The Perfect Hidden Marriage

229. Men also need comfort, warm their hearts, and do not dislike each other. Only then can they be

This sentence was what Jin Hengyuan loved to hear. His smile turned into an intoxicating smile because of the woman's sweet words, and a pair of hands naturally lifted her waist.

"Mrs. Jin, are you comforting me?"

He asked with a smile, his lips touching her smooth forehead.

"Do you need my comfort?"

She raised her chin and looked at the handsome man with a handsome smile who could dazzle women under the street lamp.


He nodded seriously.

As she looked, she suddenly thought of what Xiao Zhidong once said:

No matter how strong a man is, he always has a fragile side.

A man is not a man originally. When he is in his mother's arms, he is just a boy.

Gender has given him the need to be perseverant and to not shed tears easily, but it neglected that in the beginning, he only had the heart of a child.

The child's heart is fragile and needs encouragement and comfort. The mother can give the child that kind of strength and teach him to be strong.

When he grew up, he finally became strong, and his fragile heart was still there, but it was wrapped up and hidden deeply.

If one day, external force tears those layers of camouflage, the heart will eventually be hurt.

At this moment, a woman, as a wife, as a partner, what she should give is warm comfort, warm his heart, understand his heart, spiritually, they are each other's partners, and they do not dislike each other, then they can be regarded as husband and wife.

"This is comfort and a promise."

Think about it, she said softly.

"I like this agreement."

He called softly, his eyes sparkling, and he hugged her tightly, because she was home - the home he had always longed for.

When he was a child, although his parents were present at home, the family environment was not very harmonious because of their unharmonious relationship.

If it’s not harmonious, then it’s not harmonious. After all, it’s a complete home.

After he turned seventeen, his parents divorced, and the concept of family was shattered into pieces in his young heart.

At this moment, when I think back to the beginning, I feel a lot of heartache.

"Do you know how I spent the New Year's Eve after my parents divorced?"

He suddenly said this in a low voice.

"have no idea."

She shook her head slightly.

“I spent the time putting my sister to sleep.

"She has been unhappy and always wanted to call my mother back to Jiashi from Beijing. But my mother flew to the UK with my grandparents that day. She did not spend the Spring Festival in China.

"That New Year's Eve was the most painful year I have ever lived. My family was in a miserable state. My grandparents were all complaining about my father. How could I sign that...

"And my father spent the whole Spring Festival shutting himself in the study, becoming more and more unkind to others."

He sighed softly, that memory was bitter:

"In the beginning, it is often the most uncomfortable to adapt to. Especially my sister, who was carried by my mother alone. Later, she put her down as soon as she said she would put her down, and said she would leave her to my dad, and she disappeared without a trace. My heart, indeed. A little harder. I never told you!"


she looked up and asked.

“My sister has never been close to my mother.

"The group photo I showed you was taken together at my request.

“This is a big concern for my mom.

“When she was little, she loved to dress up my sister.

"Later, she got divorced... For a long time, she took her grandma and grandpa on a trip. She didn't see her sister. She turned off her phone and didn't see anyone. She didn't know that my sister was sick in the hospital.

"By the time she found out, it was already half a year later. As soon as mother and daughter became identified, they never kissed again."

And for him, sandwiched between two women, it's really hard for him to be a man sometimes.

"So, I cherish our home very much."

He changed the topic back and reached out to cup her face:

“When we were very young, home was given to us by our parents. If our parents are unlucky, our children will also be unlucky.

"Once we grow up, we will have our own little family. At this time, our attitude will directly affect the quality of life of the next generation.

"Xiao Su, let's make an agreement, okay? From now on, we will be good and our little family will be good. It is the cradle of our future children. We want him (her) to grow up carefree... …”


She fully agreed, her voice crisp and clear.

He smiled and kissed her on the lips:

"I want our baby to come quickly."

"This is not good."

She refused rationally.

"The conditions are not mature yet. Also, please explain everything you owe me that I haven't said yet, and we will study other things."

She pushed him away with a smile, and started running gracefully on the path like an elf under the moon.

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyebrows, admiring and pondering.

What exactly does he owe her that he hasn't made clear yet?

Not even a hint was given.

Well, could it be Xiaoya's thing?


Su Jin and Jin Hengyuan walked around outside and then went to the main house. Jin Yuan asked them to come over.

As soon as I entered the door, I was stopped.

"Xiao Su, Xiao Yuan, the medicine is ready. Come and drink it... This medicine must be drunk while it's hot... Here, this is Xiao Yuan's, this is Xiao Su's... drink it quickly..."

Jin Yuan went to work elsewhere, while Yi Zhongtian called from the kitchen.

On the table, two bowls of dark medicinal soup were steaming white, and bursts of medicinal smell filled the room with a particularly strong smell.

Su Jin has not had any illnesses since he was a child and has always been healthy. He has never taken this kind of medicine before. The smell is so unpleasant that he feels nauseated all the time.

Jin Hengyuan was fine. He picked it up and drank it without changing his expression.

Su Jin stared at him and swallowed uneasily.

"Isn't it bitter?"

She asked gently, holding the medicine bowl in her hand.


He said.

Su Jin believed it and took a sip. His brows furrowed and he almost vomited on the ground:

"It's so painful."

The voice suddenly became pitiful.

This was the first time that Jin Hengyuan had encountered such a tone. She had never shown such a little daughter's inherent emotion. He couldn't help but make him smile softly and hurriedly responded:

"How could it be? This bowl of mine is not bitter! Bring it to me to taste."

Seeing her expression of bitter hatred for the bowl of medicine, the smile on his face continued to deepen.

He took it and was about to taste it when Jin Yuan came out of the kitchen and happened to see her. She chased after her and clapped her hand:

"What nonsense are you talking about? Don't drink this medicine randomly. It's for your wife's health. Can't you help her drink it..."

He quickly moved the medicine over and put it in Su Jin's hand again.

"I don't want to drink it. It was Xiao Su who said it was bitter. My bowl is not bitter... I just want to compare..."

Jin Hengyuan explained.

"The medicinal materials of the two patches are different, and of course the taste is different. Xiaosu's bowl must be bitter than yours... Xiaosu, are you afraid of bitterness..."

At the end of Jin Yuan's words, she looked at her daughter-in-law who was a little reluctant to take the medicine and guessed.

"I have never taken such a bitter medicine..."

Su Jin was extremely embarrassed.

"Good medicine has a bitter taste and is good for diseases. This medicine is very good for replenishing yin deficiency. Drink it obediently. As for the fear of pain, well, there is a way to solve it... Just wait..."

Jin Yuan turned around and went back to the kitchen. After a while, she came out with a glass of water in her hand:

"This is honey tea. After you drink it, pass it through your mouth. Also, this is the lollipop I brought from England. Zhongtian likes this taste the most. It won't be bitter after a while..."

"Ouch, mom, why do you love your daughter-in-law so much... When I was little, you gave me medicine, and you always gave me your fists. But you coaxed your daughter-in-law to drink medicine, with honey water and sticks. Tang, your big and small eyes are a bit too powerful..."

Jin Hengyuan hooked his mother's shoulder a little inappropriately and started joking.

"You little monkey, you have loved me so much since you were a child. It's necessary to eat your fists. There is an ancient allusion to the filial son born from the stick. The wife here is married to give you love. Your grandma and grandpa are waiting for the good news. Woolen cloth……"

Jin Yuan smiled and hit her son.

As for Su Jin, looking at the medicine, she felt really nauseous, but it was hard to pour it out, so she had to endure it and drink it in front of Jin Yuan.

But the taste is too bitter!

She covered her mouth and wanted to spit it out.

Jin Yuan hurriedly patted him: "Don't vomit, don't vomit... Come on, come on, Xiaoyuan, give your wife honey tea..."

Jin Hengyuan quickly handed over the tea, and Su Jin took it and drank it quickly. Jin Yuan waited for her to drink the honey tea, then quickly stuffed the lollipop into her daughter-in-law's mouth.

"Thank you, aunt!"

Su Jin thanked him with candy in his mouth.

Jin Yuan smiled and said: "Thank you, no need. Just change your name to mom as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Su Jin changed her words obediently: "Thank you, Mom."

Jin Yuan immediately beamed with joy: "Good boy! Go to bed early!"

Beside him, Jin Hengyuan looked extremely pleased.

A man will have two important women in his life. One is his mother, who gave birth to him, raised him, and nurtured him. This kind of kindness is profound; the other is his wife, who will become his life-long love. A partner will give birth to children for him, build a warm home for him, take over his mother's place, and become everything he has for the rest of his life.

If these two women can be in harmony, the family will be happy and everyone will be happy; if these two women are in tit-for-tat opposition, the family will never have peace.

God is merciful. The person he loves is also loved by his mother. What a fate.

If he had really insisted on marrying Gu Lijun six years ago, he would have been so angry and resentful, he would have destroyed his life, and there would have been no hope for a happy marriage.

People all grow up step by step.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

Although the spring that belongs to him comes late, the flowers bloom more charmingly than in early spring, and the flowers are fragrant and intoxicating.

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