The Perfect Hidden Marriage

179, she said; the focus of the conflict was Gu Lijun; she asked: Do you like Jia Hui?

Jin Hengyuan's eyes were steady, and the smile was always on his face. In his heart, he was sighing at her quick thinking, but he did not answer, and only asked:

"Why do you think so?"

"It was Gu Yuehua's words that gave me such a feeling."

Su Jin stared at him and expressed his opinion:

"The focus of the conflict seems to be the woman named Gu Lijun.

“I think the three of you must have known each other before, and may still be friends.

"Because Lao Bo recognizes Gu Yuehua. Gu Yuehua also calls Lao Bo Feihong brother, so naturally, which proves that you must have had a good relationship in the past.

"So, I'm thinking that maybe it was because Gu Yuehua's sister married your dad that it triggered the discord between you and your dad.

“Besides, you have opposed this marriage.

"Because when you were in Jing Palace, you once said: I make the decision on my marriage, just like you make the decision on your marriage.

"This sentence makes me feel that you should have strongly opposed it. It just didn't succeed.

"Your dad is a man with rich experience. Putting aside my personal opinions about him, from a rational point of view, I don't think he is someone who makes promises of marriage casually.

"He married another five years ago, but the wedding was not held, but he gave birth to a child again. There must be a reason for this.

“But I can’t figure out why.

"Could it be that - that woman loves vanity? You think your father shouldn't marry her, but he didn't listen to her advice and married her, so..."

A finger pressed on Su Jin's lips, tapped it, and then gently pinched her slender chin:

"No need to guess, this cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences. It involves many people and many things. I won't mention it now. You only need to remember one thing..."


"In the future, if you meet Gu Yuehua, remember not to talk to this annoying guy. He really wants to make me angry. If you are going to be angry with him, just make me angry."

He still avoided talking about it.

Su Jin stared intently, not sure where the worry in his eyes came from. After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded:

"Yeah, I took note of it!"

The smile spread across his face again:

"Okay, let's put this matter aside for now. Look, it's rare for us to come to Hong Kong together, and the weather is so nice. How about I go out with you?"

Su Jin thought for a while, then turned to look at Bo Feihong who was walking in the garden:

"Rather than going to play, I want to talk to Bo Feihong. The matter of Jia Hui is urgent now..."

Jin Hengyuan's look of expectation was shocked by her words:

"How did the idiom of "valuing sex over friends" come to you and become "valuing sex over friends?"

He was a little dissatisfied.

"Your belly isn't getting bigger. Do you need me to be nervous?"

Su Jin smiled innocently.

Jin Hengyuan made a gesture and hit her forehead.

She smiled and hid.

The mobile phone rang from behind them. It was Changning who ran over with Jin Hengyuan's mobile phone:

"Brother Jin, look for Ji Beixun!"


When he went to answer the phone, she waved and chased after Bo Feihong.

As he watched, the silky long hair was swinging smoothly on her back, and youth was flying in his eyes.

With a smile, he answered:

"Beixun, how are you?"

"That child, I found it for you..."

"Really, thank you..."

Jin Hengyuan showed a look of joy.

"Don't be too busy thanking me, I haven't finished speaking yet. There is something I have to say sorry to you for."

"what happened?"

"That woman escaped. My people are searching for her whereabouts. If she escapes this time, I'm afraid she will retaliate even more. Let me tell you, you must pay attention to safety. …”

A solemn look appeared on Jin Hengyuan's face:

"Thank you for reminding me. Where is the child now?"

"in my possession."

"Have you observed him? Is there anything wrong with him mentally?"

"He is a good child. He has a very high IQ. However, he is very insecure. This woman treats the child very well. She does not teach her revenge to the child. I feel that the relationship between their mother and child is still good. So. , if you want to fight for the custody rights from that woman, it will be a very difficult thing. The child will definitely regard all outsiders who want to separate their mother and son as enemies..."

"Oh! Okay, I understand. Beixun, no matter what, thank you so much this time!"

"You're welcome!"

"That child, please take care of it for me for two days. I'm in Hong Kong now. I'll go see him when I get back!"

"no problem."

Ji Beixun agreed and changed the subject:

"I heard that you had a car accident yesterday?"


"Be careful when driving in the future. A good Land Rover's head is actually flat like that!"

"Luckily I jumped out of the car."

Jin Hengyuan smiled.

"You can still laugh. Your wife would be scared to death if she knew it!"

"So, I didn't tell her. She's stressed enough right now."

"Does your family know that you are married?"


"How's your reaction?"

"As expected."

"So, the wedding won't be too far away?"

"It should be soon!"

Jin Hengyuan smiled warmly.

"Congratulations. At the same time, I have to tell you some not-so-good news."

"It doesn't matter. Just say it!"

"I have found out one of the reasons why Su Mubai married Qin Xue."

Jin Hengyuan immediately stopped smiling:

"Oh, really? Tell me!"


Su Jin followed Bo Feihong again.

This man's body is even bigger than Jin Hengyuan's, like a Yankee, strong and strong. Fortunately, his face is not full of flesh. If there was no scar on his face, he would still be handsome.

"Why are you following me?"

Bo Feihong looked back: She was just called back by her man. Now, why is she following him again and looking at him with a pair of beautiful big eyes? She is a woman with a man, okay? If you look at a man like this, you won't be afraid of her. Are men jealous?

"Is something wrong?"

Su Jin also stood still and turned his beautiful eyes:

"It's okay. I just want to talk to you."

"You are Xiao Xiao's woman. We are not familiar with each other, and we don't seem to have anything in common. What can you talk to me about?"

This man was either born unable to speak, or he just didn't want to talk to her. Listen, he said everything he said as soon as he opened his mouth.

Su Jin smiled: "I want to talk to you about Jia Hui."

It's very direct.

Sometimes, the more direct you are, the more irresistible you are.

Bo Feihong smiled and turned his head away:

"There's nothing to talk about. Yang Jiahui and I are just friends who met by chance. She has a straightforward temper, and so do I. She likes to drink, and I also like wine. She likes to watch people fight. As for me, I was born to fight... …There’s nothing else, that’s it…”

He put his hands in his pockets and walked forward.

"Do you like Jia Hui?"

Su Jin chased after him and blocked the way.

Bo Feihong was stunned, smiled again, bit his lower lip, and looked at him:

"Su Jin, are you always so direct when you speak?"

"Sorry, I don't like spinning around very much."

She replied quietly: "Just be direct. Right is, right is wrong. If you understand it, you will have confidence in your heart. If you don't understand it, you will always worry about it. You will always have extravagant hopes. Looking forward to..."


He wanted to speak, but she interrupted him.

"Before you decide to answer, I want to tell you about Jia Hui's past... I don't know if you are willing to listen..."

Bo Feihong hesitated for a while and then said:

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you talk about it or listen to it."

The two of them walked towards the green shade.

Su Jin said slowly while recalling:

"In a person's life, he will meet many, many people, and most of them are just passers-by in our lives. Very few of them become friends and confidants."

Bo Feihong listened and nodded: It is indeed true.

"Jia Hui, I am Xiaotong, we have known each other since we were young. After more than ten or twenty years of friendship, the feelings are deep in our bones. Now we are all looking forward to the happiness of the other two, You can completely be a happy little woman."

Well, that girl said that, the three of them have a strong relationship.

"Jia Hui is the most wild one among the three of us. She has rarely gotten sick since she was a child. Her face has always been white and rosy, and her voice is often like the roar of a lion from Hedong. She has a strong temper. , and he’s particularly good at fighting.”

Yes, she said that she had studied Taekwondo for two years, and she also had a bit of a tigress attitude.

"When we were young, the three of us girls often hung out together. Sometimes we would be pranked by boys. The first one to stand up and fight back would be Jia Hui. She dared to fight with them. I was always the quietest one. , Han Tong is the one who is most likely to cry. So, more often than not, it is Jia Hui who protects us."

He imagined the scene: He thought that little girl Jia Hui was so courageous!

"This must have something to do with her family's education method!"

He was sure in his heart: it should be.

"Jia Hui is the only daughter in the family. Her parents are both cadres. She is very good at talking. This may be a talent she inherited from her grandfather. Her grandfather was a professor of linguistics at the university and was very good at debating."

He checked and it was true.

"She was a coquettish girl who was pampered by her family and grew up without any hardship. She was born with no worries about clothes and clothing, and owned a house and a car. Everything her parents earned was hers. Therefore, she has always spent money lavishly. . Of course, for example, there is no comparison with that kind of wealthy family, at least compared to me and Xiaotong, she has always lived in the world of petty bourgeoisie."

He had seen that she was very good at spending money.

"Many people who know Jia Hui think she is snobbish. In fact, she is not that snobbish."

This made him frown, because he didn't feel like it.

"When she was in college, Jia Hui fell in love with a young man from the mountains in the northwest, a top student named Lang Dashan. It was Lang Dashan who completely changed her."

His eyes suddenly deepened and he listened more seriously.

"This Lang Dashan studied law, and he is considered a talent in this field. He is handsome and has a hint of melancholy in his body. He was studying and working part-time at the same time. At that time, Jia Hui fell in love with him at first sight for some reason. She fell in love with him and chased him like crazy, not caring about his origins at all, and just spent the whole day torturing him."

Young girls all like talented men. He can understand this.

"When Lang Dashan went part-time, she also went part-time; when Lang Dashan was sick, she served tea and water; when Lang Dashan was short of money, she quietly took out her pocket money and lent it to him without interest; Lang Dashan was reluctant to buy various professional books , she bought it as a gift for him...anyway, she cultivated him in every possible way and tried to please him in every possible way."

He frowned.

"Sincerity leads to gold and stone. In the end, she finally became his girlfriend.

“For four years in college, these two were as attached as one person.

"In the second half of the senior year, everyone started busy with internships. Jia Hui specifically found a company close to Lang Dashan's internship unit to work as an office girl. The two of them continued to stick together."

He turned his head away, not wanting to hear it anymore.

"One day in May, Yang's father and Yang's mother found out that their daughter was in love. They also learned that this boy came from a poor mountainous area and had four or five younger brothers and sisters at home. They were anxious and came to the school to forcefully rape them. I objected. They are not allowed to interact with each other again.

"Jia Hui doesn't care. She is having a lot of trouble with her family and insists on getting married after graduating from college, to this man who she thinks will have a great future.

"At that time, Father Yang once advised her with sincere words: 'Love cannot be eaten as food. Do you think that just loving can make your life comfortable? To live your life, you have to use money to live it. You chose this one Man, if there are not four or five younger siblings in the family who still need to go to school, and if he is an only child, as long as he is willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law, you can go with me, and I will accept it. But he still has to take care of such a large group of people, do you think you can Is it okay to run a world of two people with him? It won't work well. It's because his burden is too big. You know what? If you don't believe it, OK, I'll give you a year and you can live with him. Get by. Come and talk to me about marriage again. If you can't survive, break up as soon as possible. You can find another good man while you're young.'"

He felt that what Father Yang said was quite reasonable.

"In this way, Jia Hui made a bet with Yang's father. It would last for one year, and then we would discuss the marriage.

"This year, Yang's father cut off all financial support for Jia Hui, and she had to rent a house with her boyfriend."

Having said this, Su Jin sighed softly and looked at the leisurely white clouds in the sky.

"At first, the two of them lived well as usual. But gradually, they started to have friction. Within half a year, they continued to quarrel, and their relationship entered a crisis.

“As for the reason, it is nothing more than economic issues.

"Jia Hui came from a good background. Growing up, she had everything she wanted. She never suffered hardships and was very good at spending money. Although she worked hard to be frugal after joining Lang Dashan, when she graduated from college, she and Lang Dashan were in the same relationship. In the stage of constantly running into obstacles in the employment process. In a life of limited resources, love was quickly overwhelmed by practical problems.

"Lang Dashan was under financial pressure and needed to continue to work part-time jobs to earn more money. First, he had to support Yang Jiahui, and second, he had to support his younger brothers and sisters in studying. At that time, he was as tired as a dog every day, but his living conditions were poor. There has been no improvement.

"It's impossible to fall in love under such circumstances."

Bo Feihong is an older man, and of course he understands the importance of money in marriage: Poor and lowly couples have everything to suffer... When living conditions are difficult, romantic affairs are just extravagant talk, so he can't help but sigh.

"Later, Lang Dashan couldn't bear the pressure and fell in love with another woman. When Jia Hui was five months pregnant, she caught and raped her in bed."

As soon as these words came out, Bo Feihong's face darkened.

"At that time, Jia Hui was so angry that she had an argument with the woman, and the woman pushed her. On the same day, Jia Hui had a miscarriage.

"Nalang Dashan was very bad. She called Yang's father and ran away without even paying her medical bills. Jia Hui lost trust in men and never had a relationship again. She has been single these years. …”

When he uttered the last sentence, Su Jin saw the distress in Bo Feihong's eyes: After learning that the woman had conceived children for other men, she also knew that the man who cared about her must be a good and responsible man.

Su Jin felt that such a man would definitely become a good father and husband.

"Bo Feihong, this is Jia Hui's story. What do you think after listening to it?"

she asked softly.

Bo Feihong's mood was indeed very complicated. He never expected that the little girl with a cheerful smile had such a troubled past and met such an unscrupulous man. It’s really a flower stuck in cow dung.

The worst thing was that the second man she met, Bo Feihong, was also a scumbag: she was really unlucky.

He sighed softly in his heart before speaking:

"For a man like that, it is right not to marry. If she does get married and has a child, she will suffer in the end.

"Although marriage and love are free now, in my opinion, sometimes it is important to be a good match.

“Only with an equal environment will we have a common language, common aesthetics and values.

"For example, if you marry someone with good conditions or marry someone with good conditions, and the quality of life has not changed, and there are no economic factors, conflicts will not easily arise. If you marry someone with poor conditions or marry someone with poor conditions, work together, struggle together, and accumulate feelings in adversity. In this way, Relatively speaking, a marriage is easier to maintain. The worst thing is that a person with poor conditions marries a person with good conditions. Two people from different classes will have differences due to financial issues...

"Yang Jiahui has a good family background, so she should find a man with a comparable family background, so that she doesn't feel wronged.

"Every man has a man's temper. If he brings home a charming wife and doesn't take care of her well, he will definitely be disliked by his father-in-law and mother-in-law. If a man feels unhappy, he will inevitably feel inferior to his wife. Husband and wife. They are equal. If you have that kind of thinking, there will definitely be problems.

"I have a comrade-in-arms who also comes from a poor family. Because he performed well in the army, he was attracted by an officer's daughter. She wanted to be with him. The relationship between the two was quite good. When they got married, it was arranged by my father-in-law. The woman also prepared the house. Because of this, every time he goes to his father-in-law's house, he always feels inferior to others. He thinks so even if they don't dislike him, not to mention that the man who is disliked will definitely feel even more angry. "

After hearing this, Su Jin frowned: "You also have such thoughts?"

"No matter how bad a man is, he always has to be strong inside. Which man is willing to be worse than his own woman?"

Bo Feihong said lightly: "If it were me, I would definitely not marry a girl from Yang Jiahui's family background. Men are most afraid of being looked down upon!"

This man directly expressed his thoughts.

Su Jin was speechless.

"Xiao Xiao is here. Excuse me."

Bo Feihong pointed behind her and withdrew.

"Wait a minute, you haven't answered me yet, do you like Jia Hui or not..."

She asked persistently.

Bo Feihong, who had already turned around, paused.


After saying that, he strode away.

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