The Perfect Hidden Marriage

210, Jin Yuan is very warm, but Su Jin is very confused: Why did you interfere in Hengyuan's ma

But when she thought of Jin Hengyuan, she had a headache.

That man really hurt her feelings and is not worthy of forgiveness at all.

But facing his mother, she couldn't dislike her.

Being with such an optimistic, bright, and gentle woman is like being in a world of ice and snow, suddenly greeted by the warm sunshine of spring. When you are in it, your whole person will become warm.

Such complex feelings are extremely contradictory.

Now she couldn't refuse such an elder to show her kindness.

Although, Jin Yuan brought her to Beijing without asking for her consent, which was a bit inappropriate.

However, as an elder, Jin Yuan brought her home drunk. If you said something was wrong with her, she would always do it out of concern.

From Jin Yuan's point of view, she already regarded her as her daughter-in-law. Because of such a relationship, how could she leave her drunken wife alone in a hotel in Hong Kong?

The choices she had were: hand her over to Jin Hengyuan, or take her back to Beijing.

For Su Jin, instead of waking up in Jin Hengyuan's Jin Garden, it would be better to appear here - far away so that the pain in her heart will not become sharp.

At this moment, she really wanted to take a bath. She had no clothes to change before, and she was embarrassed to ask Jin Yuan, but she didn't expect that she would remember it.

She was so happy that she immediately went back to her room and took a shower.

Jin Yuan took a total of five or six dresses without labels.

"I asked my image artist to find a master craftsman to make this specially for you. I asked Xiao Yuan for the size, but I don't know if it will fit.

“In my opinion, these pieces can all be regarded as collectibles.

"Well, since we are in front of this big house today, if I don't wear a cheongsam, I would be really sorry for this house.

"Try this one! The long silk cheongsam like a flower is made of double-layer silk fabric. Whether it has a snow-white background or a peach blossom pattern, it can bring out your skin tone... "

She picked out one piece and gestured at Su Jin, urging her to change it.

Su Jin has never been particular about dressing up, but it can be seen that Jin Yuan is very good at this, otherwise she would not have raised her son's clothes to such a high standard.

She didn't say anything, took it, went into the dressing room and put it on:

It fits well, all the beautiful lines are outlined, and with her straight long hair, she is already stunningly beautiful.

When she walked out, Jin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and her bright eyes were full of surprise.

"This hair needs to be dealt with. Come on, go to my dressing room. I will tie up your hair and match it with some pretty jewelry. It will look really beautiful..."

This man seemed to be very interested in dressing her up and showed great affection for her.

Without asking if she agreed, he pulled her out and into the garden over there.

When they arrived at Jin Yuan's dressing room, Su Jin was surprised to find that the dressing table was full of cosmetics, and there were a lot of bottles and jars, which was shocking.

Jin Yuan immediately noticed the look in her eyes and laughed at herself:

"Oh, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm getting older. If I don't take good care of myself, I'll get goosebumps. It's not like you are at your age and water can come out when you pinch your hands. It's good to be young. You can wear anything. She looks good and even without makeup can make people’s eyes shine.”

"Auntie, you don't look old at all."

This is true.

"Thank you for the compliment. This shows that the image artist I hired is still useful."

Jin Yuan immediately smiled.

Su Jin felt strange when he saw it!

How could such a bright and easily satisfied woman fail in her first marriage?

I really don't understand why the marriage between Xiao Zhidong and Jin Yuan has reached a desperate situation.

The key thing is that Jin Hengyuan and his sister are twelve years apart!

Jin Yuan didn't know what she was thinking.

She just asked her to sit in front of the mirror, took a horn comb and combed it for her, and praised her hair again:

"The hair quality is really good. It hasn't been dyed before!"


Su Jin came to his senses and agreed.

"If it were curled into waves and dyed a little blonde, it would be incredibly beautiful."

"Curly hair is hard to take care of. I'm busy with work."

Su Jin said softly, if you want your hair to be beautiful, you have to pay a price.

"Yes. Well, it doesn't matter if you don't dye it. Those things are always harmful to the body. You and Hengyuan should plan to have a baby early. You can't touch those chemical things..."


Su Jin's face turned slightly unnatural, and she said nothing, watching Jin Yuan tie up her hair with familiarity, and put a beautiful hair accessory on the tied up bun.

I don’t know what it is made of, but it is shiny and silvery, and it is really beautiful. It must be a precious object.

"Look, this one has more charm... It's like something out of a folk painting. Oh no, I have to take a picture and keep it for appreciation..."

Jin Yuan clapped her hands, took out her mobile phone, took several pictures of Su Jin standing quietly in front of the mirror, then pulled her over and said with a smile:

"Come on, come on, we two, let's take a picture too! Xiaomi, come and help..."

Xiaomi was the cleaning staff in the garden here. Hearing the shout, he hurriedly ran in and took a picture.

After taking the photo, I returned it.

On the picture: Jin Yuan also poses with a bright smile, her temperament is elegant and charming; Su Jin, as quiet as water, smiles slightly, a little coy, revealing a little unnatural shame, beautiful clothes make her The contrast is particularly beautiful.

It was so beautiful that Su Jin didn't even recognize it was herself!

"Well, it's so beautiful! I'll send it to Hengyuan to show him how beautiful I made his wife..."

Jin Yuan smiled and walked to the side while typing quickly.


Upon hearing this, Su Jin hurried over and saw that the photo had been sent out.

"Son, have you seen that my daughter-in-law is very feminine? I have never seen Xiao Su like this..."

Jin Yuan sent a message proudly.

The praise in those words really made Su Jin feel ashamed.

Immediately, a voice message came back:

"That's natural, Ms. Jin. You don't even know who picked this wife..."

Since the loudspeaker was turned on, Jin Hengyuan's faintly proud laughter rippled through the room. His tone really made Su Jin's face feel hot, and his heart felt as if he had been stabbed by a thorn. It feels as uncomfortable as being stuck.

Their accounts haven't been settled yet!

Just thinking about it makes me angry.

However, she couldn't get angry with Jin Yuan.

"That's because baby Su's beauty is pretty. It has nothing to do with your taste, okay? You, please stop putting so much money on your face..."

She smiled and said something. After seeing that Su Jin's face was not very good, she stopped talking to Jin Hengyuan and led her out, still sighing:

"That kid from Hengyuan is good at everything. He just didn't like hanging out with little girls when he was a kid. He didn't like hanging out with girls either when he grew up. For a while, there were crazy rumors outside that he was gay and hung out with a bunch of people all day long. The gentlemen are together."



Hum, if he were GAY, all the men in the world would be GAY.

Su Jin thought dullly.

Jin Yuan smiled when she said this, and her tone became helpless:

"Later... this bad boy, who I thought had very low emotional intelligence, finally fell in love...

"I thought that I could finally feel relieved now, but it turned out that it still broke my heart.

“After that relationship ended without any problems, he became particularly unkind to women.

"Especially in the past two years, his ability to pick cases has improved, and his ability to pick problems has improved even more...

“It doesn’t look good on anyone.

"Now I finally know, it turns out that the girl in his life hasn't arrived yet...

"Look, once the destiny comes, he has to take the bait obediently and get married without even thinking about it.

"This thing makes my grandpa and grandma very happy. Well, if I could give birth to great-grandsons and great-granddaughters early, I think grandpa and grandma would definitely be crazy with joy..."

Su Jin didn't even know how to answer the call.

Today, she has heard such words more than once: Are the Jin family going crazy for their children?

Jin Hengyuan is, and so is Jin’s mother!

Before that, she thought she would face a domineering, autocratic, and difficult mother-in-law. Instead, she met a lovely mother who treated her as her daughter. It was completely different from the reaction from the Xiao family.

If the incident in Hong Kong had not happened, she would have been extremely happy to face such a situation.

But the current situation is so embarrassing...

She thought about it again and felt that she should have a good talk with Jin Yuan.

"Auntie, aren't you angry that Hengyuan got married without telling you?"

When we arrived at the restaurant, the table was already filled with generous amounts of food.

After sitting down, Su Jin thought about it for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask softly.

Jin Yuan raised her delicate eyebrows, and after eating the shrimp meat she just picked up, she asked with a smile:

"You got married without telling me, so you should be angry?

"Hengyuan is thirty-two years old, not twelve.

"When I was twelve years old, I might worry that he would be deceived by those women with abnormal psychology outside. As a mother, I had to keep a check on him.

"Now, he is a thirty-two-year-old veteran, and he is more comfortable in the workplace than me. What should I worry about?

“Now he has enough mind to deal with all problems.

"He won't pick an unsuitable woman, and he won't have the mentality of making do with her like he did when he was in his twenties.

"Now, I only care about one thing. When will he meet the right person and settle down, stop working hard, and live for himself for a few days."

This mother is really thoughtful.

"Don't you mind my origin and past at all?"

Gently, she asked again.

"What do you mind?"

Jin Yuan asked again with a smile.

Su Jin quietly pointed out:

"I was born an orphan, and I don't even know who my parents are!"

"It's pitiful enough to have no parents, why should I hold on to this sad thing about you? A person cannot decide who his parents are when he is born, nor can he decide whether he is happy or not when he is young, because at that time, As children, we can only be forced to accept it, but when we grow up, after we have the ability, as adults, we can completely control our own destiny with our own hands. That is the most important thing."

This is exactly what Jin Yuan admires about Su Jin. Both are orphans, but Su Jin is much better than Gu Lijun.

Oh, that's so well said.

Su Jin sighed softly in his heart and then said:

"Also, I have been in love!"

Jin Yuan smiled even more: "How many children in their twenties today have never been in love? Didn't Hengyuan have been in love too... There is nothing to be picky about in this matter. Our Jin family has nothing to do with it." What is missing is a wife whom Hengyuan can find satisfying."

Oh, how could such an open-minded and open-minded person be so opposed to Jin Hengyuan marrying Gu Lijun six years ago?

Su Jin thought about it again and again, and after taking a sip of red wine, he finally asked the most crucial question:

"If that's the case, then why did you interfere in Hengyuan's marriage six years ago?"

The smile suddenly froze on Jin Yuan's face.

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