The Perfect Hidden Marriage

254. Jin Hengyuan said: At that time, I had no idea of ​​marrying her at all.

Jin Hengyuan thought for a while, reflected on his behavior, and said:

“Seizing love with a knife, literally means that the third party tries his best to pursue the love of others.

"And I knew from the beginning that Xiao Su had someone in mind, but I still allowed myself to opportunistically get the certificate with her.

"Furthermore, knowing that Su Mubai had to marry a wife for his own sake, instead of just giving up, I intensified my efforts. I even concealed the fact that something happened to him, kidnapped her, and became my woman.

"These two people actually have each other in their hearts, but I just turn a blind eye.

"If I don't intervene and help Su Mubai get divorced, the chance of them getting back together is more than 95%.

"Faced with such a high probability, do you think I should defend my actions?"

He threw the question over again.

At the right time, a glass of water was handed to Jin Hengyuan.

"Drink some ice water and calm down!"

Ji Beixun watched him take it and drank several sips. It seemed that his mood was really a little impetuous!

If things don't concern oneself, things will be chaotic if they concern oneself.

Sure enough.

"Let me analyze it with you!"

"It's what I asked for."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and nodded.

Ji Beixun thought for a while and began to explain his point of view:

"Based on the information you reported, you met Xiao Su much earlier than Su Mubai met her, right... Think back then, if you, Xiao Jingheng, hadn't gone out of your way to save her, do you think this would be the case? Is there still her Su Jin in the world? Even if she is, in what corner of life can she live? Have you ever thought about this? "

This man always talked little, and it was only thanks to his familiarity with Jin Hengyuan that he would chat about such boring issues.

He is usually not very good at chatting except for work matters.

Jin Hengyuan curled his lips.

Yes, if that year, if he had left home and not gone undercover on a whim, it would have taken some time to crack down on this human trafficker group, maybe one year, maybe two years, more likely more than a dozen. Twenty years.

He believed that if you walked too much at night, you would inevitably encounter ghosts: as long as those traffickers kept doing this shameful business, one day they would be caught.

However, there is a huge difference between being arrested early and being arrested late - this will affect the fate of countless children throughout their lives.

Assuming that he had not intervened in this matter that year, the fate of the children who were rescued back then would have been completely different to this day.

It is precisely because they were rescued that they have the life they are enjoying now.

Same with Su Jin.

If he and she had never met before, what kind of girl would she be now?

Maybe, she is already gone.

After being beaten like that, if no one went to feed her medicine, she would definitely not be able to survive. If she died and was buried somewhere, a person's life would be over.

This is not scaremongering.

In that group, something like this happened before. Human lives are like grass in their hands.

If she survives this time of reselling, if she cannot meet someone with a relatively well-off family to adopt her, she will not be able to go to school. The cruel life will kill her talent for painting and make her illiterate. , mediocre people who don’t know any professional skills. Then, they may get married and have children in their teens.

It's definitely possible.

Ordinary children living in affluent areas, most of them still grow up happily in school when they are teenagers; but there are still some relatively backward poor areas where there are too many children with outdated ideas, serious preference for boys over girls, and unable to give birth to sons. As for couples who never have children, they only value sons, not daughters, and they don't pay attention to the quality development of their children. These children often drop out of school at the age of seventeen or eighteen, or never go to school at all. They are active in the world at a young age. The production line is on.

Jin Hengyuan sometimes wonders what his fate would have been if he had not met her back then and met her again now. He is not sure, but one thing is certain: such an ordinary Su Jin would definitely not be able to catch his eye. .

The so-called cause and effect means that only when there is a cause, there will be an effect.

That's how fate comes about.

Thinking of this, Jin Hengyuan smiled lightly, spread his hands and said:

"The relationship at that time was not between a man and a woman, but a very simple liking. When she was facing the threat of death, the only thing I hoped for was that she could survive. Then, I wanted to personally take her to escape to heaven and help her escape. She found her own family and fulfilled her trivial wish. At that time, I had no intention of marrying her."

Yes, that's the truth.

At that time, she was a little girl and she was a young boy. Saving people is pure compassion. It has nothing to do with the idea of ​​marrying him in the future.

"It's normal, because you were still young at that time! At the age of fourteen, no boy would have the so-called love between a man and a woman. The love between a man and a woman only slowly develops after he has sexual awareness."

Ji Beixun gave him a judgment:

"Childhood's love can turn into two results when you grow up.

"One, it becomes a pure friendship. However, I personally think that the probability of a man and a woman becoming good friends is no more than 10%. It is more diluted by time.

“Two, transform into a love that you want to stay with for a lifetime.

"The reason why little Su Jin has been remembered by you for so many years can only be said that your love for her back then was not an ordinary love. Therefore, you did not fight for love."

Jin Hengyuan listened and suddenly laughed. He knew that Ji Beixun wanted to relieve his "guilt".

In fact, he has no "guilt".

If history happened again, he would do it again without hesitation.

Because he is a lawyer and has businessman genes: it is an instinctive reaction to seize every opportunity as much as possible and seek the greatest benefit for himself.

"Speaking with such experience, if you say you have never been in love, who will believe you?"

he teased.

"I am an insulator when it comes to falling in love."

Seeing that the matter involved him, Ji Beixun immediately walked back to the dining table and tried to change the subject by pouring water.

"Hey, have you never liked women?"

Jin Hengyuan didn't want to miss this great opportunity, so he couldn't help but gossip about the privacy.


Ji Beixun shook his head while drinking water:

"I'm only interested in complicated and confusing cases. Complex animals like women are not the objects I like to study."

"Well, then I hope that God will give you a little girl who can make you break your gong, and torture you..."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and prayed evilly.

"Maybe not even born yet!"

Ji Beixun walked calmly.

Hearing this, Jin Hengyuan laughed out loud:

"Do you want to be single forever?"

"What's wrong with being single?"

"That's because you haven't met the woman who makes your heart beat yet."

"Women are mostly stupid."

This answer would be terrible if Su Jin heard it.

Who said his eyes are higher than his head?

Is this my dear friend in front of me the best?

Jin Hengyuan sighed softly and nodded:

"I'm waiting for the day when you are taken care of by a woman!"

"That day will never come."

Ji Beixun raised his eyebrows and said with full confidence.

Jin Hengyuan smiled again: "How about a bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

Ji Beixun didn't think it was boring and actually started playing with him.

"Within five years, I bet you will get married."

Jin Hengyuan vowed to do so.

Ji Beixun gave a rare smile.

"What's the stakes?"

Jin Hengyuan thought for a while:

"I won, please do one thing for me."

"What if you lose?"

"I'll do something for you! It doesn't violate the law. I'll help you for free."

When money has been accumulated to a certain level, it is difficult for them to become rare possessions. Instead, sending others to do things and expanding their social circle will be more valuable.

"make a deal!"

The door opened at this time, and someone walked in from the outside:

"What deal did you two make? What business opportunity? Let's talk about it..."

It was Quan Yishen who came with a smile on his face.

"You came just in time. Beixun and I just made a bet. You come to be a witness."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and talked about the bet between them.

After hearing this, Quan Yishen laughed and agreed happily.

The three of them sat down and Jin Hengyuan asked for the food. After a few sentences, he went straight to the topic:

"Did anyone bring it?"

"Yeah. Brought him. I asked them to bring him up right away!"

Quan Yishen wiped his mouth, made a phone call, and said:

"The man said that Liao Xiaoshu was not kidnapped by them, but someone sold her to them."

Jin Hengyuan's eyes deepened and his heart sank.


On the other side, Shan County.

"Tell me! What's the matter?"

Su Jin leaned on the desk, looked at Qin Xue, and asked lightly.

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