The Perfect Hidden Marriage

205. You play with me again and again. What do you want to prove?

"Talk about it?"

Su Jinhan looked straight in the eyes and tightened his jaw:

"Okay! Then I have to ask, is what you just said in the study true?

"Were you behind the kidnapping of Gu Lijun and I?

"I've been locked down there for so long, are you so cruel as to stand by and watch with cold eyes?

"Also, if I didn't hear your conversation today, are you planning to hide it from me again?

"Jin Hengyuan, why do you love hiding things from me so much?

"What about the promised honesty between husband and wife?

"What do you want to prove by playing with me again and again?

"Am I stupid enough? Or do you, Attorney Jin, have extraordinary abilities? You can have fun with anything, and you can also deceive the client into tears and regard you as his savior?

"Jin Hengyuan, can your heart not be so deep?"

The words came out of her mouth at the speed of a machine gun, fast and sharp.

Su Jin clenched his teeth tightly and glared angrily.

Jin Hengyuan, who had iron teeth and bronze teeth, couldn't find any words to refute for a moment and could only watch.

"Why are you speechless? Don't you want to talk? I'm waiting... Just tell me!"

She shouted angrily again.


When the three concluding words came out of Jin Hengyuan's mouth, Su Jin felt extremely cold.

How she wished he could rush to steal it and say: It's nothing. How could I possibly do such a thing? You are my dearest wife. I can scheme against others, but I will never scheme against my wife.

But he apologized and admitted it in disguise.

Her body couldn't help but tremble, she pushed the person away violently, and started looking for her bag. After making sure that everything in the bag was there, she grabbed it and ran out, thump thump thump, running as if she was in a hundred The meter race is like the wind...

Jin Hengyuan chased after him:

"Where to go?"

"none of your business."

She wanted to go down, but he stopped her.

"Why is it none of my business? You are my wife."

Jin Hengyuan corrected her wrong statement.


Su Jin sneered:

"Jin Hengyuan, do you consider me your wife?"

In anger, she pushed him hard.

He was unprepared and stumbled back, missing the steps. He fell down and did a backflip. He held on to the handrail of the stairs and stabilized himself.

Su Jin didn't look at it and took the opportunity to run down.

"Xiao Su."

He chased after him helplessly and stopped him again.

"Get out of the way."

She yelled fiercely, but she still had her usual softness and turned into an aggressive jaguar in minutes.

"You can get out of the way, but you have to tell me, what do you want to do?

"I want to go back to Shan County. I want to go back immediately."

She really didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Okay, I'll ask Chang Ning to book a flight immediately, and I guarantee that I can return to Shan County today."

"I don't want to go with someone who never knows what honesty is. Jin Hengyuan, you have deceived me time and time again. I...I've had enough of you...go away..."

She was furious.

Downstairs, the three men had moved to the living room. When they saw Su Jinhan coming down with a face on her face, all their eyes were on her.

"sister in law……"

Jin Changning ran over to persuade him.

Su Jin looks so fierce and scary.

He was the one who brought Lou Zi out, and he has to take responsibility for Brother Jin:

"Sister-in-law, you really can't blame Brother Jin for this happened for a reason..."

"Yes, Su Jin... Xiao Xiao can't help it either..."

Bo Feihong joined Quan's camp.

Unexpectedly, Su Jin raised his head and gave a sharp scolding, his eyes as cold as lightning:

"Shut up, they're all the same."

With one sentence, these two men were speechless.

Ji Beixun didn't say anything, just looked at him with raised eyebrows and a faint smile on his lips.

Su Jin ignored them and ran outside.

"Xiao Su..."

Jin Hengyuan just chased him out. Behind him, Ji Beixun, who was following closely, stopped him:

"Hengyuan, I think you'd better stop chasing her and let her calm down. She's getting angry... She's probably going to get angry when she sees you now... The tighter you chase her, the harder she will rebound. ...The anger will naturally dissipate after a while... Just send someone to follow you secretly... Let's get down to business... By then everyone will have calmed down and will be able to talk more easily."

Reason is that reason.


"I'll keep an eye on her..."

Bo Feihong immediately volunteered.

Only then did Jin Hengyuan stop. The stubborn little woman had disappeared on the tree-lined path.

He put his hands on his hips, rolled his eyes at the blue sky with a headache, and nodded:

"Okay, Boss, I'm sorry to bother you."


"Give me a call when you get home safely. I'll be back as soon as I've finished taking care of things here."

He thought that there were still some unfinished matters here, and if he followed the past now, going back to the mainland would not solve any problems, so he might as well listen to Ji Beixun's words: cool down.


Bo Feihong chased him out.


Su Jin took a taxi directly to the airport, feeling extremely angry.

She believed that anyone would be angry if such a thing happened.

Jin Hengyuan's behavior is unforgivable.

Absolutely unforgivable.

Human beings are higher animals with seven emotions and six desires. They get angry because of things, happy because of things, sad because of things, sigh because of things, feel pain because of things, and rejoice because of things... Human's passion has no limit, it can reach Sometimes you will be happy, sometimes you will be depressed and sad...

For example, she would be happy because she escaped death, because at that time, her passion was life and she was able to see the most important person in her life again.

When this expectation is reached, people's emotions will be aroused, they will feel grateful, and they will be overjoyed.

For example, she will be angry because of his deception, because at this time, her *** is respected.

When she learned that all the pain she had suffered before was a man-made fool, the gratitude she had felt before and the joy of regaining her life suddenly turned into a sharp anger.

Because the mentality of expectation and the desire to be taken seriously have been severely trampled.

Anger is an instinct.

Yes, at this moment, her heart was deeply hurt.

This kind of injury made her heartbroken.

But why was she hurt?

Why was she so emotionally drained by this?

In the past few years, she had worked diligently. No matter what happened, she would handle it calmly and carry out her work in an orderly manner. When had she ever been so angry by a man?

When her emotions gradually cooled down, she suddenly asked herself these questions.

Su Jin, have you ever thought about the reason?

Just now, she didn't think about it.

Just now, there was a surge of anger in my heart.

What was she thinking about?

It was the mental torture that she endured in the darkness for two days when she was facing death, and the fear in her heart was so great. At that time, she was so hoping that he would magically appear in front of her and save her from her misfortune. go out.

As a result, this fear was given by him personally.

This made her extremely sad and disappointed.

For Gu Lijun, where would he put her?

At the same time, an idea quietly formed in my heart.

Or maybe he loved Gu Lijun from beginning to end...

Because she couldn't love her, he had a crush on her.

Because many years ago, she had a smile as bright as a flower, and her charm was somewhat similar to Gu Lijun's, so she was Gu Lijun's replacement?

So, in order to help Gu Lijun get out of the past, he resolutely pushed her out, and suffered such a crime?

After she had gradually given everything she had, she received such a heartbreaking reward. How could this make her feel so embarrassed?

She had already had her heart broken once for love.

Today, she is more sensitive than before.

She is afraid of getting hurt.

But unfortunately, she gave him trust, but he responded with hurt.

In her opinion, for whatever reason, he shouldn't have done this.

If she had known about it beforehand, if she had agreed to the plan, that would be a different matter.

But now...

The anger is in my heart, and the hatred is hard to get rid of!

"I want a ticket to Shanghai, the sooner the better...Thank you..."

At the ticket office, Su Jin pushed the certificate over.

A slender and white hand took the certificate away.

"I'm sorry. She won't go to Shanghai. Could you please sell tickets to the next person..."

Su Jin was startled and turned around to see a graceful and elegant beautiful woman, Tingting, standing quietly in front of her with a faint smile on her face and said:

"Xiao Su, don't go back to Shanghai for the time being. Come with me to Beijing... Xiaoyuan's grandma and grandpa both want to meet you!"

At this moment, she was a little confused, because it was none other than Jin Hengyuan's mother, Jin Yuan.

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