The Perfect Hidden Marriage

265. Mu Bai’s marriage to her is just an alliance of interests where each gets what he wants (Watch

A gust of wind came with a strong heat wave, making the leaves rustle and making her feel depressed for a while.

Su Jin stroked his hair and looked at Sheng Lou who spoke confidently, his face as white as a piece of paper:

"Yes, I want to help him, I hope he can stand up again... Even if his feet are broken, his heart cannot be broken. But, Sheng Lou, you seem to have forgotten that he is already married, and I am also married... …”

She immediately and vividly explained the current situation of their lives.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Lou immediately sneered and interrupted her words, and his voice became louder and louder:

"What the hell is this reason? What's wrong with getting married? You can get divorced after getting married... What era are we in now? It's not the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties. Who would still talk about the three virtues and nine virtues? If we get along, we can stay together. If we don't get along, we can separate. , this is the most normal thing... In my opinion, this is no reason at all... The key to the matter is whether you still have him in your heart..."

When he came to the last point, he emphatically poked the air with his finger.

Su Jin felt very blocked and regretful.

Yes, she had forgotten that this man was a playboy, and his views on marriage, values, and life were not the same as those of ordinary people. It's normal for him to think this way.

But she is not him.

Without making any excuses, she bypassed him and went her own way.

There are hundreds of millions of people in the world, and they all have their own opinions and views on life, so they all embark on different paths under the same blue sky.

No matter what kind of path it is, as long as you think it is suitable.

And she and him were never from the same country, and they really didn't even talk to each other.

"Where are you going? Are you escaping? Su Jin, escaping can't solve the problem... You must learn to face it, and you must deal with Jin Hengyuan correctly... deal with your marriage. The two of you must turn everything around. To a normal state...that's what you should do..."

Sheng Lou chased after him, explaining his point of view unforgivingly.

"Shut up……"

She couldn't bear it any longer, her face turned cold, and she shouted hastily, "Go to hell, you must:"

"Sheng Lou, marriage is not a child's play, okay? You can get married as soon as you want, or leave as soon as you want... What kind of attitude is that towards life? Please don't impose your outlook on life on others."

“What’s wrong with my outlook on life, me?”

Shenglou cried out unjustly:

"Did I say something wrong? If you do something wrong, you should correct it. If you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is no greater good. That's what the ancients said..."

He wanted to explain, but she didn't give him a chance and said sternly:

"If you didn't want to get married, you should have got married in the first place. Since you have chosen to get married, whether you are a man or a woman, you should be responsible for your own marriage... What's more, Qin Xue also gave birth to a son for him... Qin Xue even came here specially. Come to me to persuade Mu Bai..."

It can be seen from this that Qin Xue still cares about Mu Bai - Mu Bai should not have the idea of ​​divorce under any circumstances. It's even right to completely forget their past.

He confessed to her that he had always only had her in his heart, which was an injustice to Qin Xue and an insult to his own personality.

She had no way to respond and could not respond.

"Stop, I don't know what Qin Xue's purpose is for doing this. I only know one thing: Mu Bai does not need to be responsible for Qin Xue, let alone Su Peng..."

Sheng Lou shouted loudly.

It was precisely these words that made Su Jin's face turn red with anger.

Enraged, she clenched her fists and yelled at him:

"A man who cannot be responsible for his wife and children is not a good man at all... Sheng Lou, do you want me to look down on Mu Bai from now on? Yes, I hope Mu Bai cheers up, I hope he can be brave Faced with such a huge change. However, I have no way and cannot use divorce to motivate him."

On the path by the lake, a man and a woman were confronting each other with insistent glares, and no one was convinced by the other.

In Sheng Lou's eyes, Su Jin had always been docile, considerate, and easy to talk to. This was the first time that he discovered that her little mouth could be so sharp.

But this sharpness is based on misunderstanding.

He finally understood that that fool Su Mubai hadn't told the truth until now...

Alas, how could he be so stupid!

He rolled his eyes and wiped his face. He was so angry, angry, and so distressed that he turned pale...

Forget it, let him help him with this...

"If Su Mubai wasn't a good man, no one in this world would be worthy of being called a good man."

He roared back, pointed his finger forcefully on the bridge of her nose and shouted:

"Also, please don't interrupt me. Before I finish speaking, you take quotes out of context and generalize. You don't know the inside story at all. How can you conclude that Mu Bai married Qin Xue and still misses you? The behavior of an irresponsible bad man..."

This statement sounds contradictory.

"Okay, please explain to me clearly, how can his behavior be linked to the image of a 'responsible good man'? I'm listening, I'm all ears..."

Su Jin called back again fiercely.

Su Mubai was the most perfect male god in her heart, but he did something that she couldn't tolerate: after betraying his trust and marrying another man and having children, he planned to divorce him and wanted to have a relationship with her again.

She really didn't understand how a person like that could do such a series of things that went against his moral integrity.

The actions of this man she had grown up with since childhood were increasingly difficult to understand.

"Because they have always been a couple in name only... Mubai's marriage to her is just an alliance of interests for each of them to get what they need... In the past four years, he has never been sorry to you..."

Finally, Sheng Lou used the loudest voice to expose the truth of the matter to the sun.

Su Jin, who was in a rage, was dumbfounded after chewing out the meaning of his words. The expression on his face became stiff, and his mind suddenly became empty.

In name only?

Interest alliance?

Everyone gets what he needs?

What's happening here?

She was knocked unconscious by these three words, her feet became weak, and she had to lean against the willow tree on the side. It took her a long time to grasp an important point and question her, with sharp eyes and disbelief:

"This is impossible... If what you said is true, what happened to Su Peng?"

Su Jin didn't understand. They had obviously given birth to a son, right?

Having gained the upper hand, Sheng Lou took a breath and once again made a shocking statement:

"That's Qin Xue's and someone else's child, not Mu Bai's."


Su Jin was shocked again.

So... he's not his son?

How could this happen?

He actually allowed his wife to give birth to someone else's child?

She couldn't help but scratch her hair. She couldn't use her brain enough. All kinds of doubts turned into paste in her head, a sticky mass, and she couldn't figure anything out:

"I don't understand, I don't understand...Then why did he marry her? Why did he marry her?"

My heart became more and more confused and painful, and there was too much confusion in my eyes.

"He was forced by Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen did not allow him to marry you.

"She's threatening Mu Bai with a few things, do you know?

"Mu Bai has no choice. In order to protect you, to protect Mu Sheng, to protect Grandpa Su and Grandma Su, he can only endure everything...

"You think he is willing... To bear the charge of liking the new and hating the old, and seeing you suffer because of him... That would be even more uncomfortable than killing him...

"That time, you jumped off the bridge to seek death. Mu Bai knew about it and rushed to Shan County from H City overnight. You had a high fever and were talking nonsense. He wanted to see you, but his aunt beat him out...

"That night, he stayed downstairs all night... As for me, I stayed with him all night and watched him cry for so long...

"He is a man.

"Normally, you see him as invincible, as if he can handle anything and solve any troubles, but there are times when he is vulnerable.

"I know that you are filled with grievances because Mu Bai marries another man, but who can know the grievances in his heart?

"Do you understand how miserable he has been in the past four years? You don't know anything at all, you will only wrongly accuse him..."

Sheng Lou's words touched her heart.

It turns out that he really came that night...

It turned out that when she had a fever, he was also downstairs, suffering with her...

It turned out that he had never abandoned her...

She covered her mouth and cried, already sobbing.

After a while, she found her voice and asked the biggest question on her mind:

"I don't understand. What leverage can Zhou Wen have to force Mu Bai to do this?"

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