The Perfect Hidden Marriage

131. Good news, the crisis is over; be patient: if people are incapable, they can only be bullied.

Su Jin had three major hobbies in his life: painting, listening to music, and sleeping.

Painting will bring her artistic satisfaction. She likes to freeze stunning beauty on canvas for eternity.

Listening to music can help her release her nervous emotions. Her favorite is the kind of light music with a leisurely and soothing rhythm. If she can listen to a few songs before going to bed, she will sleep well.

Sleeping allows her to let go of all her burdens, and her chaotic emotions can be calmed down during sleep. The next day, she will be able to face everything of the new day in a completely new state. Even if some things still cannot be solved, at least it will give her the courage to face them.

On Saturday, it was already half past nine when Su Jin woke up.

This wasn't the first time she slept with Yang Jiahui.

Sometimes, the three of them, good friends, would get together and have a wild night, often at Yang Jiahui's house. Therefore, Yang Jiahui's bathroom has her and Han Tong's toiletries.

In the bathroom, Su Jin stared at his face for a long time. It was still swollen, but it was much better than yesterday, and the pain was less severe.

After she washed, she rubbed some kaleidoscope on her face.

What she should do and what she shouldn't do today, in the process, she already had a direction in her mind.

First, she had to make a phone call to her boss.

When she opened the bag and saw the cell phone smashed into several pieces inside, she remembered that she had smashed the cell phone in a rage yesterday.

Yesterday, when she left the coffee shop and approached Tang Yuan's house, her cell phone rang. It was a call from Jin Hengyuan.

Without saying a word, she picked it up and pressed it. Unexpectedly, he continued to hit her, and she pressed it off. After doing this for several times, she became angry and smashed the phone on the ground.

The effect is very obvious, the phone finally becomes quiet.

Afterwards, she regretted it. She could turn off the phone if she didn't answer the phone. Why did she smash it impulsively?

That was bought with real money...

My flesh hurts so much...

It can be seen that when people are emotional, they really don't care about the consequences and can do anything.

Su Jin had no choice but to use the landline phone in the room to call the boss.

The boss brought her good news, and his tone was extremely joyful: "The final payment for the Mengxiangyuan and Fenghe No. 1 projects has been transferred. Wanchen has also called us to restart the work. Xiaojin, you How is this possible?"

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, that old guy is quite trustworthy, and his trip last night was not in vain.

This result is the best.

"Mr. Qiao, I will report this to you later."

Qiao Dachuan didn't ask any further questions. The two briefly chatted and hung up in a hurry.

After making the call, she saw Yang Jiahui, Han Tong, and Su Mu Sheng sitting in rows on the sofa. It seemed that she had to explain to them what happened last night.


Su Jin had breakfast first.

Yang Jiahui doesn't like to cook, so her kitchen has always been a show-off.

Breakfast was brought by Han Tong, fried dumplings with beef soup.

When Han Tong saw her coming out, he smiled and went to give her the dumplings and soup he had brought and heated them up in the microwave.

During the meal, the three of them were very sensible and did not spoil her appetite.

After meal.

"Mu Sheng, today, aren't you going to Grandma Wang's place to make up lessons? Why are you still here? Go quickly..."

Su Jin wanted to push Mu Sheng away.

"Sister, are you asking me to make up lessons now? Is there anything wrong? In this situation, can you ask me to make up lessons?"

How can that kid leave?

Su Jin also refused to compromise:

"You go to make up for the class first. Then I have serious business to talk to Jia Hui about the company...What do you want to know? When you come back from class in the evening, I will tell you everything..."

"Sister, please don't treat me like a child all the time, okay? When you encounter something, you know how to tell Sister Han Tong and Sister Jia Hui that you always abandon me. Can you take a look at me? I've grown up... Look Look, I weigh more than you now and am taller than you..."

He stood up, patted his chest, and gestured to his height:

"Anyway, today, if you don't let me figure out what happened to you yesterday, I will definitely not leave..."

The stubbornness on his face made Su Jin sigh.

After thinking again and again, she nodded:

"Okay, it's not impossible for you to stay, but you have to promise me one thing."

"As long as you let me stay, I will listen to you in anything."

Su Musheng almost swore to the sky.

"After listening, you are not allowed to do anything irrational and stupid. You must promise me this."

The attitude was quite serious, which made the three people present feel nervous. One by one, you looked at me, and I looked at you.

Su Musheng nodded: "I agree."


Su Jin sat across from them. Facing six looks, she thought for a while and organized a vocabulary:

"First of all, I have good news for you...

"The final payment for Mengxiangyuan and Qinghe No. 1, Mr. Qiao said, has been paid by the acceptance party.

"For the so-called fake and inferior products put into use, Lao Qi has found out that there was an error in a certain batch. They are willing to bear all responsibilities and Jinhui will not be affected in any way.

"Furthermore, the project in Wanchen will restart on Monday..."


Han Tong showed a look of surprise:

"This matter has already reached a dead end. Why has it suddenly taken a turn for the worse now?"

Su Musheng frowned. He didn't know the reason, so he couldn't understand it, so he asked suspiciously:

"What does this mean?"

Yang Jiahui's eyes were full of doubts, and she crossed her arms and asked:

"You went to see Lao Qi yesterday and talked it out with Lao Qi? He didn't bite you anymore?"

Thinking of what happened yesterday, a touch of sadness fell on Su Jin's face again, and a gentle sigh overflowed from her lips and teeth: "It's hard to paint the skin of a person, and it's hard to know the heart when you know the person. I can't believe that Lao Qi." I lost my sight..."

"Then how can he take responsibility for himself? Does he excuse you?"

Han Tong also raised questions.

"It was Yu Wanfu who made him change his story and take all the responsibility!"

Su Jin replied quietly that she was really disappointed with Lao Qi.

"Is that old guy really doing something secretly?" Han Tong was surprised.

"But why is that old man willing to let go? Su Jin, please tell me quickly, what exactly did you go through last night?" Yang Jiahui urged.

"Oh, I can't explain it clearly in a few words, so let me show you a video!"

Su Jin looked around and found Yang Jiahui's handbag. He took out the USB flash drive he took from Tang Yuan and showed them everything that happened last night.

This thrilling process made Yang Jiahui and Han Tong sweat all over their bodies.

Su Jin didn't let the video finish playing, paused it in time, and unplugged the USB flash drive.

"This is what happened. With this USB flash drive as a bargaining chip, Yu Wanfu had no choice but to agree to make a deal with me. Jin Hui escaped this disaster with a narrow margin of escape."

While looking around, Su Jin saw the three people in front of him, all with different expressions.

Han Tong was shocked and scared: This plan is really too risky. If she was not careful, how could she have escaped unscathed yesterday?

Yang Jiahui was angry: This shameless old guy was so shameless.

Sparks spurted out from Su Mu Sheng's eyes.

Now, he finally knew a rough idea of ​​the cause and effect of the whole incident - this old turtle who had been killed with a thousand cuts actually wanted to use such dirty tricks on his sister.

"I...I'm going to kill him!"

He stood up abruptly, a wave of anger rushing back and forth in his heart.

He couldn't turn a blind eye.

When he was young, they called him Uncle Yu...

Only took two steps.


Su Jin then stood up and shouted coldly:

"How did you promise me? Are you planning to go out and cause trouble again? When you cause trouble, who will clean up the mess for you?"

"Do we deserve to be bullied by him in vain?"

Su Musheng turned around and shouted, with an extremely excited expression, and kicked the wall hard.

At this moment, his fist was itching and he really wanted to hit someone.

“If people are incompetent, they can only be bullied. This is the reality of society.

"Su Musheng, you said you have grown up, but now you see for yourself, does your reaction mean you have grown into a man?

"A man should know how to endure. When you don't have the ability, you have no choice but to endure.

"You know what I can do now is to preserve Jinhui and myself.

"If we really want to fight Yu Wanfu, are we capable?

"Let me ask you, can we fight?"

A burst of anger roared out of Su Jin's mouth.

The infinite grievance made her feel sad, and her eyes turned red.

She also wanted to beat Yu Wanfu and let out his bad temper.

But there was nothing she could do against that kind of person.

Su Musheng calmed down after being yelled at:

"Sister, I'm sorry! I...I...I'm just too angry."

Su Jin wiped his face, tried to calm himself, and breathed hard: "Don't be too angry. People like that will always encounter ghosts if they walk too much at night, and they will be dragged to death... ...Hey...Jia Hui, you...what are you doing..."

Before she finished speaking, she exclaimed, without him, the USB flash drive in her hand was snatched away by Yang Jiahui.

"Su Jin, you still have something to hide from me. This video hasn't been played yet. I want to watch the remaining few minutes of the video...Han Tong, give me the computer..."

Yang Jiahui shouted, raising her hands high.

Han Tong agreed and handed over the handbag neatly.

Yang Jiahui took it, plugged in the USB flash drive, clicked on the video, and moved the playback point to the place where it was disconnected.

Surprisingly, Su Jin's reaction was not violent, nor did he rush to grab it, but sat down.

She didn't want to show the last part to them, but since she couldn't stop it, she had no choice but not to stop it.

They should also know about Jin Hengyuan's identity.

Alas, when she thought about this, her head started to hurt again, and the suppressed bad emotions were about to stir up again.

There seems to be another reason to dislike the Xiao family.

When she thought about the good and bad qualities of this man, her heart was completely in chaos...

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