The Perfect Hidden Marriage

133. That year, love broke and she fell in love with

On that day of that year, the sky was as blue as emerald and the clouds were as white as suet.

Little Su Jin carried an easel on her back and accompanied Su Yu to sketch in the green garden.

The wind was a bit strong, and little Su Jin's silk scarf was blown away. She ran to chase the scarf in frustration.

The naughty silk scarf fluttered and fluttered, hanging on the green and quiet willow tree. It was hung a bit high and she couldn't reach it.

How to do it?

There are so few passers-by here.

She wanted to go back to her aunt for help.

At this time, a long arm stretched out and hooked it away with a slight hook.

"Is this yours? Here it is!"

It was a tall, handsome, handsome man with an extremely heroic appearance. He had a big smile and hung the silk scarf around her neck.

Little Su Jin raised her head and took a look. She thought he looked very good-looking and said sweetly: "Thank you."

He smiled brightly and asked, "Are you playing alone here?"

She said: "No, I am painting with my aunt."

He smiled and asked again: "How's the painting? Can you let me take a look? I can't draw, but I can appreciate it."

Little Su Jin didn't believe it and took the person over.

At that time, Aunt Su Yu was so absorbed in painting that she didn't notice that she had brought a stranger there.

Until the stranger couldn't help but sigh: "The painting is good, but don't you think the artistic conception of the painting is too lonely and deserted?"

Aunt Su Yu turned her head to look, her long hair fluttering and her long skirt swaying slightly.

The stranger smiled slightly, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, and introduced himself: "Hello, can I meet you? My name is Xiao Zhicheng. Let me venture to say that your paintings lack a little bit of what you should have at your age. Vitality..."

Aunt Su Yu didn't know that her paintings lacked vitality, but after experiencing the bitter consequences of a failed marriage, her vitality had long been stifled.

Few people could understand her paintings, but he could see through her at a glance.

This surprised her.

She always talked little, so she started chatting lightly with this strange visitor.

That day, the two of them chatted for a long time by the rippling blue river in Jia City.

That day, little Su Jin saw a rare happiness on Aunt Su Yu's face. Her smile was as light as the pear blossoms in March, hanging on the corners of her lips delicately.

That day, Su Jin, who returned to Su's house, wrote this sentence in her diary: Aunt Su Yu met her soulmate. Is this a blessing or a misfortune?

She was too young to answer.

Su Yu is good at painting and Xiao Zhicheng understands painting. This kind of fate is rare.

After that, again and again, they met in the spring-filled canvas, and they expanded from talking about painting to talking about life and destiny...

Most of the time, they would bring little Su Jin with them to every appointment.

In other words, it was Xiao Su Jin who witnessed the process of their falling in love with her own eyes:

This young, romantic man and woman are attracted to each other because of art, and their spiritual communication gradually makes them fall in love.

One day after six years of marriage, the belated love broke out like a flood in Aunt Su Yu. With unprecedented enthusiasm, she fell in love with a young and promising man who was full of positive energy and could make her feel life. There is still hope for Xiao Zhicheng.

One day, she came back from a date, hugged little Su Jin, her face glowed with joy, and she told her in an extremely warm tone:

"Xiao Jin, I want to get divorced. I want to be your Uncle Xiao's woman with a decent reputation..."

They all say that divorce is a disgraceful thing, but in Little Su Jin's opinion, for Aunt Su Yu, divorce and remarrying Uncle Xiao Zhicheng is her only way out, and it is the wisest choice.

Therefore, she gave Su Yu her support seriously: "Auntie, you will definitely be happy!"

Little Su Jin was happy for them, and naively thought that as long as Aunt Su Yu got divorced, her future would be bright and she would shine with her own unique light.

What's sad is that she and Aunt Su Yu imagined their vision for the future too wonderfully...

Xiao Zhicheng was six years younger than Su Yu. When he met Su Yu, he was twenty-six years old. He was still an innocent young man who had never been in love. The simple and responsible life of the army gave him no chance of being accepted into the society. Contaminated by bad habits, he has the simplest feelings and the firmest principles.

When Su Yu met Xiao Zhicheng, she was thirty-two years old. She was a married woman who had been living in a marriage siege for six years. In addition to having an almost desperate heart, she only had a shocking history of miscarriage. .

The hospital also claimed that it would be difficult for her to have a successful pregnancy again in her life.

Under normal circumstances: few people would be willing to marry such a woman if a young man from a good family knew that he had the brightest future.

In this society, old husbands and young wives are common, and older wives and younger husbands are often rare.

As a male parent, of course it is difficult to accept such a daughter-in-law.

At that time, Xiao Zhicheng repeatedly assured Su Yu that his parents were getting along well and their marriage would be blessed.

But the development of the situation did not go as Xiao Zhicheng expected.

Everyone in the Xiao family is strongly opposed to this marriage - how can a woman who has been married before, is still waiting for divorce, and may not be pregnant be worthy of marrying a young man with a clean net worth and unlimited future?

Besides, there's still a six-year age difference between them.

The Su family is a wealthy family, but the Xiao family is a truly famous family.

If Su Yu had never been married before, the Xiao family's opposition might not be so severe.

But there is no choice in fate.

She failed to meet him at the best age for marriage, but was saved by him at the most melancholy and hopeless trough of her life, and fell deeply in love with him, unable to extricate herself. This was also the most helpless thing for her.

After the relationship between the two was made public in the Xiao family, Su Yu was invited to talk to Xiao Zhicheng's sisters in turn. They all hoped that she would not drag him down.

At that time, Su Yu was caught in a dilemma: to advance, there were many obstacles; to retreat, she was unwilling to give up her true love.

But Xiao Zhicheng is different from ordinary people. Once he falls in love, he is like a man possessed and refuses to let go. Even if his family disagrees, even if his father finds a way to transfer him back to Beijing, he still wants to be with Su Yu. In the end, he desperately wanted to take her body.

Thus began a battle to defend love.

Three months later, things took a turn for the better.

Su Yu is pregnant, and the child is Xiao Zhicheng's.

In ecstasy, he secretly came from Beijing and wanted to take her to the hospital for the most accurate follow-up examination, and then take her to ask her parents for permission. Without him, he is a soldier, and marriage registration requires approval from his superiors. As long as his father doesn't let go, he won't be able to get the marriage application report.

At the hospital, the report came out and the child was healthy and a boy.

The doctor said that as long as she takes good care of her, there will be no major problems with the fetus.

Xiao Zhicheng was extremely happy.

Su Yu also thought that the pain was finally over.

Unexpectedly, extreme joy gave rise to sadness.

Fu Shichun, who had huge debts due to drug abuse and gambling, originally agreed to sign a divorce agreement under Su Ping's planned coercion and inducement. However, at this critical moment, he learned that his wife had fallen in love with another man, and he still During the marriage, he had an affair with that man, and everyone in the circle laughed at him for being a cuckold without knowing it.

After knowing that the other party had a lot of background, some people even suggested that he take the opportunity to make a deal - the Xiao family could not fight, but the Xiao family cared about their reputation the most.

Fu Shichun really listened. After following Su Yu to the hospital, he took her hostage to the roof of the hospital to negotiate terms with Xiao Zhicheng.

On top of the tall building, Xiao Zhicheng fought with Fu Shichun to save Su Yu, and was finally pulled by Fu Shichun and fell from the tall building.

Fu Shichun died on the spot, and Xiao Zhicheng was seriously injured and fell into a coma. He was then taken back to Beijing for treatment by the Xiao family who heard about the incident.

Unfortunately, the treatment was ineffective and Xiao Zhicheng was pronounced dead three days later.

Su Yu, who was not allowed to go with her, heard the news and miscarried for the fifth time because she couldn't bear the stimulation.

After waking up, she knew that the child was aborted and the man was dead. She tried to commit suicide several times, but was saved by Mr. Su every time.

Xiao Zhicheng was the youngest son of the Xiao family, so he had to be loved by all his brothers and sisters. After the disaster, Mrs. Xiao became seriously ill.

Because of this atrocious murder, the Fu family fell into ruin and was unable to recover.

The Xiao family did not blame the Su family, but from then on, the Xiao and Su families never had any business dealings with each other. This is absolutely true.

When those things happened, little Su Jin's pain was no less than that of Aunt Su Yu.

She had seen with her own eyes her aunt who was unhappy in marriage, sighing in the silent night; she had also seen with her own eyes that her aunt regained her beauty as a woman after meeting Xiao Zhicheng; she had even seen with her own eyes Xiao Zhicheng, that high-spirited and sunny man, She likes to hug her aunt secretly and say some love words in fluent English that they don't understand...

At that time, Su Jin had a very good relationship with Su Yu, and she hoped that her aunt could get married to Uncle Xiao and bring her a happy life.

But who would have thought that Uncle Xiao would die at such a young age!

Losing Xiao Zhicheng's Aunt Su Yu, the whole world collapsed.

Little Su Jin once saw Aunt Su Yu crying heartbrokenly and calling Xiao Zhicheng's name in the ward. She was so eager to go to Beijing to attend Xiao Zhicheng's funeral.

But grandpa refused to let her go, and the old man tried to persuade her with tears, "What kind of family is the Xiao family? If you run away, who will admit that you are a sincere wife... Don't go looking for trouble... It will only be embarrassing." ...Child, forget him..."

When you truly fall in love with someone, it is difficult to forget that person.

Aunt Su Yu did not go to Xiao Zhicheng's funeral, but as a widow, she locked herself in the room and knelt in front of the deceased for three days.

After that, she stayed at home and stayed at home all day long.

Six months later, the Su family all believed that Aunt Su Yu had overcome the pain of losing her lover.

One day, Aunt Su Yu disappeared, leaving only a suicide note in the room.

Su Jin was the first to discover it, and there was only one sentence written on it:

"Dad, Mom, I forgive my daughter for being unfilial. My daughter took her child's ashes to Beijing to reunite with Zhicheng. Don't look for it and don't read it. The unfilial daughter will keep it!"

Yes, Aunt Su Yu still went to Beijing, and she still went there with the determination to die.

Sure enough she didn't come back.

On the day she went there, she crashed and died in front of Xiao Zhicheng's monument, and the scarlet blood covered the green grass.

Unfortunately, even after she died, Aunt Su Yu was not recognized by the Xiao family. In the end, her adoptive father went to bring her aunt's ashes back.

The aunt loved fiercely and died tragically. This made little Su Jin sad for a long time. Her impression of the Xiao family was even worse——

What a clan of hairpins and a clan of Zhongding. They are not even willing to help a poor woman realize her humble wish of sending her husband off to his last journey. They cannot accommodate her even if she wants to be buried with her beloved man after her death. It can only be regarded as a stingy family. .

She hated the Xiao family so much, how could she have imagined that a few years later, she would marry the Xiao family's daughter in a daze.

And this man lied to her again and again.

His surname is Xiao, but he still calls himself Jin.

When it comes to getting along as a couple, they should be honest with each other, but from the beginning to the end, he was full of lies.

Concealing her name, family background, and private life status... With her sweet words, she was coaxed into spinning around, and when she turned around, she was able to hold other women in her arms, kiss me, and spend the night together...

For such a man, some of his words can be believed and some cannot be trusted.

To be honest, she can't read him anymore and can't see through him anymore... She even dares not to see him. His mouth is so eloquent and can turn everything upside down. He can always Find countless reasons and find the most reasonable explanation for his concealment.

She was angry, angry.

After she confirmed that he was Xiao Jingheng, some rumors about him rarely spread on the Internet, but many years ago, she was born in a wealthy circle, and she occasionally heard about the Xiao family.

This man may not be called a playboy, and his private life is immoral, but that is for sure. It is absolutely impossible, as he said, to work all day long and be too busy to talk about relationships.

Because he has an illegitimate daughter.

This is what she knows for sure.

How ridiculous!

She, Su Jin, was deceived by this man and became his stepmother without knowing it. It was really unbearable...

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