The Perfect Hidden Marriage

222. Confronted with an angry face, he protects his wife passionately (Depends to watch)

222. Confronted with an angry face, he protects his wife passionately (Depends to watch)

Over there, Xiao Zhidong sighed quietly again:

"Actually, at the beginning, I wanted to use you to cut off her thoughts and make her really give up.

"I just hope she can look away after she completely gives up.

“In this world, others may not cherish you, but you must cherish yourself.

“This truth must be understood thoroughly.

"Only by self-respect and self-love can you live your own value and be worthy of yourself..."

After listening to these sentences, Jin Hengyuan understood everything at once:

"So, you let Gu Lijun run out to see me that day."

This is absolutely certain.

So that was why he reacted so calmly when he called him.

She also told him to watch over her.

At that time, he felt strange that this was what happened.


Xiao Zhidong nodded and did not deny:

“I wanted to let her emotions out at once.

"You can stimulate her strongly. I believe this from beginning to end.

"But before, I never dared to do this. It wasn't until you got married that I felt relieved.

"I think you should have completely given up now.

"If you can make sense of her, then there is no need to alarm Su Jin. In my opinion, if you can do it without alarming, then alarm her. You are newlyweds after all. You need a good living atmosphere.

“Later, I went to the hospital and she passed out from crying.

"At that time, you can imagine how intense her emotions were.

"I'm waiting for her to wake up.

“I knew all along that she desperately wanted a divorce.

"Divorce is not impossible, I never thought about dragging her to death for the rest of her life.

“I can let her fulfill this wish.

"Later, she woke up, and I told her: I can give her freedom, go to the United States, and live a new life. There will be no me or Jingqi. You can treat yourself as dead, and then magically He came back to life. What he lived there again was a completely new self from the inside out.

“The only condition is that I won’t be able to return to the mainland to see you again until I die.

"I'm afraid that she won't give up on you and will come back to haunt you after I let her go. This is something I will never allow.

"As long as she agrees, the divorce can be completed at any time.

“I asked her to think about it.

"If she can think about it, that would be a great thing.

"Unfortunately, no.

"After meeting you, her mental state went to extremes again. Her thoughts of committing suicide became more and more severe and angry.

"Psychologist Huang tried to communicate with her.

“I want her to understand that she has to start over.

"But she refused.

"After she was brought home, she was in a negative mood. She was like a zombie.

"Psychologist Huang looked very worried and said: If this continues, something will happen to Xiao Gu sooner or later.

“This is what I don’t want to see.

“I don’t want anything to happen to her.

"I really hope not.

"Psychologist Huang said that Su Jin can definitely stimulate Xiao Gu.

"Originally, I wanted to find another opportunity to discuss it with you and her. I wanted you and her to help me with this. Use a more stimulating thing to stimulate Xiao Gu's survival instinct.

"Just in time, Su Jin called and let me know that she was looking for help from Xiao Gu.

"To be honest, I'm not sure how much Xiao Gu can help Su Jin in this state.

“But the development of things was beyond my expectation.

"Xiao Gu, who was silent at first, became very different after meeting Su Jin.

“Su Jin knows how to mobilize her emotions.

"From her interaction with Su Jin, I can see that Xiao Gu's nature is still there, and she still knows how to care about others and how to help others. No matter what her mentality is. Her mental state is always stimulated .

"Psychologist Huang said that this is a good phenomenon. If it develops in one go, it will have miraculous effects.

"He formulated a psychological experiment, preparing to put her into a desperate situation where she was completely unaware of it. Through the harsh environment stimulating people's inner world, she could force out her most basic survival instinct.

“But this experiment must be carried out on two people.

"Because Xiao Gu's mental state is extremely unstable, experimenting alone may really drive her to death.

"And Su Jin's state is very tenacious. If two people are in a desperate situation together, she will motivate her... so..."

Therefore, Jin Hengyuan must be brought down, because if he was awake, their experiment would not be possible.

Because Xiao Zhidong was sure that he would object.

Jin Hengyuan's face turned pale with anger, and the metal clinking sound of the chains on his hands was so loud due to the angry struggle:

"So, you teamed up with Han Guan and carefully planned this kidnapping?"

"No, this is not a kidnapping. This is just an experiment."

Xiao Zhidong corrected him extremely calmly.

Jin Hengyuan sneered. Looking at the video of Xiao Su being tied up like this, his heart ached to death, and his eyes were filled with blazing anger.

"Experiments are nothing. I can give you a professional reminder that your behavior is simply a naked crime. Lock two women in a dark and closed space, deprive them of food and water, and force them to face death. . No matter what your purpose is. It has violated their human rights..."

Han Guan has a good relationship with Jin Hengyuan. It can be said that he is what he is today because of Xiao Zhidong. He is also willing to work for the Xiao family. Since today's matter is related to the Xiao family's disgrace, he can only find this person. People help.

Unexpectedly, he teamed up with Sister Hong to knock him down halfway.

This was beyond his imagination.

Finally, Xiao Zhidong remained silent and stopped defending.

Next to him, the man in a long white coat pushed up his glasses. He could not agree with Jin Hengyuan's accusation. After a long silence, he continued:

"Second Young Master, please tell me, have you ever heard of a game called Death Experience?"

Jin Hengyuan pursed his lips and turned his attention to this gentle man who looked like a doctor.

Of course he had heard of this.

The next moment, the man explained in detail:

“Some places call it: death experience hall; some places call it: simulated funeral.

"It is a way of jumping out to see the world. It is a way of looking at oneself, things, life, and the world from a worldly perspective. It is a way to the heart, to find oneself, and to understand A new way of life.

"Participants can effectively promote people's reflection on life through personal experience of death, thereby having a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and facing life with a more positive attitude.

"This kind of game has now become a fashion in South Korea. Whether in Hong Kong or Shanghai, there are similar 3D death experience halls.

"The experience process includes: eating a farewell meal, leaving a sincere suicide note to your family, putting on a shroud, sleeping quietly in a wooden coffin amidst mourning and music... Various rituals related to death will It's very realistic to perform it on the experiencer.

"The experiencer can feel as if he is really going to die little by little during this process. There is no tomorrow. Life ends here. They will hear the cries of mourners and must meditate in a dark coffin. It will take some time to be released.

"This period of time allows the experiencer to look back on his or her life. Would you regret it if you died? If you could live again, how would you change your life and plan a new future?

"It turns out that after many participants died and came back to life, they said that they would create a life without regrets for themselves in the days to come. Afterwards, they would feel that it was good to be alive.

"The psychologists in some experience centers will assist the experience recipients to truly implement the insights of the experience afterwards. In this way, they can truly get out of the temporary psychological dilemma in life and establish new beliefs in life.

"I run such an experience center and have successfully helped many young men and women who were unable to think about things due to temporary setbacks to get out of their predicaments and face life with a different sunny attitude.

“In my opinion, our action today is similar to this experience.

"The difference is that those who participate in the game know that it is a game. Gu Lijun and Su Jin need to challenge death, challenge themselves, and challenge the limits of human life without knowing it at all...

“I accept that there is a degree of illegality in doing so.

"But because Gu Lijun's heart disease is too stubborn, ordinary stimulating psychological counseling has no effect on her.

“So, I suggested taking the plunge.

"I have been taking care of this patient Gu Lijun for nearly two years, and there has not been much progress in treatment.

"In my opinion, this is a woman in her prime. If her heart disease cannot be cured, she will be doomed for the rest of her life. I am afraid that your ex-boyfriend will feel guilty for the rest of his life; and Mr. Xiao will probably feel guilty until his death.

“If this disease is not cured, three people will suffer.

"Only when she chooses to let go will you and Mr. Xiao be truly freed, and her future can become bright and beautiful.

"Out of the professional instinct of a psychologist, I want to cure her. Help her. Rather than watch her perish.

“So, I have been carefully adjusting her treatment plan and constantly stimulating her so that she can look forward to the future.

“I think this time the treatment is in the right direction.

“Reality has proven my conclusion: things have developed so far, and the effect is definitely good.

"Miss Su Jin's mental state is very tough, she is kind-hearted and positive. She is stimulating Mrs. Xiao step by step... She can release her inner emotions, which is a good thing..."

Obviously, they had made preparations in advance, and their words were so convincing that they naturally wanted to convince him to agree with their theory. And he also knew the relationship between Gu Lijun and their father and son very well. It can be seen that Xiao Zhidong trusts him very much.

Only with full trust could he be willing to play such a desperate game.

The risks involved are so great.

Jin Hengyuan interrupted with a sneer, his tone was extremely impatient:

"Are you a psychologist?"

" surname is Huang, and I graduated from the Psychology Department of Stanford University in the United States..."

The man wanted to introduce himself and sounded confident.

Jin Hengyuan doesn't care who he is, nor does he want to know how professional he is in this field:

"Listen to me, Gu Lijun is your patient, and Xiao Zhidong is the client of the family. How you want to treat Gu Lijun and how you want to stimulate it are none of my business. But you are on my wife's side. This action carried out, without her consent, forced her to face the test of life and death, which was a great torture to her body and mind, and the greatest violation of her human rights. Please stop the action immediately..."

His eyes are cold and sharp, and can kill people invisible:

"If you don't stop now, I will assist my wife and sue you for malignant house arrest of others' personal freedom...I can have your psychologist license revoked..."

Psychologist Huang was so stared at that his heart tightened, and he did not dare to answer any more. He looked at Xiao Zhidong and said softly: "If you stop taking action now, I'm afraid you will miss the mark. Mr. Xiao, you can figure it out!"

Xiao Zhidong glanced at Jin Hengyuan lightly and did not intend to give up:

"Now that it has begun, of course it must be carried out to the end. Xiaoyuan, please wait patiently! It won't be long, I will release them soon."

Jin Hengyuan was very protective of his wife and immediately shouted:

"Are you trying to force me to give up even the last bit of father-son affection?"

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