The Perfect Hidden Marriage

246. Find out the truth: How did you become a lawyer? You should be a criminal police officer!

There are thousands of people in the world, and there are thousands of different lives in the world.

And the choices made at various crossroads will affect the direction of everyone's life.

Some people choose to live an active life and strive to create a colorful life, such as Su Jin, who loves soft furnishing design and is willing to use her passion to design the home of every customer.

Some people are stuck in a negative life and cannot extricate themselves, unable to adjust their vision to another level and use another way to create a different future. For example, Gu Lijun, who spent six years in vain and achieved nothing, How desolate it is.

Some people are busy all day long, using endless work to get the career success they want, such as Jin Hengyuan. In ten years, he created his own splendid life and became a legendary figure in the eyes of others. landscape.

Some people live casually, working as a monk for a day and clocking a day, such as Bo Feihong. For six years, he exiled himself, did not strive for anything positive, and simply lived his life...

There are also people who use death to solve problems, thinking that everything will end when they die, such as Han Tong's mother. Because of the repression in her life, the seeds of hatred sprouted in her heart. One day, it broke out, and no one stopped her, so the tragedy happened...

That is the most undesirable thing.

In this world, people's hearts are all different. Due to the different environments of people, the different environments they live in, the different educations they receive, and the differences in their psychological endurance, life has various forms. That’s why there’s that saying: The world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders. Therefore, joy, sadness, pain, regret, and hatred happen every day.

A person's mentality will determine what kind of life you will have.

This is absolutely true.

This kind of life refers to spiritual life.

Sometimes, spiritual wealth can stimulate people's desire for survival more than material wealth, and can bring people a rich and colorful life.


After the funeral, Su Jin took the Han Tong siblings to his home.

There was no way, the Zhang family's house was occupied by the two elders of the Zhang family, and Han Tong was not allowed to enter at all.

Jin Hengyuan had a utility room in his home cleaned and re-decorated, and he also purchased simple bedding for the siblings to stay in.

Yang Jiahui originally wanted Han Tong to live in her home, but Su Jin refused - this was her cousin, who was homeless now, and she should live in her home no matter what.

Furthermore, the parents of the Yang family are quite superstitious. It would be taboo for a person who has just died in the family to live in their house while still wearing mourning.

Instead of going to someone else's house to make trouble and causing trouble for Jia Huiping, it would be better for her to take care of it herself, so that she can rest assured.

At the same time, the Zhang family filed a lawsuit with the court, hoping to fight for Zhang Yizan's custody rights and property inheritance rights.

"The two elders of the Zhang family are both retired workers. Although one of them has been taking medicine for many years, his retirement salary of five to six thousand a month is there. He still has financial strength.

“As for a child whose parents have died, legally, the grandparents are the first-order caregivers, followed by the adult brothers and sisters.

"So, if the Zhang family refuses to let go on this matter, it will be difficult for Han Tong to get custody.

“The right of guardianship is related to the right of property inheritance, and the guardian can take charge of all property in the child’s name…

“So, Han Tong can get at most half of the property in her mother’s name in this matter.

"Because when her mother remarried, her property was notarized. Now that her mother is gone, both children have the right to inherit her property. And Zhang Huaide's property must be inherited by Zhang Yizan...

"Therefore, it is still a bit difficult to deal with this matter..."

In the early morning, Su Jin woke up from her dream and nestled in Jin Hengyuan's arms. She couldn't help but struggle with the issue of Zhang Yizan's ownership. Jin Hengyuan gave her a brief analysis.

"Are you sure of winning?"

Su Jin sounded worried.

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled helplessly:

"Since I became famous, few people would question my defense like this. Mrs. Jin, do you just not trust my ability that much? Or do you not trust the team behind me?"

Su Jin stared at him blankly, how confident this man was.

"I've never seen you defend someone in court!"

The Jin Hengyuan she saw was always gentle and harmless, affectionate towards her, and made her feel comfortable...

Like the angry and wild look of Jin Hengyuan she saw in Xiao Zhidong's video that day, she had never seen it with her own eyes, let alone him arguing eloquently with others.

So, it's impossible to imagine.

"Well, then you can take this opportunity to get to know me better..."

As he spoke, his hands began to roam around her body at irregular intervals, his eyes deepened, and a certain desire was ready to come out.

This time, Su Jin did not do as he wished, but blushed and refused:

"Not today!"

"Because of what? In a bad mood?"

He looked at her steadily and stopped his hand.

"Auntie is here!"

All right!

This showed that his hopes were in vain.

Su Jin saw the flash of frustration in his eyes - Oh, this man, how much he hopes she can get pregnant.

"We can take our time. There's no rush, okay?"

She actually wanted to comfort him.

"Oh? Do you know what I'm anxious about?"

He winked and smiled.

"We, don't be too anxious about pregnancy."

She blushed a little.

"Okay, okay... then take your time, it's good to enjoy the world between the two of you first... Well, if you can't do it, then let's kiss..."

He kissed her with a low smile.

The oppressive atmosphere dissipated because of his kiss.

She couldn't bear it and became a little dizzy.

At that moment, she was thinking, when will Han Tong be able to get out of the shadow of losing his mother and walk into his own happiness...


Su Jin went to work.

Jin Hengyuan watched her leave, and after a while he called and went out to let Bo Feihong keep an eye on her. When he came back, he saw Jiang's mother delivering food to Han Tong's room.

He glanced at the door, where Mother Jiang was comforting the poor girl.

Little Yizan is drinking milk, his big eyes rolling.

He called Ma Jiang out and told her that he was going out and that someone was guarding her outside. If anything happened, call him.

Mother Jiang smiled and asked him to go, she was at home with him!

Jin Hengyuan went to Yipinxuan in Jiashi, where Ji Beixun lived. He came yesterday.

"This is the information you asked for."

Ji Beixun was typing something on the computer. When he saw him coming, he pursed his lips, gestured to the file lying beside him, and said:

"Eighteen years ago, the staff member who managed the files at Qinghe Orphanage died. This is her file..."

"Unnatural death?"

Otherwise, this person would not have prepared such a thick set of information.

He sat down.

"Yes, unnatural death."

Ji Beixun nodded without stopping his fingers:

"Murdered to death. Murder in a locked room. The murderer was never caught."

Jin Hengyuan listened and opened the information.

The staff member's name was Li Yao. She was twenty-eight years old eighteen years ago. Her family was of average status. She was married and had no children. Before the accident, she had been working in the orphanage for three years. She was a diligent woman. The reason for the accident was that the heater was not working. Unplugging causes a fire. Li Yao was at home when the incident occurred, and was notified in the middle of the night that the archives room she was responsible for had been burned to the ground.

Because the heating stove is not a must-have item in the archives, Li Yao brought it in privately, which is against the regulations of the orphanage. However, because it did not cause personal safety, the orphanage finally gave him advice.

After Li Yao was laid off, she worked at home for more than half a year. One day, she went to the bank and deposited 100,000 yuan in her own name. It was unclear how the money came from.

A month later, she was strangled to death at home.

At that time, her husband was away on a business trip and there was no one else at home.

This case has been investigated for three months but has not been found.

Afterwards, Li Yao's husband had to let his wife be laid to rest - this case has always been an unsolved mystery.

"What did you gain?"

he asked as he watched.

Tie Jing brought a cup of tea over and took it with a smile:

"The boss solved this case in just two days..."

Ji Beixun did have that kind of ability, and Jin Hengyuan knew it. He smiled, took the tea, took a sip and put it down.

"Who killed Li Yao?"

He continued to flip through the information, glanced at it, and came to a conclusion:

"Did her man do it?"

Ji Beixun nodded lightly:


"Because of money?"

He saw that Li Yao's information was covered by another person named Qian Zhengguang.

This person is Li Yao's husband.

This man has risen to prominence since his wife's death. He was originally just an ordinary migrant worker, but later became a self-made private owner.

Being a boss requires capital, so where this person got his money in the first place is worthy of in-depth study.

"Yes, someone paid him to kill his wife. He actually did it and successfully got 100,000 yuan in cash. But he didn't deposit it in the bank. Later, he used his wife's money to start a company. He once faced bankruptcy, but he used his A reserve of 100,000 yuan helped the company survive the crisis. Yesterday, the boss used a very clever method to reconstruct the murder process. And he has also confessed..."

Tie Jing's tone of voice was extremely proud, but the person who solved the case looked very calm.

"How did he say?"

Jin Hengyuan is most concerned about this matter.

"Someone paid 100,000 yuan to bribe Li Yao, set up a fire incident, and had to burn the information about Liao Xiaoshu. Later, someone offered another 100,000 yuan to buy Li Yao's life. Qian Zhengguang had never seen what that person looked like, because when they met That person was wearing a mask."

"But why did that person buy Li Yao's life?"

Jin Hengyuan asked another question instinctively.

"Because Li Yao had met that person. And that person also knew that Li Yao and Qian Zhengguang were having conflicts. Li Yao had a lover outside and was about to divorce Qian Zhengguang at that time."

Ji Beixun replied.

Jin Hengyuan understood immediately:

"So, this person should be an acquaintance that Li Yao recognizes and is very familiar with. And he is also someone from the orphanage."

Ji Beixun smiled lightly:

"Why did you become a lawyer? You should have become a criminal police officer. What a great loss to the police community!"

Jin Hengyuan raised his eyebrows, and naturally he could hear this man praising him:

"It's enough to have you in this field. I think I'm pretty good as a lawyer. I have special skills."

After a pause, he said again: "Tell me! Who is that person?"

"The former director of Qinghe Orphanage. He took someone else's 600,000 yuan and planned to erase all the whereabouts of Liao Xiaoshu. Because it was Li Yao who handled the procedures for Liao Xiaoshu to be adopted by the Su family, so the director brought Li Yao in They conspired together to burn down the reference room. Afterwards, Li Yao wanted to share the property with him equally, which made her murderous. It is said that your mother had sent someone to find Liao Xiaoshu before this. The dean was afraid that she would tell lies. He let it slip and encouraged Qian Zhengguang to kill someone at night."

Six hundred thousand eighteen years ago was an astronomical figure.

Li Yao is also a little greedy and has a weak heart.

This is how the disaster of death comes.

However, that's not what he cares about most.

"Who wants to erase Liao Xiaoshu's information?"

Jin Hengyuan asked the most critical point.

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