The Perfect Hidden Marriage

201, in those years, Xiao Zhidong raised her; that year, she fell in love with Jingheng (revealed)

Gu Lijun did not answer, silence was the only echo in the darkness.

Su Jin thought that she didn't want to talk anymore.

After a long while, her tone changed and she continued:

"Let me tell you how Xiao Zhidong and I met!"

She still avoided talking about the previous inquiry, and before Su Jin could agree, she admitted the fact:

"You have also seen those photos. From them you can see this situation: I recognized Xiao Zhidong much earlier than I recognized Jingheng..."

Hearing this, Su Jin's heart skipped a beat.

But at this moment she asked:

"Su Jin, what was your first thought after seeing those photos of me and Xiao Zhidong?"

Su Jin didn't say anything.

"It doesn't matter, just tell the truth."

Gu Lijun seemed to know what she was thinking, and actually gave her a gentle word of encouragement.

Su Jin thought for a while, carefully selected his words, and then expressed his opinion:

"Actually, those photos are not obscene. However, due to the special identity of Mr. Xiao Zhidong and the fact that you and he are now husband and wife, it is easy for people to think that you are being kept..."

This is the truth.

She didn't want to hide it.

Gu Lijun smiled softly, with a strong sense of ridicule:

"Well, I was raised by him for many years, but he didn't keep him. At that time, my relationship with Xiao Zhidong was not bad..."

She slowly talked about her past.

Gu Lijun and Gu Yuehua's hometown is Anshi. Their father Gu Yuan is an architect and their mother Wan Wan is a teacher. After marrying Gu Yuan, she became a full-time housewife because she had to take care of their two children.

Gu Lijun is two years older and is the elder sister, while Gu Yuehua is two years younger and is the younger brother.

Originally, they had a very warm home, with loving parents, friendly siblings, and a family of four, relying on their father to have enough food and clothing, and live happily together.

Unexpectedly, one day, disaster struck from the sky. Because of a typhoon, Gu Yuan went to the construction site to let the workers stop working and rest.

Unfortunately, on that day, the strong wind blew down a heavy object, which hit Gu Yuan's legs. His good father lost his legs and became a disabled person.

Because of his work-related injury, Gu Yuan received a compensation, but since they were in a third-tier city, the compensation was not large.

The crippled Gu Yuan lost his fighting spirit and fell into despair.

After losing her source of income, Wan Wan had to go out to work to earn a living wage to support her family.

Gu Principle stays at home, sits in a wheelchair, and does some housework within his ability.

In this way, the family barely managed to survive for several more years.

In November when Gu Lijun was eleven years old, on a weekend, Wan Wan went out to buy groceries, but never came back - she met a robber on the way, and because of her resistance, she was pushed into the city river and was flooded. He died in the bitterly cold river water, and the murderer fled.

Gu Yuan, who couldn't bear the blow, saw Wan Wan's cold body and cut the artery on his hind leg to follow him.

In this way, this pair of siblings lost their parents in two days, and they had no support for their lives.

After that, Gu Yuan and Wan Wan's funerals were arranged by Gu Yuan's friends.

After the funeral, how to place the two children became a big problem.

Since Gu Yuan was an only son and Wan Wan was an only daughter, and both parents had died, there was no close relative who could take care of them and take them in.

As for friends, the couple usually don't have many good friends, and they all have young families. As for Gu Lijun and Gu Yuehua, they are eldest children after all. As they move forward, their expenses will increase and their family resources will not be enough. Well, who can afford it?

People are all the same. While helping others, they all have to consider their own abilities.

In ordinary people, who is willing to increase the financial burden of the family in order to raise two children from other families?

In addition, the two siblings refused to be separated, so during the period after Gu Yuan and Wan Wan passed away, the two siblings could only live in their own home, relying on the meager savings left by their parents. Take care of yourself.

I stayed like this for a few months.

In April of the following year, a flu hit Anshi and the hospitals were overcrowded.

Gu Lijun's sister and brother were not spared either.

First, Gu Yuehua developed a high fever, and Gu Lijun took her brother to the medical center for intravenous drip.

After hanging it for two days, it didn't work very well.

The doctor recommended that you go to the hospital. It would be terrible if you burn out your body.

But now the Gu family is already in ruins. Where can they get the money to go to the hospital?

The money that my brother received from the drip had already spent the last bit of their family's living expenses.

On the night after the third day of salt water treatment, Gu Lijun also contracted viral influenza. Her body temperature was 40 degrees Celsius, which made her exhausted.

At that time, she was thinking:

It's okay to burn him to death like this, this way, the family can be reunited.

After losing her parents, she was extremely pessimistic and despairing about the future.

She had no idea how she would live her life from now on.

Later, she fell ill with a fever.

In her daze, she felt someone calling her.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a strange man. He hugged her, who was as hot as a stove, and whispered softly in her ear:

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen. I will take you to the hospital..."

The cold and concerned words were the only voice she could remember before she lost all consciousness.

When she woke up again, Gu Lijun was in the hospital bed, with a man in a suit and leather shoes sitting next to her. He had a cold face and deep eyes, but he was very gentle when facing her.

Gu Lijun didn't recognize him and asked, "Who are you?"

He replied: "My surname is Xiao. My name is Xiao Zhidong. I am your father Gu Yuan's schoolmate. When I was in college, your father and I drank together. Your name is Gu Lijun, right..."

She nodded: "Yes."

He stroked her head and said, "Do you believe me? If you believe me, just follow me. I will not let you siblings suffer."

Xiao Zhidong took out a photo, which was indeed a photo of him and her father.

Gu Lijun was afraid of not being able to study, and she was even more afraid of her sister and brother being separated, because she had heard people say that a certain family wanted to adopt her, but they could only adopt one, and they could not afford to adopt a boy.

For the sake of her brother, she handed over her hand to this strange man.

"As long as we don't separate our siblings, anything will be fine."

In this way, Xiao Zhidong took care of their lives, providing them with food, clothing, housing, and education...

After losing their loved ones, it was Xiao Zhidong who made them feel the warmth of home.

At that time, they called him: Uncle Xiao.

Hearing this, Su Jin stayed for a while.

She never expected that there was such a story here, that Xiao Zhidong and Gu Lijun had such a connection.

Gu Lijun didn't know what she was thinking, so she continued.

Xiao Zhidong did not take them home, nor did he establish an adoption relationship - they were the sponsor and the sponsored person from beginning to end.

In order to study nearby, Xiao Zhidong prepared a room in the school district for them and hired part-time workers to take care of their siblings. He funded all their living expenses.

Xiao Zhidong was a very busy man. He was mostly on business trips throughout the year, so it was rare for him to see them.

Sometimes, when he was passing by on a business trip, he would come to visit them, have a bite of the rice cooked by Gu Lijun, and take a sip of the hot pot cooked by Gu Lijun.

Sometimes, when he was out socializing and a little drunk, he would stay overnight with them. Gu Lijun will cook him hangover soup. When he sobers up the next day, he will leave quietly.

Sometimes, when he gets excited, he takes them on a trip...but this rarely happens. Because he is too busy. Time is too precious.

Xiao Zhidong cared about them very much.

On birthdays, they will be sent gifts; on holidays, a Happy New Year message will be sent to their mobile phones; monthly living expenses will be paid regularly; tuition fees will be paid on time; the schools they study in are all Specially selected.

Sometimes, if he was on his way, he would take them to school himself. He didn't talk much, so he just delivered it and said "goodbye". They had classes as usual and he went on business as usual.

In Gu Lijun's opinion, although this elder has a cold face, doesn't like to talk or smile, he has a really good heart.

In Gu Lijun's eyes, Xiao Zhidong is the most charitable, caring, and awe-inspiring elder.

When they first met, Gu Lijun didn't know Xiao Zhidong's identity. She only knew that every time they met, he dressed neatly and spent money extremely generously.

Later, she learned that he was a successful man with a prominent social status and an out-and-out business tycoon.

But his marriage was not successful.

In a successful marriage, how can the husband be away on business trips for many years?

As she grows older, Gu Lijun clearly understands that living in separate places and not participating in each other's lives is often a sign of an unhappy marriage.

Once, when Gu Lijun was walking with him, she quietly asked:

"Uncle Xiao, are you and aunt happy?"

Xiao Zhidong raised his eyes to look at her and answered after a long time:

"not happy."

He said: "It's not that she's not good enough, it's that I couldn't give her what she wanted, and I failed her in the end."

Gu Lijun was confused and asked again:

"Then why did you betray her?"

"No matter how hard you try to control your senses, you can't control your emotions. Some things can't be forced."

This is Xiao Zhidong's answer.

At that time, Gu Lijun was still young and didn't understand why the feelings between adults were so complicated. But that's not what she should care about after all.

What she needs to take care of is her own studies, Yuehua's studies.

What they need to do is to become a useful person. In the future, they can support themselves and no longer rely on the support of others.

The ordinary life goes by in a hurry amid the busy study.

When she first met Xiao Zhidong, he didn't like to talk. Gu Lijun rarely talked to him and always felt nervous talking to him. After a few years together, she understood his temperament and he was just not good at expressing himself.

This is a man with rich experience. Either he doesn't speak, but once he speaks, every word can be thought-provoking.

At that time, Gu Lijun liked to play chess and talk with the elder in her spare time...

When Gu Lijun was seventeen, Xiao Zhidong finally divorced.

But his life has not been affected in any way, he is still busy with his work, and he still only visits his siblings occasionally.

Gu Lijun spent her college life busy, studying and working at the same time. She didn't want to be raised by Uncle Xiao forever. After all, Uncle Xiao had no blood relationship with them.

In order to make money, she was too busy to fall in love.

In fact, she was quite popular in school, and there were male classmates who were interested in her and expressed their willingness to pursue her. In the end it all came to nothing.

At that time, she didn't care much.

In her last year of college, she learned why.

Everyone was pointing fingers behind her back, saying that she was being taken care of.

Because someone had warned them not to mess with her.

She smiled and said: "That's nonsense, that's my uncle, okay... He just doesn't want me to fall in love early and miss my studies..."

That's what she said, but gradually, she found that the man who raised them looked at her differently.

Once, Xiao Zhidong came to their home and took them out to eat together.

At the dinner table, she and Yuehua both drank a little red wine.

She was drunk and woke up to find that she was pillowing on his shoulder and his hand was gently holding her, like a couple. While he was leaning there with his eyes closed and concentrating, there was still a warm smile on his lips.

She suddenly realized horribly: This man might really like her.

At that time, she was so scared that she told Yue Hua such a conjecture.

Yue Hua also discovered that something was really wrong with the way Xiao Zhidong looked at her.

what should I do?

The two siblings were panicked and didn't know how to deal with this complicated situation.

At this moment, Gu Yuehua somehow recognized a foreign woman with a mysterious origin, and that woman showed them the puzzle.

"Xiao Zhidong has two sons, do you know?"

"I've heard of it, but never seen it."

Xiao Zhidong never talked about his children in front of them.

The woman then said: "Now, I can tell you that he has two outstanding sons, one named Xiao Jingxun and the other named Xiao Jingheng. Xiao Jingheng is the same age as you, if you can be his girlfriend. Xiao Zhidong will definitely not bother you again."

After hearing this, Yue Hua thought it was a good idea.

Gu Lijun felt that this matter was a bit difficult to implement and said:

"But I don't recognize Xiao Jingheng. It's not realistic to want to marry this person..."

The woman smiled and said: "People start from not recognizing each other. If you don't recognize them now, it won't be too late to recognize them later."

In the spring of her twenty-second year, with the help of that woman, Gu Lijun finally recognized Xiao Jingheng.

When she said this, Gu Lijun smiled all over her face. Although Su Jin couldn't see the expression on her face in the darkness, she could feel that her voice suddenly became extremely gentle when she mentioned Jin Hengyuan.

"I fell in love with him as soon as I met him. He is tall and has a cool expression. When he is impatient, he frowns, and when he is happy, the corners of his lips straighten. His smile is actually very good-looking, but he doesn't like to smile much. He doesn’t like talking to girls, and he doesn’t like people pestering him…”

Su Jin's mouth was full of mixed flavors.

It's really uncomfortable to hear another woman say she likes her man.

The strangest thing was that the man Gu Lijun described looked nothing like the Jin Hengyuan she recognized.

She liked him as a sunny man who was a bit bad, liked to laugh, and loved teasing her. He was not as cold and cool as Gu Lijun had seen.

It's so strange, why does the same man appear completely different in their eyes?

She didn't ask, just listened quietly.

As for Gu Lijun, she had already fallen into her beautiful past, softly expressing her deep love for Xiao Jingheng.

She said: She likes Xiao Jingheng very much.

I like him so much that when I see his cool face, my eyes light up and I can’t stop smiling. I also want to mess with him, make him talk, and make him laugh.

Although every time, she put her smile on his cold ass.

It doesn't matter.

The colder he is, the more entangled she becomes. Wrap with enough thought.

At that time, Xiao Jingheng had just started working as a lawyer.

When he was working on a case, she would give him love lunches and cook his favorite meals to please him. Once doesn’t make twice, and twice doesn’t make three.

When he was beaten, she asked Yue Hua to help. If he couldn't win, she would call the police nearby.

He was injured, and she applied medicine and bandages to him... telling him over and over again not to forget to take medicine, like a nagging old woman.

He won the case and she went to give him flowers and cheer him on for his first victory in life. Although he threw the flower away, it didn't matter. After he was happy and drunk, he called her and asked her to take him home.

Once she had the opportunity to break into his house, she would stay there every day to cook, wash clothes and clean for him.

For this reason, he also deliberately undermined her: "You like being a nanny?"

She smiled: "I just like to be your nanny."

Just like that, she pestered him for more than half a year before he admitted that she was his girlfriend.

That day, he went to socialize, got drunk, and called her directly to ask her to pick her up.

There she went.

At that time, his female companion asked him:

"Who is this?"

Xiao Jingheng hooked her shoulder, squinted at her again and again, and gave her three words:


That day, she was really happy.

At midnight, while walking on the street, he laughed at her with a hint of drunkenness:

"That woman was introduced by my aunt. I couldn't bear it, so I blocked you. Can you not be so happy?"

What he said was really unpleasant.

But she relied on him: "No matter what, you admitted it yourself. Don't rely on me."

He smiled and didn't hesitate, and the two of them came together.

During the Spring Festival of that year, Xiao Zhidong finally found out that she and Xiao Jingheng were in a relationship.

The day before the New Year, he came to her house and brought New Year's gifts, but the look in his eyes was many times colder than usual.

Under the warm sunshine of the afternoon, he smoked a cigarette and sat on the balcony. He called her over, who was embarrassed, and looked at her indifferently:

"Are you in love?"


She nodded timidly.

"Do you know who Jingheng is?"

The tone of his questions was neither yin nor yang, which was scary.

She nodded again:

"I know. He is Uncle Xiao's youngest son."

He smiled an unusually cold smile:

"He's becoming more and more petty - knowing that you still dare to provoke him?"

She insisted: "We just met by chance. Later I found out he was your son, and I fell in love with him from the bottom of my heart. Uncle, Jingheng also likes me."

How dare she admit that she used Jingheng as a bargaining chip to escape from his trap.

Of course, at that time, she really fell in love with him.

"Like it? How much do you like it?"

he asked coldly.

"I want to accompany him until eternity. Uncle, please allow me to be your daughter-in-law to repay you for your years of cultivation. Do you agree?"

That day, she mustered up the courage to ask for another infinite scenery for her future.

That day, Xiao Zhidong violently put out the unfinished cigarette in the ashtray. After putting on his coat, he hurriedly left without saying a word and never appeared in her world again.

The plan was successful, and she finally made this man give up the idea of ​​getting involved with her.

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