The Perfect Hidden Marriage

191. At that time, her heart beat violently for complicated reasons. He advised her: forget it, ther

Jin Hengyuan remained silent and came to the bus stop. Several citizens waiting for the bus, some gave up their seats and some called for ambulance...

He gently put her on the seat. At this moment, she was covered in blood and extremely injured.

"Sit down for a moment! The ambulance should arrive soon."

He ignored it and didn't make any answer. He just said this lightly.

Turned to leave.

Gu Lijun immediately grabbed his hand and said nervously:

"Are you leaving? Don't leave, okay. Ah Heng, don't leave."

The voice was seductive and hoarse, with a strong sense of pleading overflowing from it.

Jin Hengyuan looked down and saw that the delicate hand and several scars on the wrist were so clearly visible.

He had heard that once, she suffered from postpartum depression and attempted suicide several times, but was finally saved...

That confident girl no longer exists.

He sighed secretly in his heart and withdrew his hand:

"I'm going to get something from the car. You sit here for a while."

He turned around and strode towards his car, his steps heavy, like a mountain weighing on his heart.

Everything in the past seemed to be back in front of him again, the happiness and pain were entangled together, oppressing his heart and tearing apart his soul——

If he had to say that he didn't have any feelings for Gu Lijun, it would definitely be a lie.

For three or four years, that girl was the only one he dated.

At that time, she used her 120,000 patience and sweet smile to erode his soul day after day, making him gradually have the idea of ​​​​getting married, and finally forced him to confront his father. I even thought about taking her abroad, pretending that all of that never happened...

Yes, just a little bit, he married her.

Because he blames himself, because he wants to make amends, because he feels he should take on that responsibility...

But what if you really get married...

Then he will really be invincible...

Jin Hengyuan came to his car with complicated thoughts, opened the door, and took out his briefcase and mobile phone.

There was a missed call displayed on the phone, which was from Su Jin.

He originally wanted to call the insurance company, but after flipping through it, he called back while walking to the bus stop:

"Xiao Su?"

The sun shines down and is very warm.

His heart felt as if it had been chilled by ice. It was extremely cold, but it was warmed by her voice.

"Hengyuan, it's almost noon, will you come back for lunch?"

A gentle voice came through the radio waves.

It was a calling that felt comfortable.

He listened, glanced at the traffic situation around him, and exhaled, wanting to get rid of the pain that was weighing in his heart.

At this moment, he desperately wanted to go back and hold her in his arms, but he had to stay and deal with this mess:

"I'm afraid I can't. I have something to do here. I can't go back until I finish it. Ask the kitchen to leave some food for me. Maybe it will be a little late to go back."


She agreed, but did not hang up the phone. Instead, she asked in confusion:

"Where are you? Why is there so much noise around you? There are also sirens."

"Well, in the downtown area, a car ran a red light, and my car was also affected. My head is flat, I have to call the insurance company..."

He reciprocated the truth.

"Why did something happen again?"

Over there, Su Jin was startled and asked hurriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay! It's fine."

A slight smile appeared on his face.

"No, you have so many records of dishonesty that I can't even trust you now. In this case, take a photo and send it to me right away."

Su Jin was worried, fearing that he would deceive her again.

How could he be in the mood to take selfies now? He had never been the kind of stinky person, but in order to appease her, he still sighed and agreed:


He stood still, took a selfie at an angle, and sent it:

"Is it okay... He's still so handsome, no blind spots at 360 degrees."

It was deliberately humorous.

Even at this moment, his mood was actually very bad.

Over there, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief and said softly:

"How come you can be so narcissistic at any time? Even after a car accident, you can still be so happy. I really admire you."

He smiled, he was narcissistic because of her!

That silly girl, when will she understand?

"I was not damaged by the crash. I will be lucky if I survive the disaster. Of course I am happy."

"Okay, don't talk so much. Remember, after you finish your work, come back early. I have to check you carefully to see if you are lying."

"I know! Oh, little housekeeper, why are you becoming more and more in charge of me now?"

He sighed deliberately.

Su Jin smiled softly: "It's too late to regret now. I will take care of you for the rest of my life..."

"Okay, then I'll take care of it for the rest of my life. I'm more than happy to do it. Let's not talk about it anymore. I still have things to deal with here."

"Well, see you later!"

"See you!"

Putting away his phone, Jin Hengyuan raised his head and put away the faint smile on his lips.

Gu Lijun was looking at him with such sad eyes.

Jin Hengyuan was in a trance.

Some memories were brought up.

I remember the first time they met, she smiled like a flower and ran into his arms.

I remember her looking back and laughing, her bright and mischievous face written all over her face.

I once remembered that she was leaning on his shoulder with a shy face...

I once remembered that she was as passionate as fire and kissed him deeply...

A lot of things he remembered were hidden deeply by him.

Because he wanted to let go, his heart beat violently at that time, and the reasons were complicated. His thoughts were not as simple as she imagined.

Now, the memory is still there, the love has faded, and the mood is not what it used to be.


At the hospital, Jin Hengyuan treated his bruised arm and then went to the ward.

The doctor said: "Gu Lijun's foot is severely injured and needs to be hospitalized for observation. Are you a family member? Go and go through the procedures!"

He shook his head: "No, I'm not. The family members are on their way here."

Not long ago, he made a phone call to Xiao Zhidong:

"I had a car accident on XX Road and collided with Gu Lijun's car. Daben's fever is gone. She is fine and is now in the hospital. Over here in the VIP ward. If it is inconvenient for you to come, let Gu Yuehua go. . The family members need to take over here. I have to go back. Xiao Su will be worried. "

"I got it. I'll come over in person. A little later. Xiaoyuan, please help me guard her first."

This is his answer.

Why should he keep her for a while?

He didn't ask, hung up the phone in a hurry, and then looked out the window quietly.

The relationship between father and son would evolve into this, and that was something neither of them wanted to see.

But life just gives them such an embarrassment.


In the ward, Gu Lijun was applying saline solution. She had a serious foot injury and had just received tetanus.

Jin Hengyuan walked in gently.

When Gu Lijun, who looked wilted, saw him coming in, she immediately sat up. Her eyes, which were red from crying, suddenly became brighter, just like the rising morning glow, brightening layer by layer:


The voice was as clear as ever.

But when he heard it, he felt so awkward, and his thick eyebrows furrowed.

After standing there for a long time, he walked over, holding a bottle of drink in his hand. When he got closer, he handed it over.

Gu Lijun took it and her eyes turned red: because it was the lemon flavor she liked.

She covered her mouth, a sob escaped from her mouth, and moisture gathered in her eyes:

"It's been six years, Ah Heng. There's something I've never had the chance to say to you..."

The voice with the sound of crying is extremely sultry.

Jin Hengyuan put his hands in his pockets, looked at it, and calmly cut off the words:

"Since you also know that it has been so long, no matter what you want to say now, it is already too late... Then what is there to say... No matter what happened back then, everything has disappeared... no longer exists... "

To put it bluntly, it's so heartless.

Gu Lijun's lips trembled several times, unable to connect him with the person he was back then.

Has he forgotten what he said back then?

"Do you really think it's all over?"

she asked in pain.

"With me. Yes."

His answer was extremely calm.

"But I'm still living in that time."

She almost shouted, feeling unwilling and full of disbelief.

He listened and turned his head:

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

She opened her mouth, as if she didn't believe that he was so ruthless, and her eyes expressed the same meaning. After thinking about it, she uttered this sentence:

"Aheng, I thought about going to England with you, really... But that time, I..."

Jin Hengyuan spoke faster than her, his eyebrows furrowed:

"Those are no longer important. They have no meaning anymore. Please remember your current identity. That is your choice."

"No, no, no, that's not my choice, that's definitely not my wish."

Gu Lijun shouted desperately and shook her head:

"My choice is always you..."

She pulled off the drip on her hand, rushed towards him, and hugged him tightly.

It can't be any tighter!

She was afraid that if she let go, he would run away without a trace.

Jin Hengyuan remained motionless, his angular face was extremely indifferent, his voice was extremely cold, and he only said three words:

"Please behave."


He caused her great pain.

Just now at the scene of the car accident, she saw him looking so gentle and approachable while talking on the phone, but now he looked like a completely different person.

"The past has passed after all. From now on, we don't need to see each other again or communicate with each other."

He lowered his head and peeled off her fingers one by one.

The force used was so strong that it hurt her.

Yes, he was forcing her to let go.

The pain spread across her face, covering her face sadly.

She felt that she was going to lose him completely...

Jin Hengyuan turned his head at this time and looked at her with a calm expression, as if the woman standing in front of him was just a stranger, not his first love who had been in love for many years.

Immediately afterwards, a few thoughtful words came out of his mouth quietly:

"Forget the past! Let's grow up with Jingqi.

“Whether your marriage is going well or not, it’s always you who gave birth to it.

"Whether you were forced to do it or did it willingly, he has already come to this world.

"When you choose to take this path in order to save Gu Yuehua, you should have such a mental preparation.

“You can’t have your cake and eat it too in this world. There is no turning back.

"Just have a good rest. Someone will take care of you. I'm leaving first."

He turned to leave.

She dragged her injured foot, opened her arms to block the way, and let her tears roll down. Her body was shaking uncontrollably:

"Should I spend my whole life on an old man? How willing are you to make me? I am only thirty-two years old. Do you want me to wait for death in despair?"

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