The Perfect Hidden Marriage

184. He wanted to have a baby and said: I will feel a sense of accomplishment when your belly grows

By the time they went downstairs again, it was already past two o'clock, well past lunch time.

However, no one would go to the master bedroom to disturb the belated spring event.

In the living room, Jin Changning and Bo Feihong were drinking tea and chatting. When they saw them coming down, the two of them glanced deeply at each other:

The man's face was refreshed, and the beauty between his eyebrows was fully displayed; the woman's face was delicate and shy, with a thin spring, but her eyebrows were still raised.

They looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

What happened upstairs is obvious.

What's more, they just saw Jin Hengyuan taking someone back to his room.

They can certainly figure out what it means to be in such a hurry...

"We couldn't wait any longer, so we ate first. But there is food left for you. Go and's not good to be starving."

Jin Changning said with a smile.

It was a simple sentence, but it made Su Jin's face glow.

Jin Hengyuan raised the corners of his lips and smiled: His little woman is so thin-skinned...

Probably because he had consumed too much energy, Su Jin ate a lot during the meal and had a very good appetite.

Jin Hengyuan smiled and kept adding dishes to her.

I don't know if it was because of the intimacy she had just had, but she was quieter than usual. She just tried hard to eat without talking. Her little mouth kept moving and she was very busy.

Is she eating to avoid embarrassment?

"Why did you become mute? Isn't it because you are still shy..."

He teased her amusingly.

The slight dizziness started to fly again.

"No. I'm hungry...I've exhausted too much energy..."

As soon as Su Jin finished speaking, her blush became more and more translucent, like a red pomegranate, extremely beautiful.

Jin Hengyuan laughed even more happily and continued teasing:

"Yes, my small body is indeed a bit weak. I have to take good care of myself. To be able to be so tired, only a few years ago..."

"Hey, it's time to eat. You have something to eat, but you still talk so much... If you don't behave at the dinner table again, I won't eat at the same table with you in the future..."

Before he could finish his words, she hurriedly said a few words, her brows were sullen, her eyes were vexed, and her lips were pretty, revealing a thousand kinds of amorous feelings.

Jin Hengyuan looked stunned.

He's not a particularly womanizing kind of man.

Ten years after graduating from college, he has been in society for ten years. He has never seen anything that is fat or thin.

Xiaojiabiyu, the daughter of a famous family, the daughter of a general and a strong businesswoman, were all forced to see and kiss by the six women in the family.

However, I wasn't impressed at all.

Because of my work, I have met a lot of people, including young pink models, famous film and television stars, international celebrities, cunning politicians, powerful female special forces soldiers, and sharp-tongued diplomats. An official, a female lawyer who is good at eloquence... I went to many occasions, and the women I met were of all kinds and everything.

He also casually approached them, trying to find feelings - since he broke up with Gu Lijun six years ago, he no longer had the desire to find a serious woman to have a romantic relationship.

Friends advised him to let go and try again with other women - not to ruin his sexual orientation just because of a temporary emotional setback.


How could he like men, but he was temporarily not interested in women.

In desperation, he smiled and accepted the advice of his good friends and tried it, but it didn't work.

Usually he would ignore them after just one or two meals - because he was not in the mood to make them happy at all.

He had also been given a woman at the dinner table, which was absolutely perfect - but he had no idea of ​​spending sex with others and enjoying the happiness of life.

Later, everyone knew that it would not work to use women to persuade him to do things.

Everyone who is close to him knows that he will participate in various social events, but he hates touching his breasts at dinner parties and talking about business: in private, there may be rumors about him having dinner with someone and being photographed, but at work, He doesn't have that hobby.

Therefore, those who seek his help know that it will be more effective to follow formal procedures.

Sometimes, when he goes to sit with some people who are more famous than him, there is no problem in being with him. He never hugs people and plays intimately...

After ten years of busy work, he was left alone.

Until he met her, his monotonous and dull world seemed to have been sprinkled with nectar by the willow branches in the hands of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Everything came to life at once, and tenderness filled his heart...

No matter how I look at her, I never get tired of it!

This is destiny!

He smiled faintly.

He thought that it would be difficult for him to fall in love with someone in this life, but he didn't expect that everything God had arranged for him was so unexpected - falling in love with her was so simple.

However, he couldn't be sure how much emotion she had for him when she handed over his.

At that moment, were the tears she shed under him entirely because of pain, or because the man who owned her body was not the one she loved most, and she felt aggrieved?

He knew that he was selfish. He knew that she loved someone else, but he persisted and used the opportunity step by step to first trap her with marriage, and then use marriage to get her...

If one day she learned that Su Mu Sheng had paid so much for her and that he deliberately concealed Su Mu Sheng's current situation, how much would she hate his insidiousness...

But as for him, he can no longer let go of her and is working hard to maintain his marriage. Is it wrong?

He doesn't think so.

If he had it all to do over again, he would definitely do it again.

Use whatever means you can to keep her by your side.

At this moment, he suddenly thought that conceiving a child early would definitely play a very good role in consolidating their marriage.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Su Jin finished eating and saw that he was so absorbed in thinking that he didn't eat much, so he couldn't help but ask:

"are you not hungry?"

He didn't eat half as much as she did today.

"I'm hungry!"

He came to his senses.

"Then why don't you eat? What are you thinking about?"

Su Jin wiped his mouth.

Jin Hengyuan smiled beautifully, picked up his rice, and spoke slowly:

"Thinking about when your belly will become round and bulging, it will be very joyful..."

After a pause he said:

"When the time comes, let's take a photo together to see who has the bigger belly and leave a souvenir... to show to the monkey cub in the future..."

Su Jin: "..."

Alas, she regretted it to death!

Why ask?

What are you doing?

With his mouth, he can say a few serious words in private.

She blushed and immediately ran away.

Now, she couldn't imagine the ugliness of a big belly.

He chuckled and took her hand and refused to let go:

"This is serious business. Don't leave!

"Come on, come on, sit down, we have to study our pregnancy plan...

"I think we should implement this plan at a fast pace...all at once.

"I will feel very accomplished if I can watch your belly grow bigger day by day...

"Wife, you must fulfill me!"

Oops, she can't listen anymore, can she stop talking?

At the right time, his cell phone rang, finally giving her a solution.

And she escaped, fled upstairs and into the room.

When she calmed down, she was standing beside the bed.

The messy bed, stained with her red sheets, came into view.


Finally, she was no longer a girl.

Finally, she is a woman.

But what made her change was not the first love in her heart, but another gentle man who gradually wanted to subvert her heart.

She smiled slightly and shed tears.

Is it joy or sorrow?

She doesn't know either.


Under the same sky, there is another luxurious mansion, Mingqi Garden - Xiao Zhidong spent a huge sum of money to buy it five years ago. After that, it was placed under the names of Gu Lijun and Xiao Jingqi's mother and son.

This is a gorgeous house with everything you need.

But for Gu Lijun, it was like a prison.

It's also afternoon.

A scream came from the master bedroom. Sister Hong, the housekeeper, rushed in and saw Gu Lijun sitting on the edge of the bed sweating profusely. Her beautiful face was full of pain. She was crossing her arms and crying loudly. Like a child.

The cry was heartbreaking and miserable.

Over the past five years, Sister Hong has seen her cry like this more than once.

She went to get half a glass of water, put it on the bedside table, and put the medicine next to it:

"Madam, it's time for you to take medicine..."

Gu Lijun suddenly jumped off the bed, strangled Sister Hong's neck, and pressed her against the wall. She looked like a madman, her eyes gleaming with hatred and despair, and her voice was even more hysterical:

"Don't call me madam, how many times have I told you, don't call me madam..."

She hated this title, extremely disgusted.

She just wants to be Mrs. Xiao Jingheng Xiao, that is her greatest expectation in life, not this damn wife...

The sound of "Madam" completely trapped her to death.

She wants to break free from its shackles, she wants to get back to the beginning.

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