The Perfect Hidden Marriage

186, she asked: Is it necessary to get pregnant so soon?

What kind of person is Jin Hengyuan?

That's one thing Su Jin particularly wants to understand now.

She didn't care much about it before, and she didn't have any hope at all for this marriage.

Now that I care about it, a kind of liking has secretly grown in my heart.

On the second day after arriving in Hong Kong, Jin Hengyuan was not in a hurry to take her back to Jiashi. That night, they did nothing and had dinner early. The two of them stayed together, chatted and whispered.

She asked him to tell about his childhood.

She said she wanted to know about his past.

Once a person wants to know the whole life of another person, it means that he (she) has placed her (him) in a relatively important position in his heart.

Just like what he had done before, after knowing that she was Xiao Shu, he collected a very comprehensive collection of her past and stored it in the computer.

He told it with a smile.

When I was six years old, I climbed a tree to dig out bird eggs and fell onto my back. I lay in bed for seven days.

(She chuckled, oh, this person is really naughty.)

He learned to swim at the age of seven. As a landlubber, he was afraid of entering the water. He escaped to the shore several times. It was his mother who forced him to overcome his fear of water.

(She is surprised that he is also afraid of something?)

At the age of eight, he participated in a Taekwondo competition and won the provincial third place, and later won a national championship.

(She was surprised that his fighting skills were much better than Mu Sheng's... Look, he is already famous.)

When I was nine years old, I got two zeroes in the exam because I didn't write my name on the test paper. This is the first time the school has invited parents.

(She smiles, this person actually has his moments of madness! It’s really rare...)

At the age of ten, he became the king of fights and scored in his seventies on every subject. At that time, he never read books and asked for help with his homework. His interest was not in books.

(She sighed: She is really naughty.)

When he was in junior high school, he ran away from home and disappeared for two months.

(She wanted to ask, where have you been for sightseeing...but she didn't interrupt to ask in detail.)

When I was in high school, my grandfather sent me to special forces training. The arduous training has transformed him. Boys no longer exist, men rise.

(She looked longingly and said that she wanted to see how dashing he looked in his camouflage uniform. He must be extremely handsome.)

When he was in college, he became interested in making money. Apart from that, he was busy reading, cooking, making money, outdoor adventures, and playing various extreme games. He just didn't like having a girlfriend, so he lived a happy life. .

(She asked, why don’t you like having a girlfriend?)

(He said with a smile: Because I didn’t meet you!)

(She smiles: talkative.)

In the second half of his senior year, he started as an intern, doing various chores, and slowly made his way to become a lawyer.

The first time he defended someone, it was free of charge, and he had to pay for meals, transportation and transportation at his own expense, but he had a great time.

(She smiled, thinking that what he lacked most in his life was not money, but various self-reliance experiences, which were his most scarce resources.)

He also said that during the evidence collection process, he was beaten by a crowd. Fortunately, he had good foundation and was not injured.

(She felt a little nervous and asked: Is it easy for lawyers to offend people?)

When he filed his first big lawsuit, he received repeated threatening phone calls. Fortunately, he won beautifully.

(She blinked, he should be the kind of man who becomes more courageous with every setback!)

In order to obtain a foreign lawyer's license, he had to constantly squeeze in time to study.

(When he was a child, he had people copy his homework. When he grew up, he continued to recharge himself. This man’s excellence depends on his background, opportunities, and more importantly, his enterprising heart. She smiled slightly, feeling that he Awesome.)

When he took on a big international lawsuit for the first time, he spent a month forgetting to sleep and eat. In the end, he became an instant hit and his reputation skyrocketed...

(She is proud of him. He deserves his success. Because he has never been a good-for-nothing scumbag.)

He talked a lot.

But she just listened and felt that his story and his life were really wonderful.

There are so many stories, but he doesn't tell about his emotional life.

She didn't ask further questions.

It's not that he doesn't want to know, he always feels that it is the secret pain in his heart; just like she also has her own secret pain.

The kind of pain that hurts when touched.

It can only be forgotten with time.

That night, she lay on his lap, listened to his past, and fell asleep to his beautiful voice.

In her dream, in her world, she saw the child who had been naughty since childhood, growing up step by step, and finally became a high-spirited husband, holding her heart full of hurt in his arms.

In the dream, Su Mubai's shadow became fainter and far away, and she didn't want to remember it anymore - it shouldn't be her memory.

Even in dreams, when I think of him, my heart still aches; however, this pain will be gently smoothed away when I think of Hengyuan...


At dawn, Su Jin woke up leisurely, and Jin Hengyuan was sleeping beside her pillow.

The light is a bit dim.

She turned on the bedside sleeping light, lifted her hair and stared at the scene, thinking of their previous intimacy.

At this moment, he was sleeping peacefully and harmlessly, completely different from the person he was at that time.

At that time, his waist strength was extremely strong.

Wave after wave can crush her.

Yes, he used his power to take away her innocence, turned her into a woman, and made her feel pain - more of pain. As for pleasure, it was a bit hard to describe.

It was different from what I expected when I was young. While I was happy, I was also disappointed - some things were gone and could never come back.

When you gain, you lose.

this is life.

However, she has no regrets.

That's good.

Put yourself to death.

She will risk everything to catch him and manage their future.

Life is like this.

Silly, she didn't know how long she had been looking at him. The man was also attractive - this man was outstanding, and she was fascinated.

Su Jin got up and looked at her phone. It was past five o'clock, and the red sun was rising in the east. A new day had begun.

There is the fragrance of flowers in the air, which is sweet.

Standing on the balcony, she closed her eyes and breathed, listening to the chirping of birds, feeling the morning breeze blowing on her face, and the warmth of the sun... She felt very calm.

On the second day after becoming a woman, she felt the vitality given by life.

Her life was full of vitality because of him.

I don’t know how long I have been standing still.

Behind her, someone hugged her, kissed her ear, and gently bit her earlobe.

Who else could it be but him?

"Don't make trouble!"

She smiled warmly, was ticklish, and shrank her head, feeling a sense of tenderness in her heart.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer. Don't you think you're exhausted?"

Those big hands hugged her waist, his face rubbed against hers, and he rocked her body gently.

"Have enough sleep."

Last night, they went to bed very early, earlier than any night before.

Hugging each other, sticking to each other in the most intimate sleeping position. There was no more intimate behavior, just sleeping, but it made people feel unprecedented warmth.


he asked with a smile.

She suddenly shut up.

Because his hand moved mischievously around her waist again.

Oh, how could she forget!

It's always different now than before.

In the past, he knew how to exercise restraint, but now, he just wants to do whatever he wants - the power in his hand shows such a desire.

"Now that you've had enough sleep, why not do some morning exercise together..."

He said slowly.


"The more you practice, the more you will feel it. You must practice until you are satisfied..."

"Jin Hengyuan, are becoming more and more rogue..."

She turned her head and glared at him with a blushing face.

He smiled brightly on his face, kissed her pink lips, and said:

"Because our relationship is different, the scale should of course be enlarged..."

From the balcony to the room, his kiss never stopped...

He chuckled and refused to allow her to refuse.

Clothes fell to the floor.

The sun shone in through the cracks in the half-covered curtains, and she gasped, watching her bodies stick together in the unfamiliar tide of love... In the ups and downs, she was forced out of all her passion by him, and finally she was out of control. Amidst the screams, she saw the golden sunshine in the sky, blinding her eyes.

And he roared…

At that moment, she suddenly thought that with him being so attentive, she might get pregnant soon. Time and time again, he released into her.

This time, he put a pillow on her buttocks and forced her to lie on her back for a while by talking.

She understood what he meant by doing this.

He said it yesterday.

He wants children.

Doing so will help you conceive.


Her mood is a bit complicated.


"Is it necessary to get pregnant so soon?"

She bit her lip.

Her body accepted him, and her heart accepted him, but when it came to giving birth... wasn't it a bit too hasty...

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