The Perfect Hidden Marriage

231, Su Jin said: Old man, your mother-in-law is very happy to marry you.

If such a confession is not touching, it must be false.

Absolutely fake.

Su Jin stared at him blankly for a long time, and his heart started beating wildly.

It turns out that he treated Gu Lijun because of her...

This...this surprised her too much.

The reason is actually like this?

How evil!

"I said, Mrs. Jin, there is a man who is confessing his love to you. As the person involved, after listening, shouldn't he express something..."

Although this little girl is a bit cute when she is in the dark, what is the situation if she doesn't respond?

Jin Hengyuan pinched the girl's face helplessly, then held it and rubbed it gently, watching a bright and thrilling smile bloom on the palm of his hand, which immediately frightened his heart and soul.

"Hey, Counselor Jin, I was only sixteen years old that year, and I was still underage. I didn't grow much taller. How about you, you are twenty-two years old, and you fell in love with an underage girl out of nowhere? You... The mentality is a bit evil..."

She actually started teasing him in a naughty and coquettish way.

The big eyes blinked viciously, full of a sly smile.

Here's the bad boy!

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyebrows and immediately retorted loudly:

"In China's thousand-year civilization, girls have been married young. Haven't you seen the ladies in palace dramas getting married at the age of twelve, thirteen or fourteen? Sixteen years old, in ancient times, she was an old girl. , I have fallen in love with an old girl and want to take her home as my mother-in-law. How can I be evil? I am doing good deeds every day, okay?"

Attorney Jin’s mouth has always been sharp.

"How am I old? How am I old? You old man..."

Su Jin pinched his face a little coquettishly:

"You get a good deal and still act nice."

He smiled, he liked her making trouble with him like this, and then he lowered his head and kissed his little wife.

At this moment, millions of tender feelings flowed quietly between each other's eyes, wrapping around their hearts.

After the kiss, while panting, she leaned into his arms and said:

"Old man, your mother-in-law is very happy to marry you."

Those soft and emotional words made an old man feel elated for a while.

"Oh, is it so?"

He responded with a smile:

"Then please help me ask my mother-in-law how happy she is?"

She closed her eyes and smiled, the corners of her lips raised:

"Very, very... very happy."

As the sun rises in the east, their lives begin a new chapter in splendor...


Jin Hengyuan does what he says.

During breakfast, he told several elders in his family about their plans to return to Jiashi.

"I haven't brought Xiao Su to see my grandparents yet... Now, they are in a hurry... If I don't take her there, grandpa will be angry with me again."

He also showed his mother and grandparents the phone calls Mr. Xiao had made over and over again. Although they were reluctant to let go, they had no choice but to let him go.

"Then take Fu Niu over... Both of you are working, who will take care of your daily life and food?"

Grandma wanted to bring a cook to their small family, but Jin Hengyuan refused:

"No need, I hired someone over there. If you take Fu Niu here, you have to resign. I can't do anything that makes people uncomfortable. Don't worry, you two, I will definitely take care of my daughter-in-law. Take good care of her. When you two see her again, you will definitely say, oh, who is this? How did she become a fat pig... She can be slaughtered and cooked during the Chinese New Year..."

He was deliberately amused.

Grandma couldn't help but stare, but there was a smile on her brow:

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Who can get fat just by relying on you? Look at your little body, as thin as a pork chop..."

"Grandma, this isn't called pork chops, it's called having a good figure."

Jin Hengyuan corrected with a smile, seeing his little woman laughing softly beside him.

Jin Yuan no longer keeps the children. They each have their own jobs and are busy people. Hengyuan has missed many days of work because of Xiao Su's matter. He should have appeared in court in an important lawsuit last time. In the end, I had to replace him temporarily. Fortunately, he did his job well before and the case was won in the end, but it is always not good to put the work on hold like this.

After breakfast, Jin Yuan urged Su Jin to go back to her room and pack up all the clothes she had bought for her. She took her son and walked in the garden while explaining:

"Xiaoyuan, you can make good arrangements for work later. As for the wedding day, you and Xiaosu can think about it privately. Which days are suitable? You can choose one first. As for us, we should choose Your opinions are important. Also, please advise Xiao Su, she has no future in that shabby company. I think she might as well come to the hotel to help me..."

She wanted to pull Jin Hengyuan back if she had the chance.

If you can catch Xiao Su in your hand, you won't have to worry about that kid not taking the bait and coming back to help.

Who is Jin Hengyuan? How could he not understand what his mother was thinking? He smiled and said:

"Mom, Xiao Su majored in design. You asked her to manage a hotel. How can she be qualified as a layman who knows nothing about it? You, please let her go!"

"Then you come back to help mom and take her with you at the same time. That's not the best of both worlds. Someone has to take care of mom's hotel from now on!"

"Mom, you are still so young. You can work for another ten or twenty years. By then, Zhongtian will have grown up, and you will definitely have someone to succeed you. As for me, I still prefer to be a lawyer."

Jin Hengyuan shied away with a smile.

"Zhongtian also said that he likes to be a pianist! You all only care about your own interests and don't care about your mother's life or death. You want to make your mother angry to death!"

Regarding this matter, Jin Yuan was very angry.

"Don't worry, I'll consider whether to help you after you can't do it anymore. It's too late now..."

He held his mother's arm and refused to give in to his position.

"Hey, I don't understand. You said you would give up your father's inheritance rights and your mother's hotel. Why are you still so uninterested?"

Jin Yuan tilted her head and looked.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to understand her son's thoughts.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Jin Hengyuan immediately stopped, his smile disappeared, and he retracted his hand, putting his hands in his pockets, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong? Hesitating, that's not like your style."

With her chin raised, Jin Yuan looked at her son and felt something was wrong.

"Mom... I need to tell you something. I may have to help Dad for a while."

He said after considering it, and saw his mother's eyebrows wrinkled:

"...What do you mean? Didn't you mean..."

The tone was urgent.

"Mom, dad is sick..."

Jin Hengyuan steals the ball quietly.

Jin Yuan was stunned.

"Before returning to Beijing, I went to see him and told him: As long as he goes to receive treatment, I can help him at the company. He said he would consider it. Mom, if you can, I hope you can persuade him A piece of advice. In comparison, he may be more able to listen to your words."

The words were said very seriously.

This gave Jin Yuan a bad premonition, and an alarm went off in her head:

"What disease?"

Jin Hengyuan spit out the name of the disease.

Jin Yuan's face suddenly turned pale.

"Early treatment has the best chance. I don't plan to tell my grandparents about this. I just want to mention it to you, so that you won't get anxious when you hear that I went there someday. Mom, please, I will definitely find a chance to give it to you." He made a phone call..."

He begged quietly.

In the past, he was so resentful that his father had failed his mother and that his family had been separated like this, but now he hopes that he can continue to live well. In today's society, it is not uncommon for people to live to be a hundred years old, but it is sad to lose them in their fifties and sixties.

"Who am I?"

Jin Yuan lightly laughed at herself:

"When I was his wife, he didn't listen to a word from me. Now that I'm someone else's wife, how could he listen."


"Okay, I'll make the call. Even if we're no longer a couple, at least we're still ex-couples."

"Thank you, Mom."

Jin Hengyuan said sincerely.

"Okay, I'm going back. I have to sort out the Chinese medicine for you and Xiao Su. I must remember to eat it well..."


Jin Yuan patted her son on the shoulder, smiled lightly, and turned around gracefully when her son agreed.

Jin Hengyuan watched him off, feeling as if he was lost:

He never mentioned his father's thoughts to his mother.

Because it's too late.

That late love should no longer disturb the peaceful and happy marriage that my mother now has.

But he believed that his father would definitely listen to his mother's words.

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