The Perfect Hidden Marriage

199. In the beginning, Gu Lijun was the little Qingren that Xiao Zhidong raised outside? (to see)

1:45 p.m.

The taxi slowly stopped at the entrance of a community called Jingyuan.

Su Jin got out of the car and called Mu Sheng's number again:

"We are already at the gate of Jingyuan. What do you want us to do next?"

The woman gave an instruction:

"Five hundred meters walk forward, there is a xx children's playground. When you get there, a child will give you the key...The child will tell you where to go next..."

Su Jin and Gu Lijun looked at each other and walked forward together.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the paradise.

There are many children in the garden. Pupils from nearby schools are entering in groups. They are all lively and jumping, wearing uniform clothes, smiling like flowers, and making a lot of noise.

After waiting at the door for a while, no children came to answer them.

They had no choice but to buy tickets to enter and walked around, but no one paid attention to them.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a boy with mud on his face rushed over. He must be in his teens, with his hands on his back.

"Are you here for the keys?"

he asked, looking at it.

Su Jin's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Yes, yes, kid, are you here to give me the keys?"

"No. However, I just picked up a key in a nylon bag over there, and there was a note attached to it. The note said that two aunties will come to find the key, and let us know who picked it up. , handed it over to them... One of them is called Su Jin and the other is Gu Lijun. Are you these two aunts? "

After the boy finished narrating, he asked a question.

"Yes, my name is Su Jin and her name is Gu Lijun. Can you give us the key?"

"Do you have an ID? I have to check."

The boy acted cautiously.

Su Jin quickly took out his ID card and showed it to him. He took a look at it and then handed over the key.

It was indeed placed in a nylon bag. Their names, ID numbers, and a reminder were written on the paper attached. The fonts were all typed by a machine:

Arrive at Lily Community before three o'clock...

Su Jin asked for directions. Lily Community is not far from here. It is an old community. Due to demolition, all the residents in it have moved away.

After arriving, Su Jin received a text message on his mobile phone:

"I've seen you arrive. Now, go to room 804 in the fifth building."

Su Jin looked at it, and his back felt hairy.

Sure enough, someone was following them all the way?

She looked around. There were hurried pedestrians and busy traffic. She didn't have sharp eyes, so how could she tell who was watching them?

Following the instructions in the text message, they found the fifth building.

The elevator showed that it was out of service, so they could only take the stairs up, arrived at 804, and opened the door with the key.

This is a building with a simple decoration. All the household appliances and appliances are still there. The house is quite clean. There should be people living there normally.

Following the instructions, Su Jin found an unfamiliar mobile phone number behind the door, with a line of machine-typed Song fonts underneath:

"Send a text to this number when you arrive."

Su Jin hurriedly took out his mobile phone and sent it.

Soon, the other party replied:

"Go find photos, take them, use Jin Hengyuan's Sina Weibo, and upload them online one by one. I will refresh here and see how many I need to post. I will decide. Before I stop, no Stop exactly."


Why are you posting photos?

Moreover, you have to post it through Jin Hengyuan’s Weibo?

"I don't have Jin Hengyuan's Weibo."

The other party quickly replied:

"Send it to you immediately."

After a while, the other party actually sent me the account number and password.

"What did she want us to do?"

Gu Lijun limped and followed.

Su Jin lets her see.

She frowned.

"I feel very bad." Su Jin said muffledly.

Gu Lijun also said: "Let's look for them separately..."

There were many rooms, and the two little women began to divide their labors to search.

Gu Lijun went to the second floor while Su Jin searched on the original floor.

Since the other party didn't give any other information, Su Jin couldn't determine what kind of photo the other party wanted them to find, so they searched two rooms and found nothing.

When she entered the third room, she finally found the large photo posted on the wall.

After taking a quick glance, Su Jin's face turned pale.

A total of five people were captured in the photo:

Xiao Zhidong, Gu Lijun, Jin Hengyuan, Su Mubai, and her, Su Jin.

Using black lines as dividing lines, all photos are divided into three groups.

The first group, arranged on the far left.

What is surprising is that this group of photos are all intimate photos of Xiao Zhidong and Gu Lijun.

At that time, Gu Lijun looked like she was still a student, probably less than twenty years old. She was carrying a backpack, very delicate, and had a bright smile.

In one of them, Gu Lijun is walking with Xiao Zhidong, who is looking calm, with a smile. The girl's hand is naturally on the man's arm. The man is looking sideways at the girl, seeming to be saying something. .

In another picture, Gu Lijun is wearing a cheongsam, sitting elegantly, smiling and playing the pipa. Xiao Zhidong is leaning on a wicker chair with his eyes closed and listening, looking extremely comfortable.

There is another picture, Xiao Zhidong seems drunk, and Gu Lijun is supporting him to drink hangover soup...

More other photos are photos of Xiao Zhidong and Gu Lijun’s simple life...

When Xiao Zhidong's weathered face met Gu Lijun's pure smiling eyes, there was a faint smile - that kind of smile was not the look of an elder looking at a junior, but a man gazing at his woman.

To be honest, these photos are not dirty, but rather beautiful.

The girl is beautiful, the man is elegant and mysterious...

Su Jin looked at it and stayed for a while.

What can this set of photos illustrate?

Gu Lijun recognized Xiao Zhidong before she recognized Jin Hengyuan?

Could it be that, in the very beginning, Gu Lijun was the little lover Xiao Zhidong kept outside?

As soon as this idea popped into Su Jin's mind, she hurriedly covered her mouth:

It’s so evil and disgusting...

Separated by a black line, the second group of photos is classified.

It's just that the man in the photo is no longer Xiao Zhidong, but Jin Hengyuan.

Yes, those photos are all of Gu Lijun and Jin Hengyuan.

In one picture, Jin Hengyuan was looking through the information. Gu Lijun leaned on his shoulder and made a pose. The man turned around and looked at her with a look of helplessness, while the woman smiled playfully.

In one picture, Jin Hengyuan was lying on the table taking a nap. Gu Lijun leaned over and kissed him on the lips. His eyes were full of smiles. Jin Hengyuan, who had been awakened, did not open his eyes, and the corners of his lips were curved.

There is a picture of Jin Hengyuan holding Gu Lijun in his arms in front of birthday candles, kissing each other deeply...

There is a bed where they sleep together, their sleeping posture is so beautiful...

In one picture, Jin Hengyuan is topless, with a bath towel wrapped around his waist, smiling and hitting the shrieking girl with a pillow...

One after another, too many beautiful moments belonging to them were frozen... but it deeply hurt Su Jin's heart.

It turned out that he had loved another beautiful girl so deeply...

She stared blankly for a while, and her mouth felt sour for no reason.

It’s so uncomfortable!

She couldn't help but look away, not wanting to look anymore...

Another black line, the person in the photo was replaced by another couple, and it became the growth history of her and Su Mubai.

From a very young age, I have been photographed.

When she was nine years old, she fell. Mu Bai helped her up with a smile, rubbed her knees, and took three consecutive photos to present this group of actions wonderfully.

When she was ten years old, she was sitting on the front bars of Mu Bai's bicycle, smiling with bright eyes.

When she was eleven years old, she and Mu Bai were laughing and hugging each other in the white waves. At that time, he was teaching her how to swim.

When he was thirteen years old, someone confessed to Mu Bai. With a calm expression, he took her and left.

At the age of fifteen, she was sleeping soundly. Mu Bai sat beside her and secretly kissed her forehead.

At the age of sixteen, under the pear tree, Mu Bai jerkily took her first kiss.

Seventeen years old, they hugged each other on the lush grass and kissed wildly.

At the age of eighteen, Su Mubai was a model and she was a painter. They quietly enjoyed the music and sunshine in the afternoon.

At the age of twenty, he hugged each other and slept in the same bed.

At the age of twenty-one, he kissed her under the plane tree on campus, and agreed that the two of them would hold each other's hands tightly in this life and perform their lives extremely beautifully.

Many photos and many golden years have been imprinted on her. Such beautiful memories have been hidden deep in her soul for a long time, but today they were dug out completely.

Comparing the two sets of photos, one can clearly see the fact that during the years when she was deeply in love with Mu Bai, Hengyuan was also in love with another girl...

Looking at these photos, she was deeply shocked and painful, and a confusion emerged in her heart:

Who is watching them secretly?

Who captured their lives one by one on camera?

Has such a long history?

What's the purpose?

Behind him, the half-open door was pushed open, and Gu Lijun walked in.

She also looked at these photos with a very complicated expression.

Su Jin didn't pay much attention to her, but turned to look at the other wall.

There is a piece of black cloth hanging on the wall, which looks particularly abrupt.

Without thinking much, she pulled it off gently, and two enlarged photos of the bed immediately came into view.

The environment was a bit harsh and the vision was a bit dim. Gu Lijun was half naked and was pressed down by a man. The man's face couldn't be seen, but he looked vaguely familiar... He seemed to be Xiao Zhidong.


Gu Lijun turned around and saw it. She immediately screamed and rushed over. She hurriedly grabbed the photo from the wall and wanted to tear it up.

But its paper quality is special and cannot be torn apart at all.

"Fire, give me fire, give me fire..."

she screamed like crazy.

They are not men, so how can they carry lighters with them.

Seeing that she was out of control, Su Jin went up to try to comfort her:

"Gu Lijun, calm down..."

"Fire, give me fire, give me fire..."

She didn't listen at all, and pushed Su Jin away hard. Her pale face was twisted, and pain was plastered on her face.

Su Jin stared blankly, unable to imagine what kind of experience she had endured...

But there was one thing she finally figured out: the other party asked her to take the photos here one by one and upload them to the Internet through Jin Hengyuan's Weibo. The purpose was to destroy the reputation of everyone in the photos... …


This intention is really terrible!

How much hatred must that person have towards them to deliberately do such a series of things?

At this moment, the ringtone of a text message came on her phone. She lowered her head and saw that it was from Mu Sheng's number. A video - a video of Tang Yuan's clothes being torn apart.

Tang Yang was screaming, and Mu Sheng was roaring...

These scum.

Su Jin watched in horror.

The next moment, another text message was sent:

"In the last five minutes, if you can't find explosive photos on the Internet, you will see the consequences soon."

His hand softened and the machine fell to the ground.

what to do?

These photos must not be posted.

If it happens, Xiao Zhidong will be ruined and Jin Hengyuan will become a laughing stock.

But if you don’t send it, what will Tang Yang do? What should Mu Sheng do?

"Hengyuan, what should I do? What should I do..."

She hurriedly grabbed her cell phone from the ground and called Jin Hengyuan.

On the other end, Jin Hengyuan took the words steadily:

"I've followed you to the community. You don't have to do anything. The situation at Mu Sheng's side is basically under control... I'll be up right away."


Great, he's coming.

Is this the end of the crisis?

Su Jin sighed.

At the same time, strange music suddenly sounded in the room, and Gu Lijun kept pulling her hair, her eyes changing strangely.

"Gu Lijun, what's wrong with you?"

She stepped forward.

The voice that came from nowhere, but at this moment, it made a strange human voice:

"Kill her, kill her...kill her, she has robbed your most beloved man, you can't let her live, kill her, kill her..."

At that moment, Gu Lijun's eyes shone with a terrifying light, and she suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed over.

Su Jin stepped back step by step, feeling quite terrified.

Was she hypnotized?

"Gu Lijun, please wake up and don't be controlled by that voice... Gu Lijun..."

Su Jin shouted, looking around for the source of the sound.

Gu Lijun ignored her and quickly grabbed Su Jin's throat and pushed her to the ground.

The two people got entangled.

Su Jin struggled but couldn't get free. His throat became more and more painful, his breathing became thinner and thinner, and his consciousness became more and more confused...

At this moment, her hand grabbed something on the ground, and without thinking, she hit Gu Lijun on the head...

Once, twice, three times.

Finally, the force on her neck relaxed, and Gu Lijun slowly fell to the ground.

Su Jin blinked hard, trying to stay awake. When he turned his head, he happened to see a pair of men walking in quickly.

Is Hengyuan here?

She wanted to look up, but the next moment, she lost consciousness.


When Su Jin woke up, she felt like she was in a small space, her vision was dark, the surroundings were filled with stench, there was a sticky mess under her body, her mouth was dry and thirsty, and her stomach was extremely hungry.

What's going on?

Su Jin moved for a moment, and then, to his horror, he found that he was tied tightly.

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