The Perfect Hidden Marriage

292. A thousand sails have passed but you are the only one. Do you think this is fate?

Jin Hengyuan and Bi Nanxing did grow up and played together when they were young.

It's just that Bi Nanxing is more gentle and doesn't usually fight or cause trouble. He is the kind of scholar who is a master of academics. We get to play together because of our common interest in basketball.

Later, Jin Hengyuan went to Beijing and had few opportunities to communicate with each other. He didn't expect the two to meet again in Shanghai many years later.

When he grew up, Bi Nanxing had a special interest in photography, so he opened a photo studio in Shanghai. Because he wanted a divorce, Bi Nanxing found Jin Hengyuan, and the two got closer again.

Today, Jin Hengyuan got off work half an hour early and had a phone call with Bi Nanxing. The two cars met at the gate of the community on time and drove into the community.

When he stepped out of the car door, he looked at the time and saw it was less than six o'clock.

The two men entered the elevator while talking. They were talking about Zhang Yizana's case - Bi Nanxing was very concerned about this case. Love the crow and the crow!

"Wait a minute, take Han Tong down for a walk and have a good chat. Later, if she wants to discuss the case with me, I will give you a hint... It would be the best if you can. However, it is easy to get the certificate, but it is difficult to win... ...The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard..."

"I know how to do it. I will not embarrass you..."

Compared with Jin Hengyuan, Bi Nanxing has more of a southerner's gentleness. Jin Hengyuan has a northerner's face, and his whole body is full of the masculine flavor unique to northern men. One smiles very politely, and the other smiles very manly. However, the latter rarely smiles in front of others.

"I'm not afraid that you will be embarrassed, but I'm afraid that you will scare that little girl away. Therefore, I have to remind you in advance that Han Tong is definitely different from the girl you knew before. You should pay attention to your own propriety! Hold her steady first, Don't be too hasty in anything you do. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"It seems that you have a lot of experience..."

Bi Nanxing raised his eyebrows and smiled, his voice was very happy.

"It's indeed better than you."

"Okay, then I humbly ask for advice, and I hope that Lawyer Jin can give you some advice. If it really works out, I will definitely give you a big red envelope to thank the matchmaker."

"It's free of charge in the big red envelope. If it really happens, my wife's worry will be over. You can give her some snacks and take good care of her, and it will be considered a gift in return."

When he arrived at the door of his house, Jin Hengyuan swiped his fingerprints and entered. When he opened the door, there was a fragrance and the smell of food made his heart warm.

"Chef Han Tong today, let's see what kind of dishes she comes up with..."

Jin Hengyuan smiled and winked at Bi Nanxing and went to the kitchen.

Over in the kitchen, there were three women, each wearing a colorful floral apron. Han Tong was cooking, Su Jin was standing by to help, and Xiao Jinghuan was playing with the little guy Zhang Yizan - the older one and the younger one were having a lot of fun. Very happy.

Jin Hengyuan glanced at it blankly, frowned slightly, and sighed secretly in his heart.

"Brother, Brother Nanxing... you are finally here... I am almost hungry..."

Xiao Jinghuan saw them first, said hello loudly, and then caught the naughty guy:

"Little Yizan, come on, come on, little sister will take you to wash your hands. We are going to eat big crabs together..."

"Oh, eat a big crab, eat a big crab..."

The two of them went to the bathroom together.

Su Jin came out of the kitchen and immediately met her man's gentle and affectionate eyes.

Before he could speak, he had already sent his kind words:

"Thank you, the two ladies, for preparing dinner for us. Is it almost done? Is there anything else we two gentlemen can help you with?"

"No, no, it'll be fine soon, it'll be fine soon! You and Mr. Bi sit in the living room for a while."

Su Jin glanced over and saw that as soon as Jin Hengyuan entered the door, he took off his coat and tucked up the sleeves of his shirt. The smell of a family man immediately came to him.

As for Bi Nanxing, he is wearing a light gray silver-striped shirt, no tie, and a casual jacket. There is no logo, but the overall impression of this person is good:

His face is fair, his temperament is elegant, his facial features are straight, and he exudes positive energy.

"It's better to invite the chef out first and get to know him first!"

Jin Hengyuan pursed his lips, smiled, leaned over and hugged her closely, and at the same time whispered in her ear:

"Today, my ambition is not to eat. You know."

Well, the so-called blind date is of course mainly based on looking at the person. If the person doesn’t like it, everything else is useless:

She also smiled and responded softly:

"I'll call her."

The couple's eyes conveyed affection, and there was a deep friendship flowing in their eyes.

At this moment, Su Jin was surprised to find that her feelings for this man were deepening at a flying speed.

She turned back with emotion, only to see Han Tong standing there uncomfortably, already a little at a loss.

She smiled unconsciously, leaned over and whispered in her ear:

"Don't be nervous...what a big deal..."

Oh, this little girl is pure.

She turned off the fire and led him out.

But Han Tong just felt nervous, and his palms were almost sweating.

In the living room, Jin Hengyuan and Bi Nanxing just sat down. When they saw them coming, they immediately stood up.

"Let me introduce you. This is Xiao Su, my wife. This is Han Tong, my wife's cousin; Bi Nanxing, I am Xiao Su..."

Jin Hengyuan made an introduction.

Bi Nanxing was personable. When he saw Han Tong, he immediately showed a gentle and charming smile and extended his hand generously:

"Nice to meet you, Miss Han..."

This man walked straight towards Han Tong, his eyes locked on her from beginning to end.

"You're welcome, Mr. Bi."

With a quiet smile, Han Tong shook hands with him. Their skin was in contact for a moment, and the warm feeling made her face red. She hurriedly withdrew her hand, grabbed the edge of the apron and twisted it hard. :

"The food will be ready soon. Please sit down for a moment."

Bi Nanxing smiled slightly: "I'm really sorry that I bothered Miss Han to cook in person when we first met."

"It's just a common meal, and the workmanship is very poor. Please don't dislike it when the time comes..."

"How could it be? It smells so good that it brings out the greedy bugs in my stomach."

Bi Nanxing was full of praise.

Su Jin looked at it and smiled slightly: This person is quite funny.

The dinner was in a pleasant atmosphere.

What Han Tong cooked was really just home-cooked side dishes, but they tasted good and Bi Nanxing was very happy to eat them.

At the dinner table, Han Tong had been busy taking care of little Yizan and did not pay much attention to Bi Nanxing. However, Bi Nanxing took good care of her and brought her a lot of dishes... The two of them didn't talk much. , there is nothing we can do about it. There is a child at home, and it is indeed very troublesome when eating.

During this time, there was also a little incident. Little Yizan overturned his job, and Bi Nanxing helped Han Tong clean up the food and vegetables in that place - this man was very familiar with taking care of children.

Regarding this matter, Su Jin asked curiously.

Bi Nanxing smiled and said:

"My sister has a child who was very attached to me when she was a child and was almost brought up by me. Therefore, taking care of the child is not a problem for me."

Having said that, having a child is sometimes a topic, but more often, it is a big light bulb.

"Wait a minute, go and bring Yizan over and let them talk alone..."

Quietly, Jin Hengyuan warned her secretly, just to create opportunities for them.

Su Jin nodded in agreement.

After the meal, Bi Nanxing politely invited him: "Ms. Han, the scenery downstairs is nice. I wonder if you would like to go out for a walk with me..."

Han Tong was a little embarrassed and looked at Su Jin again and again, hoping that she would come out of the siege.

She pretended not to see it and said with a smile: "Go! Go! Xiao Zan has us!"

Han Tong thought about it again and again, and finally nodded and agreed.

Little Yizan was already tired from playing. After eating, he curled up in Xiao Jinghuan's arms and fell asleep. The carefree eldest lady was very good at taking care of the child, and she even carried him into her room in the end. The room became quiet.

After Su Jin watched them leave, he sat down on the sofa, feeling a little tired - for the first time, he felt that accompanying him on a blind date was more tiring than going on a blind date himself.

"Tired, aren't you?"

Jin Hengyuan could tell at a glance.

"Kind of!"

"Lie down and let me squeeze you!"

Jin Hengyuan patted his thigh.

She shook her head. There were other people at home, and she felt bad.

"It's okay! There's no one here now."

He pulled her over.

All right!


She had no choice but to close her eyes and accept his service.

Well, it’s so heart-warming to have a man who knows how to care about you and pampers you like this!

"Bi Nanxing looks good."

"It's good."

"How can a business graduate open a photo studio?"

"Personal preferences!"

"How did he and his ex-wife get divorced?"

"As for Nan Xing, he has a relatively introverted personality and likes to be quiet. When he was twenty-six years old, because his father was seriously ill, he married the wife designated by his father out of filial piety. That woman was more fun-loving and more showy. He likes to use money to show off. Nan Xing doesn't like it in the first place, and this woman always asks him for money. He simply goes out to take pictures and hides it. As time goes by, the woman can't stay lonely and falls in love with someone else. I was also pregnant with someone else's child, and I was afraid that he would know about it and secretly abort it. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be covered by paper, and it soon spread to Nan Xing's ears. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he came to find me. , went to court and divorced the marriage."

Su Jin sighed as he listened: Sometimes marriage really cannot be forced at all.

"Hey, I don't know if Xiaotong likes it or not!"

"She looks nervous!"

"I have no experience..."

"It seems you have a lot of experience, right? When we were on a blind date, you talked a lot and were very calm..."

He suddenly recalled the scene of the blind date that day: calm, calm, smile as elegant as a chrysanthemum, and the whole person was very impressive.

She smiled lightly, the corners of her lips raised beautifully, and when she opened her eyes, she reached out and touched his handsome face:

"Yes, Qianfan is the only one who has passed by. Do you think this is fate? After looking at so many, I picked and chose the one I liked the most, only to find that there is something like this between us. A kind of entanglement.”

"I told you before, you are my destined woman!"

He smiled, leaned over and kissed her proudly, causing her to laugh softly.

Happiness shines between their eyebrows, shining brighter than diamonds under the sun.

She hopes that all her good friends can have such happiness.

Life is too short, and no one should waste their years.

She also hopes that Mu Bai can have a brand new love one day...


On the other side, Xiao Jinghuan was watching Xiao Yizan's daze, and countless sorrows surged in her heart, hurting her heart and intestines.

When her cell phone rang, she was afraid of waking up the child, so she grabbed the phone as quickly as possible. When she saw the call, she lowered her voice and asked:

"Have things progressed?"

"Yes, we found him."

the other party replied.

Xiao Jinghuan's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Really, just wait, I'll be right over..."

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