The Perfect Hidden Marriage

288, the warmth of heart and affection warmed her life. How lucky she was to meet her.

Xiao Jinghuan ran upstairs and searched from room to room.

Study, no one.

Room, no one.

Bathroom, no one.

There is still no one in the cloakroom...

Huh, this is really weird. Could it be possible that my sister-in-law can fly into the sky and escape?

He was sent back to the room by his brother just now, but now he is nowhere to be seen?

What's going on? This is?

After turning around, her eyes fell on a certain door.

Yes, there was one more place she didn't look at.

That's my brother's painting studio.

That room has been locked all year round, and no one knows what treasures are hidden there.

A few years ago, she had the idea of ​​going in for an adventure, but her brother gave her a warning:

"You can enter anywhere in this apartment, but you are not allowed to enter this one. There is a probe inside. If you try to enter, and I find out, Xiao Jinghuan, you will no longer be welcome here."

She was still quite in awe of her brother and never dared to touch the crooked brain in that room.

Is it possible that if my sister can’t get in, my wife can?

She rolled her eyes, walked over, and twisted the door handle. Oh wow, really, the door that was usually locked could actually be opened. The little girl suddenly felt sour in her heart:

"Sister-in-law, tell me, why is my brother so partial... You can come in, but I, my biological sister, have been guarded as a thief, and you have been repeatedly ordered not to enter... Do you think that is my biological brother? I think he must have picked it up... definitely picked it up... Otherwise, how could he and I be like this? Hey... this... why are there so many paintings here... and they are all... …”

The anger in his mouth turned into deep shock at the end.

When she saw those paintings, Xiao Jinghuan's eyes suddenly widened, and while spinning in circles, she shouted:

"Oh my god, brother is really crazy. Why did he draw so many sister-in-laws like you... Isn't this a bit too exaggerated..."

She was extremely surprised.

Pieces of drawing paper were hung all over the studio, and she saw countless flower-like girls, smiling at her, laughing, smiling brilliantly, or smiling quietly like clouds curling up...

The painting is extremely beautiful.

Through the drawing paper, she not only saw the beautiful people in the painting, but also the deep friendship of a fierce man.

Once upon a time, Xiao Jinghuan thought that her brother was a man who didn't know how to be charming, so she ignored gentleness and beauty. In her eyes, everything except work was work. Only when he is with her can he be considered a normal man with seven emotions and six desires. At other times, he is just an iron-faced King Kong with no desires or desires.

Only now did she realize that this Yan-faced man had a tenderness in his heart that her younger sister could not appreciate - over the years, he had hidden this tenderness deep in his heart and stored it here.

After being surprised, she smiled unconsciously.

Such a brother really makes her respect and like him more and more.

Gentle and warm men have always been the nemesis of women.


After Su Jin made the call, she came here and sat quietly. Her heart would be moved by the deep feelings behind the paintings and calm down.

At this moment, she was sitting in front of the drawing board in a long house dress. She wanted to draw something, but when she saw her sister-in-law barging in, she looked a little unnatural.

"Have you never come in here?"

she asked softly.

"Of course you didn't come in! If I had come in, I would have tried to catch you out a long time ago. Let's do some research and find out who is this person that has allowed my brother to have a crush on me for so many years... First, I set up the desktop in the computer. I drew so many paintings here again. If I don’t catch you, my surname will not be Xiao... Oh, I understand..."

While talking, Xiao Jinghuan suddenly realized, shook her fingers violently, and shouted:

"No wonder, no wonder brother didn't let me in!"


Su Jin asked curiously.

"Actually, it's nothing!"

Xiao Jing smiled happily:

"It's just that I'm the kind of person who likes to get to the bottom of things. After I become interested in something, I will definitely trace the source. I will never give up until I find out the truth. My brother won't let me come in to take a look. He must be afraid that after I know that a person like you exists, I will dig you out regardless of his objections. Well, I want to know that my brother likes you. He ran to find you a few years ago, and he must I will try my best to destroy the relationship between you and your ex-boyfriend, and help my brother snatch you away...I promise, I will definitely have a hundred ways to make you my sister-in-law..."

Su Jin was speechless: "..."

Is this child really such a person?

About so!

Otherwise, Hengyuan would not hide it from her like this.

She must be afraid that this troublesome sister will ruin her peaceful life.

Alas, this careful consideration is so touching.

"...Tsk, you lied to me and said there was a probe here, and I actually believed it...Huh, you are really a little cunning..."

Xiao Jinghuan spoke very cheerfully and her expressions were very rich.

This is related to both her age and her personality. It can be seen that she is quite favored in the Xiao family. Her parents' divorce didn't seem to have any impact on her.

Su Jin unconsciously smiled softly:

"Your brother is a little fox, so what are you?"

This kid, it’s true, his noisy energy can really rival Mu Sheng’s...

"I'm a little vixen..."

Xiao Jinghuan said it confidently, and after saying the word with a smile, she fell into a trance.

Because she suddenly remembered this name, it was a nickname given to her by someone.

This made Su Jin couldn't help but smile for a while, but then he saw that she was distracted and couldn't help but ask:

"what happened to you?"

"Ah, oh, nothing, nothing... Sister-in-law, I'm really curious, how did you conquer my fox brother? You don't even know how difficult he is... Tell me, I have plenty of time in the afternoon. Time, I want to know more about, what tactics should be used to outsmart the rich and handsome?"

The little girl's eyes were filled with the light of humbly asking for advice.

Su Jin looked guilty:

"I have no use for it!"

In this relationship, she has always been the passive one.

Ben Sheng has a heart without desires, but in his daily life, his gentleness and smile ignited his exhausted enthusiasm.

At first, it was just curiosity, responsibility, and the basic obligations of marriage. Gradually, my heart came alive. Quietly, I was touched by him, which had long been cold...

Yes, he was so good, so many that she could not count them. In the end, she lost her helmet and armor, and in her dying struggle, she became his prisoner.

"You can seduce my brother like this without any tricks? Look, these paintings are still a few years old... My brother likes you so much that he can observe you so carefully. , and then put pen to paper? How could he endure not looking for you for so many years? Ha, could it be that he is a Ninja Turtle?"

Xiao Jing laughed happily and teased her brother, but it made Su Jin feel ripples in her heart...

Yes, if it weren’t for the deep-seated love, how could we paint so deeply?

Brother Erjin, his heart-warming affection warmed her life and her world. She was so lucky to meet him.


In the afternoon, Xiao Jinghuan pestered Su Jin to tell stories: her story with Jin Hengyuan, her story with Su Mubai.

This girl actually knew that she and Su Mubai were in love.

She said that she was curious, so she asked someone to check her background. After speaking, she said with a smile:

"I don't mean anything else, it's just curiosity. But to be honest, the sooner you break up with him, the sooner you break up with him, the better... Hey, wait a minute, that's wrong... You both broke up, this guy If I'm so sorry to you, then why do you still want to find someone to treat him... That kind of person should be left paralyzed in bed..."

Su Jin did not argue with this little girl who had a clear distinction between love and hate.

She was lying on the bed, and Xiao Jinghuan occupied Jin Hengyuan's position, tossing and turning on the bed, pestering her.

Su Jin had always been soft-spoken and could not stand Xiao Jing's entanglement, so she had to explain how she and Jin Hengyuan knew each other since they were young.

Xiao Jinghuan seemed to treat this as listening to a book. When he heard the wonderful points, he would just say a few words at once and a few words that made him scream.

"Ouch, it turns out that my brother had such an incomprehensible relationship with you when he was fourteen. He actually didn't even want to save you ... Well, it is really a chivalry. At the age of four, I knew that heroes save beauties, laying the foundation for finding a wife... I thought I fell in love early enough, but it turns out that he is even more awesome... I really admire him... It seems that he is my brother... …”

Xiao Jinghuan smiled with admiration and admiration, her tone was extremely cheerful...

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