The Perfect Hidden Marriage

216. Could it be that he was the Zorro who asked her to dance?

Dressed like an English noble lady, she was smiling beautifully, sitting on the swing with drunken eyes, her skirts fluttering in the wind, as if she was about to ride on the wind... The lights around her were like a dream, which also reflected her youthful beauty. Yanmei is displayed vividly.

Su Jin's eyes widened, and the scene at that time appeared in his mind.

She couldn't quite remember whose birthday it was. It wasn't her friend, but Mu Bai's classmate.

Anyway, it was a special birthday, so she and Mu Bai went there, dressed a little strangely. But compared to other people who came to the scene, their dressing was relatively normal.

What she remembered was that she had been dancing with Mu Bai that day.

Later, he was dragged away and asked to dance by them in turns.

It was not easy for her to go up and forcefully drag the person away.

A person still needs to have social communication.

Just a dance.

During this period, many boys came to ask her to dance, but she declined with a smile. She really didn't like cuddling with other boys.

Her world is so simple. Growing up, the only person close to her was Mu Bai.

She didn't jump, but it was not a pleasant feeling to watch other warblers surrounding her sweetheart.

So, she went out and walked around alone.

A man with a Zorro mask approached her.

She didn't like talking to strangers and wanted to avoid them.

Later, we somehow managed to strike up a conversation.

He was the one who started it, and the more we chatted, the more speculative they became.

Then he asked her to dance and she was a little embarrassed.

He smiled, his voice hoarse, feeling like he had a cold:

"I promise, I don't have a cold. My voice is hoarse because I recently contracted strep throat. I guarantee that I won't infect you if I come in close contact with you."

She smiled and finally agreed.

A fast dance, he danced very well, and she danced very happily, her enthusiasm was aroused by him.

After dancing, Mu Bai came back, and he handed her back very gentlemanly.

She was talking to Mu Bai, but when she turned around, he was no longer there.

In the middle of the carnival, she drank half a glass of wine because she was so excited that she became drunk and went to the host's guest room to rest temporarily.

A strange room, a strange bed, and a strange smell make it difficult for people to adapt.

She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't bear it anymore and vomited.

After vomiting and washing her face, she held her head as heavy as a rock and came out to enjoy the breeze. Then she sat on this beautiful swing... looking at the stars in the sky, feeling that they were all spinning...

She wandered alone for a while, feeling a little sleepy, but didn't dare to sleep, let alone move. She was chanting Mu Bai, hoping that he would come out and take her home.

At that moment, the bed was the best place for her.

As a result, Rozzo showed up again.

She saw him and waved to him happily.

He came over, talked to her, played with her on the swing, and took pictures of her with the camera hanging around his neck.

"Wash it out and bring it to you."

The man smiled and said to her.

She agreed with a smile and gave her address.

He sat next to her, and the two of them talked for a while.

The man smells of mint and lemon, which is very refreshing...

She felt that her head was getting heavier and heavier, and it became increasingly difficult for her to hear what he said.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt like she was lying on her own bed, sleeping soundly.

She also had a dream about Mu Bai kissing her.

As a fifteen-year-old girl, she spends her whole day watching TV dramas about people kissing each other, and they are very curious about kisses. It's a pity that I have never tried it. I didn't want to, but on such a drunken and romantic night, I had such an erotic dream.

It was the next day when I woke up, at home.

During breakfast, Mu Bai asked her:

"Who is the boy who asked you to dance?"

She blinked: "I didn't ask him what his name was? I didn't tell him my name either."

If we meet by chance, why bother to find out who the other person is?

This is her idea.

"It's okay from now on, no drinking."

Su Mubai's attitude was a bit strange.

Su Jin defended in a low voice:

"If I don't drink that glass of wine, I'll embarrass you."

"I'd rather be embarrassed."

Su Mubai's reaction was strange:

"You don't even know what you did after you drank!"

She wasn't sure if she was drunk or not. Did she do something to Zorro?

"I seemed to be with Zoro. Mubai, how did you find me? Also, was I rude to Zoro?"

she asked cautiously.

"Did I vomit again later and even vomit on others?"

He didn't answer, his face was gloomy, he didn't say anything, and he didn't know who caused his bad temper.

She didn't dare to ask further.

This matter just turned over.

After that, I don’t know how long it took, but a letter from Shanghai arrived in her hands with a photo inside.

Signature: Miss Su Jin.

But there is no name of the sender.

That photo is the one that is set as the desktop in front of me.

When she received it, she was quite surprised: It turned out that Zorro actually knew who she was?

Later, this photo was collected by her. Although she didn't know who the person who took the photo was, she liked this photo and it was extremely beautiful.

Later, when the photo was lost, she didn't care much, and it wasn't particularly important to her.

Unexpectedly, she would see it again in Jin Hengyuan's computer many years later...

Could it be that he was the Zorro who asked her to dance?

Staring at the photo, she was dumbfounded and had countless doubts in her heart.

When she came back to her senses from her random thoughts, the clock hand pointed to past ten o'clock. Only then did she remember what she came up for and quickly logged into her mailbox. Sure enough, there was an encrypted email. As for the password, Xiao Zhidong sent it to his mobile phone in the form of a text message.

At this time, the battery on her phone was also charged a lot. She opened the phone to read the password, and finally clicked on the video.


It was almost one o'clock in the morning when Su Jin fell asleep.

Standing in front of the window, she looked at the garden and looked at the gate again and again. She boarded the plane at six o'clock in the evening, why haven't she arrived home yet?

Logically speaking, you should be home long ago, right?

She just checked the weather conditions in Hong Kong. It was raining heavily. It seemed that several flights were delayed or grounded. Maybe he wouldn't come back... But when she called, it was a business reminder... She felt a little uneasy. .

After standing for a while, I finally went to bed.

At first, I was tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, maybe because I changed the bed.

This room smelled of strange herbs. It was not a smell she was familiar with. It felt too strange, or for some other reason.

The bedside sleep light was not turned off.

She used to be very courageous, but now she is afraid of the dark.

If it’s too dark, your heart will panic, become confused, and your heartbeat will speed up.

I don't know how long it took before she gradually sank, as if she was dreaming.

In the dream, she seemed to be back in that terrible environment again. What she saw when she opened her eyes was impenetrable and frightening darkness.

She screamed and ran, but she couldn't get out. She ran until she fell to the ground out of breath. The thirst in her throat came up. She seemed to see the God of Death, grabbing the iron rope and approaching her step by step. .

She kept shouting there: "Hengyuan save me, Hengyuan save me..."

Under another sky, Jin Hengyuan calmly listened to her screams through night vision surveillance, but did not do anything to rescue him - watching others struggling on the edge of life and death, he stood by and watched. How cruel.

Suddenly, she felt an immense sense of fear towards this hard-hearted man.

She cried and shouted: "Jin Hengyuan, I don't want you anymore, I don't want you anymore."

The scene suddenly changed again, and the sharp voice of Jin Hengyuan and Xiao Zhidong's confrontation came over - he broke away angrily from the restraints, rushed towards her with a bright flashlight in his hand, and hugged her scared Got pregnant.

Yes, at that moment, she felt a pair of strong arms enveloping her, and a voice full of pity entered her dream:

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid... you are safe now, you are dreaming... nothing will happen..."

The big palm rubbed back and forth on her back, gradually soothing her nervousness and fear.

She held him tightly and felt him kissing her again and again, full of pity.

His lips seemed to be pricked by the stubble all over his face...


Su Jin woke up, out of breath, and woke up with a start. Her belly felt like it was being pressed down by a big mountain. When she touched it carefully, she found a pair of thick arms, tightly hooking her, as if she was afraid of her. As if he was running away, two warm breaths were blowing in his ears.

Inexplicably, she was startled and sat up hastily.

No, there's a man on the bed.

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