.

"Oh, how did you know?"

Zhou Xiaoning looked at the ghost curiously, no matter whether he said it was true or false, this should be considered a relatively confidential matter, how could he be known by a little resentful like him.

"I once saw one of my elementary school classmates among the ghost soldiers who came to receive the ghosts. It's just that he has no saneness anymore, just like a puppet, only obeying the orders of the leader ghost general."

After listening to the boy's ghost, there was a general guess in these hearts.

According to the description in the plot of the movie, the old demon of Black Mountain is a tomb mountain and has a strong strength. He even lays a territory in the ghost world and builds a dead city. He has a ghost army under his hand. The strength is not weak. Chixia was particularly miserable.

"In that case, the Old Demon Black Mountain intends to expand his army, but what is his purpose and where to attack? As a fantasy creature, shouldn't he be able to leave the area of ​​Yicheng?"

Now that there is too little information at hand, Zhou Xiaoning can't guess the true intentions of the old demon Black Mountain.

"It was true before, but I don’t know why. About ten days ago, the barrier between Yicheng and HZ City suddenly disappeared. Some of us planned to escape to HZ City, but were overtaken by the wolf demon. , They were all beaten up, so everyone didn't dare to run anymore."

Another middle-aged, blessed ghost said, seeing his heart lingering, it seems that what he said is true.

"What! There is no obstacle between Yicheng and HZ City!"

This news surprised Zhou Xiaoning, thinking that more than ten days ago, wasn't that when he closed the permanent arrival point.

"It seems that there are still many secrets to the permanent arrival point that I don't know."

Zhou Xiaoning immediately took out a phone worm to contact Zhou Pingzhong, asking him to find Wang Jianjun, and the military to send scouts to investigate the actions of fantasy creatures in several cities around HZ City.

As he had to wait for the news, Zhou Xiaoning didn't rush to go deep into Yicheng, but set up camp on the spot.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xiaoning received Zhou Pingzhong's reply. Not surprisingly, this was terrible news.

The fantasy creatures in the cities around HZ City tend to move in the direction of HZ City. After receiving this news, Wang Jianjun has been promoted to mobilize the army and begin to deploy defenses. Fortunately, some major arterial roads collapsed, obstructing the roads in and out of HZ City. Now only a few remote roads need to be guarded to ensure safety in HZ City.

Nowadays, the fantasy creatures that are known to approach HZ City are the zombies of TZ City, the giants of Belvedere, the strange insects of Rongcheng, and the army of ghosts and monsters of Yicheng.

Fantasy creatures such as zombies, giants, and strange insects can be killed by military weapons, but the army of ghosts on the side of Yicheng is incomprehensible.

Currently, in the entire HZ city, only Zhou Xiaoning can kill ghosts. But even Zhou Xiaoning, it is impossible for him to resist tens of thousands of Tier 3 strong ghost soldiers, not to mention that there is a stronger ghost general, the ghost king.

According to the current situation, the permanent arrival point is not only a threat, but also a protection. It can restrain one's own fantasy creatures from leaving the country, and it can also prevent the entry of fantasy creatures from other places. The current dilemma in HZ City is caused by the closure of the permanent arrival point.

In this way, this permanent arrival point is not, nor is it if it is not. Unless one day, all permanent arrival points in the world are closed, so that the arrival of fantasy creatures can be completely eliminated. However, before that, every closure of a permanent arrival point must be carefully thought out, otherwise you can only get temporary security, and then you will usher in a greater crisis.

"Xiao Ning, do you have any plans now, come back and join the defensive battle?"

"Uncle Zhong, if I can, I would think too, but the trouble on my side seems to be bigger. If I don't solve it, there will be no living people in the entire HZ city. This crisis is caused by me, so I must go. Solution. As for the'Thunder Blade' team, you will lead you to stop the zombies. You ask everyone to be careful, I don't want to see anyone missing after I go back."

Zhou Xiaoning was still very relieved of Zhou Pingzhong, and before he set out, he gave him the source disk extracted from Chu Heng, so Zhou Pingzhong is now also a natural choice. It's a pity that the source disk cannot be copied, otherwise there will be one more Chosen among them.

"Don't worry, Xiao Ning, they are all old opponents. We have experience in killing zombies and there will be no accidents."

Zhou Pingzhong confidently said slowly, after these ten days of adaptation, coupled with Zhou Xiaoning’s father’s source of funding, Zhou Pingzhong is now a qualified Tier 3 natural candidate, and he should not lead the "Thunder Blade" team. What will happen.

After hanging up the phone worm, Zhou Xiaoning continued to set off. He wanted to find Yan Chixia first. It would be better if he was there. With his help, the chances of solving the ghost army would be higher. But if Yan Chixia is not there, then Zhou Xiaoning will find another way.

"I still have things to do now. I don't have time to take care of you. I hope you can do it for yourself. If any of you is evil, that wolf demon will be your fate."

Zhou Xiaoning said in a deep voice, after all, those ghosts are also a group of poor people, and it is not what they want to be like this.

It's a pity that there is no underworld or netherworld in this world. Even if Zhou Xiaoning has a way to save them, he doesn't know where to send them, so he has to do this for the time being and let them fend for themselves.

All the ghosts had seen Zhou Xiaoning's power, and they immediately said that they didn't think they were evil.

Zhou Xiaoning can't guarantee how much of the guarantees of these ghosts are true. If there are really some of them who keep admonishing and killing people for evil, don't blame Zhou Xiaoning for not being affectionate.

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